1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
September 16, 1997 - Offered by Representatives Morris-Tatum and L. Young.
AB100-ASA1-AA10,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the substitute amendment as follows:
AB100-ASA1-AA10,1,5 21. Page 187, line 3: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
3$515,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $515,000 to
4increase funding for the Milwaukee foster care and adoption project under section
546.48 (15) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
AB100-ASA1-AA10,1,6 62. Page 679, line 13: delete lines 13 to 24.
AB100-ASA1-AA10,1,7 73. Page 680, line 1: delete lines 1 to 11 and substitute:
AB100-ASA1-AA10,1,8 8" Section 1489m. 46.48 (15) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA10,1,119 46.48 (15) (a) (intro.) The department shall distribute the following amounts
10in each fiscal year to the Career Youth Development Center, the Institute for Child
11and Family Development and Harambe in
Milwaukee county:
AB100-ASA1-AA10, s. 1490m 12Section 1490m. 46.48 (15) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.48 (15) (a) 1. For recruiting, training and licensing new foster parents and
2treatment foster parents for children in Milwaukee county and for providing ongoing
3family reunification services for children and families in Milwaukee county,
4$750,000 $250,000 in each fiscal year to each of those organizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA10, s. 1492m 5Section 1492m. 46.48 (15) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA10,2,86 46.48 (15) (a) 2. For purchasing foster parent and treatment foster parent
7training from a private or educational agency, $150,000 $50,000 in each fiscal year
8to each of those organizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA10, s. 1495m 9Section 1495m. 46.48 (15) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA10,2,1510 46.48 (15) (a) 3. For enhancing Milwaukee county's the capacity to assess the
11needs of children in Milwaukee County who are in long-term foster or treatment
12foster care and children in Milwaukee County who are new to foster or treatment
13foster care, for recruiting and investigating proposed adoptive parents and for
14prosecuting adoption petitions, $130,000 $43,300 in each fiscal year to each of those
AB100-ASA1-AA10, s. 1496m 16Section 1496m. 46.48 (15) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA10,2,2117 46.48 (15) (b) In addition to the amounts distributed under par. (a), if the
18department receives any federal moneys under 42 USC 670 to 679a in
19reimbursement of the amounts distributed under par. (a), the department,
20notwithstanding s. 46.49 (1), shall distribute those moneys to Milwaukee county the
21organizations specified in par. (a)
for the purposes specified in par. (a).".
AB100-ASA1-AA10,2,22 224. Page 2064, line 4: delete "(15) (title), (a) (intro.)".
AB100-ASA1-AA10,2,23 235. Page 2064, line 5: delete "and (b) and".
16. Page 2064, line 19: delete that line and substitute "repeal of section 46.48
2(16) (a) of the statutes, the".