1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
May 11, 1999 - Offered by Joint committee on Finance.
1An Act to repeal 20.115 (4) (g), 20.115 (4) (h), 20.505 (8) (i), 562.077 and 563.05
to renumber 563.135 and 563.80;
to renumber and amend 79.10 (9) (c);
3to amend 20.115 (4) (a), 20.115 (4) (b), 20.435 (7) (kg), 20.455 (2) (g), 20.505 (8)
4(h), 20.505 (8) (j), 20.566 (2) (r), 20.566 (8) (q), 20.835 (3) (q) (title), 25.75 (2),
525.75 (3) (intro.), 25.75 (3) (e), 66.058 (3) (c) 8., 71.07 (3m) (c) 1., 71.28 (2m) (c)
61., 71.47 (2m) (c) 1., 79.10 (1m), 79.10 (2), 79.10 (5), 79.10 (7m) (b) (title) and 1.
7a., 79.10 (9) (bm), 79.10 (11) (title), (b) and (c), 79.11 (2), 79.11 (3) (b), 93.31,
8562.065 (3) (d) (title), 562.065 (3m) (c) (title) and 2., 562.124 (2), 563.13 (4),
9563.16, 563.92 (2), 563.98 (1g) and 565.02 (7);
to repeal and recreate 20.505
10(8) (g); and
to create 20.505 (8) (am), 20.505 (8) (jm), 20.835 (3) (r), 25.75 (3) (f),
1179.10 (1) (dm), 79.10 (7r), 79.10 (9) (c) 2., 79.10 (10), 562.065 (3) (cm), 563.055
12(6), 563.135 (2m), 563.22 (2) (c) and 563.80 (2m) of the statutes;
relating to: the
13property tax lottery credit and making appropriations.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB114-SSA2, s. 1
1. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, insert
2the following amounts for the purposes indicated:
See PDF for table 
(4) (a)
Aid to Wisconsin livestock breeders association. The amounts in
5the schedule
, less moneys available under par. (h), for the purpose of aid to the
6Wisconsin livestock breeders association for the conduct of junior livestock shows
7and other livestock educational programs under s. 93.31.
(4) (b)
Aids to county and district fairs. A sum sufficient The amounts
10in the schedule to provide state aids to counties and agricultural societies,
11associations or boards and to incorporated dairy or livestock associations, not to
12exceed $15,000 per fair as provided in s. 93.23.
No moneys in excess of the difference
13between $585,000 and the amount of moneys available under par. (g) in each fiscal
1year may be expended from this appropriation. If the total due the several counties
2and agricultural societies under this paragraph exceeds
$585,000 the amounts in the
3schedule, the department shall equitably prorate that amount.
SB114-SSA2, s. 6
6. 20.435 (7) (kg) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (kg)
Compulsive gambling awareness campaigns. The amounts in
8the schedule for the purpose of awarding grants under s. 46.03 (43). All moneys
9transferred from
ss. s. 20.505 (8)
(g) and (h)
and 20.566 (8) (q) shall be credited to this
10appropriation account.
SB114-SSA2, s. 7
7. 20.455 (2) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (g)
Gaming law enforcement; racing revenues. From all moneys
13received under ss. 562.02 (2) (f), 562.04 (1) (b) 4. and (2) (d), 562.05 (2), 562.065 (3)
14(cm) and (d)
, (3m) (c) 2. and (4)
and, 562.09 (2) (e)
and 562.124 (2), the amounts in
15the schedule for the performance of the department's gaming law enforcement
16responsibilities as specified in s. 165.70 (3m).
Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the
17unencumbered balance of this appropriation account at the end of each fiscal year
18shall be transferred to the lottery fund.
SB114-SSA2, s. 8
8. 20.505 (8) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
(8) (am)
Interest on racing and bingo moneys. A sum sufficient equal
21to the amount earned by the investment fund on revenues received under pars. (g)
22and (jm) and s. 20.455 (2) (g) for the purpose of transferring this amount to the lottery
SB114-SSA2, s. 9
9. 20.505 (8) (g) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(8) (g)
General program operations; racing. The amounts in the
2schedule for general program operations under ch. 562. All moneys received by the
3department of administration under ss. 562.02 (2) (f), 562.04 (1) (b) 4. and (2) (d),
4562.05 (2), 562.065 (3) (cm) and (d), (3m) (c) 2. and (4), 562.09 (2) (e) and 562.124 (2),
5less the amounts appropriated under s. 20.455 (2) (g), shall be credited to this
6appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered
7balance of this appropriation account at the end of each fiscal year shall be
8transferred to the lottery fund.
