NR 440.76(13)(f)2.f.f. Particulate matter.
NR 440.76(13)(f)2.g.g. Hydrogen chloride.
NR 440.76(13)(f)2.h.h. Fugitive ash.
NR 440.76(13)(f)3.3. The test report that documents the initial stack tests including supporting calculations.
NR 440.76(13)(f)4.4. The initial performance evaluation of your continuous emissions monitoring systems. Use the applicable performance specifications in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix B, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1), in conducting the evaluation.
NR 440.76(13)(f)5.5. The maximum demonstrated load of your municipal waste combustion unit and the maximum demonstrated temperature of the flue gases at the inlet of the particulate matter control device. Use values established during your initial stack test for dioxins/furans emissions and include supporting calculations.
NR 440.76(13)(f)6.6. If your municipal waste combustion unit uses activated carbon to control dioxins/furans or mercury emissions, the average carbon feed rates that you recorded during the initial stack tests for dioxins/furans and mercury emissions. Include supporting calculations as specified in sub. (12) (g) 1. a. and b.
NR 440.76(13)(f)7.7. If you choose to monitor carbon dioxide instead of oxygen as a diluent gas, documentation of the relationship between oxygen and carbon dioxide, as specified in sub. (9) (g).
NR 440.76(13)(g)(g) When must I submit the annual report? You shall submit the annual report no later than February 1 of each year that follows the calendar year in which you collected the data. If you have an operating permit for any unit under Title V of the Act (42 USC 7661 to 7661f), the permit may require you to submit semiannual reports. Chapter NR 407 contains program requirements for operating permits.
NR 440.76(13)(h)(h) What must I include in my annual report? You shall summarize data collected for all pollutants and parameters regulated under this section. Your summary shall include the following 12 items:
NR 440.76(13)(h)1.1. The results of the annual stack test, using appropriate units, for the following 8 pollutants, as recorded under sub. (12) (e) 1.:
NR 440.76(13)(h)1.a.a. Dioxins/furans.
NR 440.76(13)(h)1.e.e. Particulate matter.
NR 440.76(13)(h)1.g.g. Hydrogen chloride.
NR 440.76(13)(h)1.h.h. Fugitive ash.
NR 440.76(13)(h)2.2. A list of the highest average levels recorded, in the appropriate units, for the following 5 pollutants or parameters:
NR 440.76(13)(h)2.a.a. Sulfur dioxide emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(h)2.b.b. For Class I municipal waste combustion units only, nitrogen oxides emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(h)2.c.c. Carbon monoxide emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(h)2.d.d. Load level of the municipal waste combustion unit.
NR 440.76(13)(h)2.e.e. Temperature of the flue gases at the inlet of the particulate matter air pollution control device, expressed as a 4-hour block average.
NR 440.76(13)(h)3.3. The highest 6-minute opacity level measured. You shall base the value on all 6-minute average opacity levels recorded by your continuous opacity monitoring system under sub. (12) (f) 1. a.
NR 440.76(13)(h)4.4. For municipal waste combustion units that use activated carbon for controlling dioxins/furans or mercury emissions, include the following 4 records:
NR 440.76(13)(h)4.a.a. The average carbon feed rates recorded during the most recent dioxins/furans and mercury stack tests.
NR 440.76(13)(h)4.b.b. The lowest 8-hour block average carbon feed rate recorded during the year.
NR 440.76(13)(h)4.c.c. The total carbon purchased and delivered to the municipal waste combustion plant for each calendar quarter. If you choose to evaluate total carbon purchased and delivered on a municipal waste combustion unit basis, record the total carbon purchased and delivered for each individual municipal waste combustion unit at your plant.
NR 440.76(13)(h)4.d.d. The required quarterly carbon usage of your municipal waste combustion plant calculated using the equation in sub. (15) (f) 1. or 2. If you choose to evaluate required quarterly usage for carbon on a municipal waste combustion unit basis, record the required quarterly usage for each municipal waste combustion unit at your plant.
NR 440.76(13)(h)5.5. The total number of days that you did not obtain the minimum number of hours of data for the following 6 pollutants or parameters. Include the reasons you did not obtain the data and corrective actions that you have taken to obtain the data in the future. Include data on all of the following:
NR 440.76(13)(h)5.a.a. Sulfur dioxide emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(h)5.b.b. For Class I municipal waste combustion units only, nitrogen oxides emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(h)5.c.c. Carbon monoxide emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(h)5.d.d. Load level of the municipal waste combustion unit.
NR 440.76(13)(h)5.e.e. Temperature of the flue gases at the inlet of the particulate matter air pollution control device.
NR 440.76(13)(h)5.f.f. Carbon feed rate.
NR 440.76(13)(h)6.6. The number of hours you have excluded data from the calculation of average levels and the reasons for excluding the data. Include data for the following 6 pollutants or parameters:
NR 440.76(13)(h)6.a.a. Sulfur dioxide emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(h)6.b.b. For Class I municipal waste combustion units only, nitrogen oxides emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(h)6.c.c. Carbon monoxide emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(h)6.d.d. Load level of the municipal waste combustion unit.
NR 440.76(13)(h)6.e.e. Temperature of the flue gases at the inlet of the particulate matter air pollution control device.
NR 440.76(13)(h)6.f.f. Carbon feed rate.
