1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
To 1995 SENATE BILL 624
April 18, 1996 - Offered by Committee on Children and Families.
SB624-AA3,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
SB624-AA3,1,2 21. Page 12, line 16: after that line insert:
SB624-AA3,1,4 3" Section 15m. 48.396 (2) (ag) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB624-AA3,1,115 48.396 (2) (ag) Upon request of the parent, guardian or legal custodian of a
6child who is the subject of a record of a court specified in par. (a), or upon request of
7the child, if 14 years of age or over, the court shall open for inspection by the parent,
8guardian, legal custodian or child the records of the court relating to that child,
9unless the court finds, after due notice and hearing, that inspection of those records
10by the parent, guardian or legal custodian would result in imminent danger to the
SB624-AA3,1,12 122. Page 12, line 25: delete "the child" and substitute "anyone".
SB624-AA3,1,13 133. Page 13, line 21: delete "the child" and substitute "anyone".
SB624-AA3,1,14 144. Page 14, line 6: delete " the child" and substitute "anyone".
SB624-AA3,1,15 155. Page 18, line 2: after that line insert:
1" Section 28m. 118.125 (2) (n) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is repealed.".
SB624-AA3,2,4 36. Page 55, line 4: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
4amendment 3 and substitute:
SB624-AA3,2,6 5" Section 109n. 938.396 (1) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB624-AA3,2,207 938.396 (1) Law enforcement officers' records of juveniles shall be kept
8separate from records of adults. Law enforcement officers' records of juveniles shall
9not be open to inspection or their contents disclosed except under sub. (1b), (1d), (1g),
10(1m), (1r), or (1t) or (1v) or s. 938.293 or by order of the court. This subsection does
11not apply to representatives of the news media who wish to obtain information for
12the purpose of reporting news without revealing the identity of the juvenile involved,
13to victim-witness coordinators, to victims of a juvenile's act who wish to obtain
14information for the purpose of recovering for any loss, damage or injury suffered as
15a result of the juvenile's act, to insurance companies that wish to obtain information
16for the purpose of investigating a claim involving the juvenile,
to the confidential
17exchange of information between the police and officials of the school attended by the
18juvenile or other law enforcement or social welfare agencies or to juveniles 10 years
19of age or older who are subject to the jurisdiction of the court of criminal
SB624-AA3,2,22 217. Page 55, line 9: after that line, on page 5 of the material inserted by senate
22amendment 3, delete lines 10 to 20 and substitute:
SB624-AA3,2,24 23" Section 110s. 938.396 (1v) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is repealed.
SB624-AA3, s. 110t
1Section 110t. 938.396 (2) (a) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB624-AA3,3,133 938.396 (2) (a) Records of the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this
4chapter and ch. 48 and of courts exercising jurisdiction under s. 938.17 (2) shall be
5entered in books or deposited in files kept for that purpose only. They shall not be
6open to inspection or their contents disclosed except by order of the court assigned
7to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 or as permitted under this
8section. If a court opens for inspection or discloses the contents of a record as
9permitted under this section, the court shall immediately notify the juvenile who is
10the subject of the record and the juvenile's parent, guardian or legal custodian of that
11inspection or disclosure and shall immediately provide to the juvenile and the
12parent, guardian or legal custodian the record inspected or the information
SB624-AA3, s. 110u 14Section 110u. 938.396 (2) (ag) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin
15Act 77
, is amended to read:
SB624-AA3,3,2216 938.396 (2) (ag) Upon request of the parent, guardian or legal custodian of a
17juvenile who is the subject of a record of a court specified in par. (a), or upon request
18of the juvenile, if 14 years of age or over, the court shall open for inspection by the
19parent, guardian, legal custodian or juvenile the records of the court relating to that
20juvenile, unless the court finds, after due notice and hearing, that inspection of those
21records by the parent, guardian or legal custodian would result in imminent danger
22to the juvenile anyone.".".
SB624-AA3,3,23 238. Page 55, line 18: delete "the child" and substitute "anyone".
SB624-AA3,3,24 249. Page 61, line 16: delete "the juvenile" and substitute "anyone".
110. Page 62, line 2: delete "the juvenile" and substitute "anyone".