lake hallie, village ofLake Hallie, Village of, see Chippewa County
lakesLakes, see also Shoreland zoning
Lake monitoring and protection: purposes for which DNR may pay costs under contract expanded and DNR may use portion of funding designated for river protection grants - Act 250
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: board of commissioners membership modified re 2015 WisAct25; lake controlled by a dam provision - Act 140
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: board of commissioners membership revised - Act 25
Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties - Act 387
Submerged land under the waters of Green Bay conveyed to Brown County for same purposes as Chapter 15, Laws of 1977; DNR appendix report - Act 111
Town located entirely on an island in Lake Superior and authorized to exercise village powers: county shoreland zoning ordinance does not apply if a more restrictive town ordinance is enacted - Act 146
TID revisions on the restriction on vacant land and calculation of the initial tax incremental base - Act 255
Town located entirely on an island in Lake Superior and authorized to exercise village powers: county shoreland zoning ordinance does not apply if a more restrictive town ordinance is enacted - Act 146
land _ registration of titleLand -- Registration of title
Adverse possession by or against the state or a political subdivision prohibited; exception provisions - Act 219
Affidavit of interruption of adverse possession or use of real estate provisions created - Act 200
land _ taxationLand -- Taxation, see Property tax
Property rights regulation revisions re local government restrictions on sale, purchase, development, or occupancy of real property and individual notice requirements; vested rights; shoreland zoning; resolution of challenge to zoning restrictions; supermajority vote to down zone a property; content of economic impact analysis of proposed administrative rules; standard for judicial review of certain state agency actions and decisions; and DNR and DATCP contested case hearings - Act 391
landlord and tenantLandlord and tenant
Landlord and tenant law revisions: local government authority, historic landmark designation, automatic sprinklers in multifamily dwellings, towing vehicles from private property, termination of tenancy, trespass, and disposal of personal property left by trespasser; DOT and criminal activity provisions - Act 176
law enforcement standards boardLaw Enforcement Standards Board
``Law enforcement officer" definition includes Marquette University police officers [Sec. 3512b] - Act 55
lawyerLawyer, see Attorney
layoffLayoff, see Unemployment
lead or lead poisoningLead or lead poisoning, see Public health
ledgeview, town ofLedgeview, Town of, see Brown County
legal aidLegal aid, see also Public assistance
TANF funding for general education development testing and preparation, adult literacy grants, and civil legal services grants; DCF duties [Sec. 1749m, 1750g, 1758m, 9106 (2q)] - Act 55
legal noticeLegal notice, see Public document
legislative audit bureauLegislative Audit Bureau
LAB authority to access all state agency documents clarified; GAB to provide investigatory records to LAB - Act 2
LAB duties: performing audits at the request of the Governor removed [Sec. 65n, 66d] - Act 55
Moneys received by DNR for forestry activities: LAB audit [Sec. 9132 (3f)] [vetoed] - Act 55
Recidivism reduction program for City of Milwaukee created: DCF may contract with private organization to conduct the program; LAB audit and JCF approval required; ``pay-for-performance contract" defined [Sec. 1785m, 9152 (1c)] [9152 (1c) -- vetoed; 1785m -- partial veto] - Act 55
State highway program: LAB to conduct a performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9145 (1d)] [vetoed] - Act 55
legislative fiscal bureauLegislative Fiscal Bureau
Federal moneys received by DWD transferred to LIRC re unemployment administration and equal rights functions (remedial legislation) - Act 194
legislative reference bureauLegislative Reference Bureau
Decennial census: municipal clerks required to report confirming municipality and ward boundaries, transmit to LTSB instead of LRB, and LTSB duties specified; exception to permit creation of a ward after a decennial ward revision [Sec. 2-7, 75-77, 1960, 1963, 1964, 1966, 9329 (1)] - Act 55
Prescription drug monitoring program changes re timing of submission of records, disclosure of records, and review of patient's records exemptions; DSPS Secretary to notify LRB when the program is operational; emergency rule and personally identifiable information provisions - Act 266
Secretary of State: location of office, lapse to general fund, and legal publication of proposed constitutional amendments transferred to LRB [Sec. 94m, 96j, 1104v, 9239 (1q), 9339 (1q)] - Act 55
legislative technology services bureauLegislative Technology Services Bureau
Decennial census: municipal clerks required to report confirming municipality and ward boundaries, transmit to LTSB instead of LRB, and LTSB duties specified; exception to permit creation of a ward after a decennial ward revision [Sec. 2-7, 75-77, 1960, 1963, 1964, 1966, 9329 (1)] - Act 55
legislatureLegislature, see also Redistricting
GAB eliminated and replaced with an Elections Commission and an Ethics Commission; investigations, advisory opinions, and reports provisions; DOA, JCF, and JCLO duties [partial veto] - Act 118
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact ratified; MEB annual report required; sunset provision - Act 116
JCLO cochairpersons required to ensure certain appropriation lapse [Sec. 9227 (1)] - Act 55
legislature _ audit committee, joint legislativeLegislature -- Audit Committee, Joint Legislative
Moneys received by DNR for forestry activities: LAB audit [Sec. 9132 (3f)] [vetoed] - Act 55
State highway program: LAB to conduct a performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9145 (1d)] [vetoed] - Act 55