NR 440.76(13)(h)7.7. A notice of your intent to begin a reduced stack testing schedule for dioxins/furans emissions during the following calendar year, if you are eligible for alternative scheduling under sub. (10) (e) 1. or 2.
NR 440.76(13)(h)8.8. A notice of your intent to begin a reduced stack testing schedule for other pollutants during the following calendar year if you are eligible for alternative scheduling under sub. (10) (e) 1.
NR 440.76(13)(h)9.9. A summary of any emission or parameter level that did not meet the limits specified in this section.
NR 440.76(13)(h)10.10. A summary of the data in subds. 1. to 4. from the year preceding the reporting year which give the department a summary of the performance of the municipal waste combustion unit over a 2-year period.
NR 440.76(13)(h)11.11. If you choose to monitor carbon dioxide instead of oxygen as a diluent gas, documentation of the relationship between oxygen and carbon dioxide, as specified in sub. (9) (g).
NR 440.76(13)(h)12.12. Documentation of periods when all certified chief facility operators and certified shift supervisors are offsite for more than 12 hours.
NR 440.76(13)(i)(i) What must I do if I am out of compliance with the requirements of this section? You shall submit a semiannual report on any recorded emission or parameter level that does not meet the requirements specified in this section.
NR 440.76(13)(j)(j) If a semiannual report is required, when must I submit it?
NR 440.76(13)(j)1.1. For data collected during the first half of a calendar year, you shall submit your semiannual report by August 1 of that year.
NR 440.76(13)(j)2.2. For data you collected during the second half of the calendar year, you shall submit your semiannual report by February 1 of the following year.
NR 440.76(13)(k)(k) What must I include in the semiannual out-of-compliance reports? You shall include the following 3 items in the semiannual report:
NR 440.76(13)(k)1.1. For any of the following 6 pollutants or parameters that exceeded the limits specified in this section, include the calendar date they exceeded the limits, the averaged and recorded data for that date, the reasons for exceeding the limits, and your corrective actions:
NR 440.76(13)(k)1.a.a. Concentration or percent reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(k)1.b.b. For Class I municipal waste combustion units only, concentration of nitrogen oxides emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(k)1.c.c. Concentration of carbon monoxide emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(k)1.d.d. Load level of your municipal waste combustion unit.
NR 440.76(13)(k)1.e.e. Temperature of the flue gases at the inlet of your particulate matter air pollution control device.
NR 440.76(13)(k)1.f.f. Average 6-minute opacity level.
NR 440.76 NoteNote: The data obtained from your continuous opacity monitoring system are not used to determine compliance with the limit on opacity emissions.
NR 440.76(13)(k)2.2. If the results of your annual stack tests, as recorded in sub. (12) (e) 1., show emissions above the limits specified in Table 1 of this section for dioxins/furans, cadmium, lead, mercury, particulate matter, opacity, hydrogen chloride or fugitive ash, include a copy of the test report that documents the emission levels and your corrective actions.
NR 440.76(13)(k)3.3. For municipal waste combustion units that apply activated carbon to control dioxins/furans or mercury emissions, include the following 2 items:
NR 440.76(13)(k)3.a.a. Documentation of all dates when the 8-hour block average carbon feed rate, calculated from the carbon injection system operating parameter, is less than the highest carbon feed rate established during the most recent mercury or dioxins/furans stack test, as specified in sub. (12) (g) 1. a. Include the following 4 items:
1) Eight-hour average carbon feed rate.
2) Reasons for occurrences of low carbon feed rates.
3) The corrective actions you have taken to meet the carbon feed rate requirement.
4) The calendar date.
NR 440.76(13)(k)3.b.b. Documentation of each quarter when total carbon purchased and delivered to the municipal waste combustion plant is less than the total required quarterly usage of carbon. If you choose to evaluate total carbon purchased and delivered on a municipal waste combustion unit basis, record the total carbon purchased and delivered for each individual municipal waste combustion unit at your plant. Include the following 5 items:
1) Amount of carbon purchased and delivered to the plant.
2) Required quarterly usage of carbon.
3) Reasons for not meeting the required quarterly usage of carbon.
4) The corrective actions you have taken to meet the required quarterly usage of carbon.
5) The calendar date.
NR 440.76(13)(L)(L) Can reporting dates be changed?
NR 440.76(13)(L)1.1. If the department agrees, you may change the semiannual or annual reporting dates.
NR 440.76(13)(L)2.2. Section NR 440.185 (3) specifies the procedures to seek approval to change your reporting date.
NR 440.76(14)(14)Air curtain incinerators that burn 100% yard waste.
NR 440.76(14)(a)(a) What are the emission limits for air curtain incinerators that burn 100% yard waste? If your air curtain incinerator combusts 100% yard waste, only the emission limits in this subsection apply.
NR 440.76(14)(a)1.1. Within 60 days after your air curtain incinerator reaches the maximum load level at which it will operate, but no later than 180 days after its initial startup, you shall meet the following 2 limits:
NR 440.76(14)(a)1.a.a. The opacity limit is 10% (6-minute average) for air curtain incinerators that can combust at least 35 tons per day of municipal solid waste and no more than 250 tons per day of municipal solid waste.
NR 440.76(14)(a)1.b.b. The opacity limit is 35% (6-minute average) during the startup period that is within the first 30 minutes of operation.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.