Producer-led watershed, lake, and river protection grants: eligibility expanded - Act 5
Tribal elder community food box program; funding from tribal gaming receipts [Sec. 53, 145, 385] - Act 19
Appleton International Airport improvements funding [Sec. 93, 9144 (3)] - Act 19
Fuel pipeline extension from Mitchell International Airport to the Port of Milwaukee: harbor assistance grant [Sec. 92, 9144 (2)] - Act 19
Nuisance wildlife management at airports by designated personnel: exceptions to shining animals, possessing firearms or bow or crossbow, and discharging firearms prohibitions; rule created [Admin.Code NR 12.10] - Act 51
Respiratory care practitioners allowed as part of ambulance staffing on any aircraft transporting pediatric patients between hospitals - Act 176
alcohol and other drug abuseAlcohol and other drug abuse
Crisis urgent care and observation facilities: DHS to establish certification process and grants program; MA waiver provision; report required; crisis hostels provision - Act 249
Recovery high school grants created; report required; JCF supplemental appropriation - Act 72
Recovery high schools: DPI grants [Sec. 68] - Act 19
UI drug testing program: DWD required to promulgate rules immediately [vetoed] - Se3 SB1
UI law changes: name changed to "reemployment assistance," general qualifying requirements, drug testing, and Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) grants [vetoed] - AB150
alcohol beverageAlcohol beverage, see also Drunken driving
Laws under DOR’s purview: enforcement and administration changes; electronic vaping device directory created, report required; Division of Alcohol Beverages created in DOR; rule repealed [Admin.Code Tax 8.87] - Act 73
alcohol beverage _ regulationAlcohol beverage — Regulation
Class "B," "Class B," and "Class C" licensed retailers and certain retail outlets located in specified counties: closing hours exception during a 2024 national political convention in Milwaukee - Act 73
Laws under DOR’s purview: enforcement and administration changes; electronic vaping device directory created, report required; Division of Alcohol Beverages created in DOR; rule repealed [Admin.Code Tax 8.87] - Act 73
alcohol beverage _ taxationAlcohol beverage — Taxation
Laws under DOR’s purview: enforcement and administration changes; electronic vaping device directory created, report required; Division of Alcohol Beverages created in DOR; rule repealed [Admin.Code Tax 8.87] - Act 73
alzheimer_s diseaseAlzheimer's disease, see Disease
anatomical giftAnatomical gift, see Transplant
Nuisance wildlife management at airports by designated personnel: exceptions to shining animals, possessing firearms or bow or crossbow, and discharging firearms prohibitions; rule created [Admin.Code NR 12.10] - Act 51
Wildlife control in urban communities program: grant eligibility expanded - Act 50
Wolf population: statewide goal part of the wolf management plan [vetoed] - SB139
animal _ diseaseAnimal — Disease
Ban on baiting deer in counties with confirmed positive CWD or bovine TB tests modified [vetoed] - AB34
animal _ treatmentAnimal — Treatment
Preemption of local animal regulations re areas zoned exclusively or primarily for agricultural use [vetoed] - AB957
antigo city ofAntigo, City of, see Langlade County
appeals court _ judgeAppeals court — Judge, see Judge
appleton city ofAppleton, City of, see Outagamie County
Apprenticeship grants for technical college and tribal college students created; TCS Board and HEAB to award [vetoed] - Se3 SB1
Teacher preparatory program must require one to four semesters of student teaching; DPI report modified and teacher apprenticeship program established [vetoed] - SB917
appropriationAppropriation, see also Budget bills and process; Federal aid; Shared revenue; specific agency or department
Appropriation schedule repealed and recreated; general effective dates [Sec. 49-51, 9400] [50 -- partial veto] - Act 19
Authorized State Building Program for 2023-25 amended to add UW System projects; transfer from general fund to capital improvement fund; UW Regents' plan to honor state veterans required - Act 102
Building program revisions re budget modifications and report requirement, selection of project architects and engineers, single prime contracting exception, project bidding procedures, cooperation with energy conservation contractors, and utilities costs; timeline for Claims Board to hear and determine claims related to contracts; transfer from general fund to building trust fund [vetoed] - SB932
General fund transfers to the transportation fund re electric vehicle sales tax [Sec. 38] - Act 19
Required general fund structural balance shall not apply to legislation enacted during the 2023-24 legislative session [Sec. 9128 (1)] - Act 19
State building trust fund transfer to the general fund; hospital emergency department services grants funding [partial veto] - Act 97
Transfer from general fund to transportation fund [Sec. 9244 (1)] - Act 19
aquatic facilityAquatic facility, see Athletics
aquatic plant or weedAquatic plant or weed, see Plants
Building program revisions re budget modifications and report requirement, selection of project architects and engineers, single prime contracting exception, project bidding procedures, cooperation with energy conservation contractors, and utilities costs; timeline for Claims Board to hear and determine claims related to contracts; transfer from general fund to building trust fund [vetoed] - SB932
Design professional services: prohibiting enforcement of indemnification provision in a contract with the state or a political subdivision - Act 211
ashland countyAshland County
Harbor Commission of the Town of La Pointe established and investigating potential for ferry service between Wisconsin mainland and Town of La Pointe: DOA grants; sunset provision [Sec. 138, 139, 9130 (1)] - Act 19
Property tax levy rate limitation for the Town of Sanborn [Sec. 315, 320, 9144 (12)] [vetoed] - Act 19
asian americans and pacific islandersAsian Americans and Pacific Islanders, see Minority groups
assaultAssault, see Sex crimes
assembly districtAssembly district, see Redistricting
assembly unlawfulAssembly, Unlawful
Picketing or parading at the residence of a judge with intent to impede administration of justice or influence a judge made a crime - Act 234
asthmaAsthma, see Disease
Local professional baseball park district: administration and governing body changes; lease and nonrelocation agreements; facilities improvement funding; ticket surcharge; Milwaukee County sales tax and pension obligation bonds; audit and redevelopment report required - Act 40
Local professional baseball park district and professional football stadium district: obsolete appropriations repealed [Sec. 154, 155, 169, 170, 351, 352, 9437 (1)] - Act 19
Local professional baseball park district: funding for grants and short-term loans for improvements, repair, and maintenance; administration of county and municipal sales tax provisions - Act 41
Walter Schroeder Aquatic Center in Village of Brown Deer: DOA grant; sunset provision [Sec. 136, 137, 9130 (2)] - Act 19
atm _automated teller machine_ATM (Automated teller machine), see Financial institution
attorney _ feeAttorney — Fee
Private attorney rate increased for cases assigned by SPD [Sec. 471, 472] - Act 19
attorney generalAttorney General, see also Justice, Department of
Payment card networks prohibited from using firearm merchant codes for retail payment card transactions; governmental entities prohibited from keeping lists of firearms owners, exception for criminal investigations or prosecutions; AG authority [vetoed] - SB466
Vacancies in certain elective state offices: appointment by Governor replaced with special election; exception provided [vetoed] - AB476
attorney general_s opinionAttorney General's opinion
Sex offender registry and notification requirements: counting convictions and findings codified re OAG-02-17 - Act 254
atv _all_terrain vehicle_ATV (All-terrain vehicle), see Recreation vehicle
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact ratified; emergency rule provision - Act 56
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact ratified; emergency rule provision [vetoed] - Se3 SB1
audiovisual worksAudiovisual works, see Data processing
baiting animalsBaiting animals, see Hunting