1(d) "Performing rights society" means an association or corporation that
2licenses the public performance of musical works on behalf of one or more copyright
SB379-SSA1,2,44 (e) "Proprietor" means the owner of a retail establishment or a restaurant.
SB379-SSA1,2,75 (f) "Restaurant" includes an inn, bar, tavern or sports or entertainment facility
6in which the public may assemble and in which musical works may be performed or
7otherwise transmitted for the enjoyment of the public.
SB379-SSA1,2,98 (g) "Royalties" means the fees payable to a copyright owner or performing
9rights society for the public performance of a musical work.
SB379-SSA1,2,10 10(2) Duties. A performing rights society shall do all of the following:
SB379-SSA1,2,1111 (a) File annually for public inspection with the department all of the following:
SB379-SSA1,2,1412 1. A certified copy of each document that is used at the time of filing by the
13performing rights society to enter into a contract with a proprietor doing business in
14this state.
SB379-SSA1,2,1715 2. A list, that is the most current list available at the time of the filing, of the
16copyright owners who are represented by the performing rights society and of the
17musical works licensed by the performing rights society.
SB379-SSA1,2,2118 (b) Make available, upon request of a proprietor, information as to whether a
19specific musical work is licensed under a contract entered into by the performing
20rights society and a copyright owner. A proprietor may request this information by
21telephone or other electronic means.
SB379-SSA1,2,2322 (c) Make available, upon written request of a proprietor and at the sole expense
23of a proprietor, any of the information required to be on file under par. (a).
SB379-SSA1,3,8 24(3) Disclosure requirements. (a) No performing rights society may offer to
25enter into, or offer to enter into, a contract for the payment of royalties by a proprietor

1unless the performing rights society, at the time of the offer or between the time of
2the offer and 72 hours before the execution of the contract, provides to the proprietor
3a written notice of all of the obligations of the performing rights society as specified
4under sub. (2). The written notice shall also contain a statement as to whether the
5performing rights society is in compliance with any applicable federal law or court
6order that relates to the rates and terms of royalties to be paid by the proprietor or
7that relates to the circumstances or methods under which contracts subject to this
8section are offered to the proprietor.
SB379-SSA1,3,109 (b) No performing rights society may make an incomplete or false disclosure
10in the written notice required under par. (a).
SB379-SSA1,3,13 11(4) Contract requirements. (a) A contract entered into or renewed in this
12state by a proprietor and a performing rights society for the payment of royalties
13shall be in writing and signed by the parties.
SB379-SSA1,3,1414 (b) The information in the contract shall include all of the following:
SB379-SSA1,3,1615 1. The proprietor's name and business address and the name and location of
16each retail establishment and restaurant to which the contract applies.
SB379-SSA1,3,1717 2. The name of the performing rights society.
SB379-SSA1,3,1818 3. The length of the contract.
SB379-SSA1,3,2119 4. The schedule of rates and terms of the royalties to be collected under the
20contract, including any sliding scale or schedule for any increase or decrease of the
21rates during the term of the contract.
SB379-SSA1,3,23 22(5) Prohibited practices. No employe or agent of a performing rights society
23may do any of the following:
SB379-SSA1,4,224 (a) Enter the business premises of a proprietor to discuss a contract under this
25section with the proprietor or his or her employes, without identifying himself or

1herself and making known the purpose of the visit before commencing any further
2communication with the proprietor or the proprietor's employes.
SB379-SSA1,4,43 (b) Engage in any coercive conduct, act or practice that disrupts the business
4premises of a proprietor in a substantial manner.
SB379-SSA1,4,65 (c) Use or attempt to use any deceptive act or practice in negotiating a contract
6with a proprietor or in collecting royalties from a proprietor.
SB379-SSA1,4,77 (d) Fail to comply with the requirements imposed under subs. (2), (3) and (4).
SB379-SSA1,4,11 8(6) Civil remedy. Any person damaged as a result of a violation of this section
9may bring a civil action to recover damages, court costs and, notwithstanding s.
10814.04 (1), reasonable attorney fees. The person may also request in the action any
11other legal or equitable relief.
SB379-SSA1,4,13 12(7) Other rights and remedies. This section does not limit any other right or
13remedy provided by law.
SB379-SSA1, s. 2 14Section 2. Initial applicability.
SB379-SSA1,4,16 151 The treatment of section 134.24 (3) and (4) of the statutes first applies to
16contracts entered into or renewed on the effective date of this subsection.
SB379-SSA1, s. 3 17Section 3. Effective date.
SB379-SSA1,4,19 181This act takes effect on the first day of the 3rd month beginning after