WEDC unassigned balance policy established and submitted to JCF and JLAC; economic development grants awarded [Sec. 3960g, 9150 (5d), (5dc)] [9150 (5dc) -- vetoed] - Act 55
legislature _ billsLegislature -- Bills, see Bills, Legislative
legislature _ employment relations, joint committee onLegislature -- Employment Relations, Joint Committee on
Group health insurance programs: GIB required to submit proposed changes to JCOER annually for approval; DOA Division of Personnel Management provision [Sec. 1389r, 9112 (3j)] [vetoed] - Act 55
LTE and part-time employee hours threshold changed re employer contribution to health insurance premiums; compensation plan salary group revisions re certain DETF executives; JCOER provision - Act 58
Milwaukee child welfare employee retention plan: DCF required to submit to JCOER, funding provision [Sec. 9106 (2r)] - Act 55
legislature _ finance, joint committee onLegislature -- Finance, Joint Committee on, see also Reports
Community mental health services funding: certain appropriations consolidated to form; certain relocation programs eliminated; DHS required to consult Wisconsin Counties Association and other organizations interested in mental health and get JCF approval before implementing distribution method [Sec. 693, 694, 701, 702, 1518-1524, 1536, 1537, 1633, 1802, 1897-1900, 9118 (1), (1q), 9418 (1)] [9118 (1q) -- vetoed] - Act 55
Contingent funding for major highway and rehabilitation projects: DOT bonding authority, JCF approval, and sunset provision [Sec. 656g, t, 877m, 2547g, t, 2569u, 9145 (1v)] - Act 55
County-to-county nursing home bed transfers: DHS to develop policy; report to JCF required [Sec. 9118 (7g)] [vetoed] - Act 55
Distance Learning Authorization Board created and attached to HEAB; JCF duties - Act 208
DOR FTE auditor positions: report to JCF required, sunset provision [Sec. 9137 (1j)] [partial veto] - Act 55
Family Care and IRIS services: DHS to expand to Rock County; exemption from certain contract requirement and JCF approval - Act 127
Family Care programs, IRIS, and long-term care program revisions; DHS to administer in every county, federal waiver provision, JCF approval of plan and waiver; aging and disability resource centers evaluation and reports required; Children's Community Options Program created; Medicaid services division created [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Nursing homes and adult care"] - Act 55
Freight optimization modeling: DOT may contract for services; WEDC and DOT to conduct a study and report to JCF [Sec. 655e, 2547d, 9145 (4f)] [vetoed] - Act 55
GAB eliminated and replaced with an Elections Commission and an Ethics Commission; investigations, advisory opinions, and reports provisions; DOA, JCF, and JCLO duties [partial veto] - Act 118
Income tax reciprocity agreements reached with other states: JCF approval required [Sec. 2117e, 2226e, em] [vetoed] - Act 55
Information technology services for certain agencies and shared agency services pilot program: DOA to develop plan and submit to JCF [Sec. 9101 (5n)] [partial veto] - Act 55
Interoperability Council report to JCF required [Sec. 9101 (7j)] - Act 55
MA demonstration project re health care coverage for low-income, childless adults under age 65: DHS to request amendment to DHHS wavier; quarterly report to JCF required [Sec. 1796, 1797, 9118 (6)] [1797 -- partial veto] - Act 55
Management of national forest land and cooperative agreement provisions; master plan for northern state forests; MFL group certification and closed acreage fees; DNR cannot prohibit persons engaged in silviculture from crossing a recreational trail; report and plans to JCF required [Sec. 619m, 621m, 632m, 974m, 1047m, 1050m, 2530m-q, 2531x, 3581m, 9132 (4v)-(4vx), 9332 (2u)] [9132 (4vw), (4vx) -- partial veto] - Act 55
Opioid addiction treatment pilot program for treating offenders: Corr.Dept to submit plan to JCF [Sec. 9108 (1d)] - Act 55
Public employee group health insurance: GIB to notify JCF of intent to execute a contract to provide self-insured group health plans; JCF approval; DPM provision - Act 119
Recidivism reduction program for City of Milwaukee created: DCF may contract with private organization to conduct the program; LAB audit and JCF approval required; ``pay-for-performance contract" defined [Sec. 1785m, 9152 (1c)] [9152 (1c) -- vetoed; 1785m -- partial veto] - Act 55
School accountability report performance categories replaced with letter grades and other revisions; Superintendent of Public Instruction duties revised; UW--Madison Value-Added Research Center to approve alternative examinations a school may consider; waiver requirement and JCF duties [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under “School – Evaluation and testing”] - Act 55
Sporting heritage grants and Fox River Navigational System Authority funding repealed; funding for Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission; forestry and fire prevention study revised [Sec. 635, 635d, 1036c-e, 1057, 3949, 3950, 9132 (4c), 9432 (1c)] - Act 55
Stewardship 2000 program land acquisition: JCF review modified [Sec. 961p, t] - Act 55
Supplemental snowmobile trail aids: insufficient funding revision [Sec. 4359m] [vetoed] - Act 55
Transportation fund solvency study: DOT to conduct and report to JCF [Sec. 9145 (5f)] - Act 55
WEDC unassigned balance policy established and submitted to JCF and JLAC; economic development grants awarded [Sec. 3960g, 9150 (5d), (5dc)] [9150 (5dc) -- vetoed] - Act 55
legislature _ legislative organization, joint committee onLegislature -- Legislative Organization, Joint Committee on
100th Anniversary State Capitol Commemoration Committee: JCLO to establish [Sec. 9127 (1j)] [vetoed] - Act 55
GAB eliminated and replaced with an Elections Commission and an Ethics Commission; investigations, advisory opinions, and reports provisions; DOA, JCF, and JCLO duties [partial veto] - Act 118
JCLO cochairpersons required to ensure certain appropriation lapse [Sec. 9227 (1)] - Act 55