(8) (h)
General program operations; Indian gaming. The amounts in the
11schedule for general program operations under ch. 569. All Indian gaming receipts,
12as defined in s. 569.01 (1m), less the amounts appropriated under s. 20.455 (2) (gc),
13shall be credited to this appropriation account. Annually, of the moneys received
14under this appropriation account, an amount equal to
50% of the amount in the
15schedule under s. 20.435 (7) (kg) shall be transferred to the appropriation account
16under s. 20.435 (7) (kg).
(8) (j)
General program operations;
charitable raffles and crane games. 20The amounts in the schedule for general program operations
relating to raffles under
21chs. subchs. II and VIII of ch. 563 and
relating to crane games under ch. 564. All
22moneys received by the department of administration
under ch. 563, except s. 563.80,
23and under
s. ss. 563.92 (2), 563.98 (1g) and 564.02 (2) shall be credited to this
24appropriation account.
120.505 (
8) (jm)
General program operations; bingo. The amounts in the
2schedule for general program operations relating to bingo under subchs. II to VII of
3ch. 563. All moneys received by the department of administration under ss. 563.055,
4563.13 (4), 563.135, 563.16, 563.22 (2) and 563.80 shall be credited to this
5appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered
6balance of this appropriation account at the end of each fiscal year shall be
7transferred to the lottery fund.
(2) (r)
Lottery and gaming credit administration. From the lottery fund,
10the amounts in the schedule for the administration of the lottery
and gaming credit.
(8) (q)
General program operations. From the lottery fund, the amounts
13in the schedule for general program operations under ch. 565.
Annually, of the
14moneys appropriated under this paragraph, an amount equal to 36% of the amount
15in the schedule under s. 20.435 (7) (kg) shall be transferred to the appropriation
16account under s. 20.435 (7) (kg).
SB114-SSA2, s. 16
16. 20.835 (3) (q) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (q) (title)
Lottery and gaming credit.
(3) (r)
Lottery and gaming credit certification. From the lottery fund,
21a sum sufficient to make payments under s. 79.10 (7r) to counties and cities for
22certification of the lottery and gaming credit.
(2) Creation. There is created a separate nonlapsible trust fund known
25as the lottery fund, to consist of gross lottery revenues received by the department
1of revenue
and moneys transferred to the lottery fund under ss. 20.455 (2) (g) and
220.505 (8) (am), (g) and (jm).
SB114-SSA2, s. 19
19. 25.75 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Distribution of gross lottery revenues. (intro.)
Amounts The
5distribution of the gross lottery revenues in the fund shall be
distributed as follows 6subject to all of the following:
(3) (e)
Lottery and gaming credit state administration expenses. From
9the appropriation under s. 20.566 (2) (r), lottery proceeds
and moneys transferred to
10the lottery fund under ss. 20.455 (2) (g) and 20.505 (8) (am), (g) and (jm) shall be used
11to offset department of revenue expenses in administering the lottery
and gaming 12credit.
(3) (f)
Lottery and gaming credit certification. From the appropriation
15under s. 20.835 (3) (r), lottery proceeds and moneys transferred to the lottery fund
16under ss. 20.455 (2) (g) and 20.505 (8) (am), (g) and (jm) shall be used to make
17payments under s. 79.10 (7r) to counties and cities for certification of the lottery and
18gaming credit.
SB114-SSA2, s. 22
22. 66.058 (3) (c) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (c) 8. The credit under s. 79.10 (9) (bm), as it applies to
the principal
21dwelling on a parcel of taxable property shall apply to the estimated fair market
22value of a mobile home
that is the principal dwelling of the owner. The owner of the
23mobile home shall file a claim for the credit with the treasurer of the municipality
24in which the property is located no later than January 31. To obtain the credit under
25s. 79.10 (9) (bm), the owner shall attest on the claim that the mobile home is the
1owner's principal dwelling, as defined in s. 79.10 (1) (dm). The treasurer shall reduce
2the owner's parking permit fee by the amount of any allowable credit. The treasurer
3shall furnish notice of all
amounts claims for credits
filed under this subdivision to
4the department of revenue as provided under s. 79.10 (1m).
(3m) (c) 1. Any claimant may claim against taxes otherwise due under
7this chapter
10% 20% of the property taxes accrued in the taxable year to which the
8claim relates, up to a maximum claim of
$1,000 $2,000, except that the credit under
9this subsection plus the credit under subch. IX may not exceed 95% of the property
10taxes accrued on the farm.
SB114-SSA2, s. 24
24. 71.28 (2m) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2m) (c) 1. Any claimant may claim against taxes otherwise due under
13this chapter
10% 20% of the property taxes accrued in the taxable year to which the
14claim relates, up to a maximum claim of
$1,000 $2,000, except that the credit under
15this subsection plus the credit under subch. IX may not exceed 95% of the property
16taxes accrued on the farm.