January 2002 Special Session
2001 - 2002 LEGISLATURE
March 14, 2002 - Offered by Representative Wasserman.
AB1-ASA1-AA50,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the substitute amendment as follows:
AB1-ASA1-AA50,1,2 21. Page 23, line 25: after that line insert:
AB1-ASA1-AA50,1,3 3" Section 68p. 20.923 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA1-AA50,2,104 20.923 (1) Establishment of executive salary groups. To this end, a
5compensation plan consisting of 10 executive salary groups is established in
6schedule one of the state compensation plan for the classified service from ranges 18
7through 27. No salary range established above salary range 23 may be utilized in
8the establishment and compensation of positions in the classified service without
9specific approval of the joint committee on employment relations. The dollar value
10of the salary range minimum and maximum for each executive salary group shall be
11reviewed and established in the same manner as that provided for positions in the
12classified service under s. 230.12 (3), except that adjustments of salaries for the

1positions of state senator and representative to the assembly shall in addition be
2prepared in bill form by the joint committee on employment relations and submitted
3to a vote of the legislature, and shall not take effect until the bill is enacted. If the
4bill is not enacted, no adjustment may take effect unless the joint committee on
5employment relations submits a subsequent bill and that bill is enacted
. The
6salary-setting authority of individual boards, commissions, elective and appointive
7officials elsewhere provided by law is subject to and limited by this section, and the
8salary rate for these positions upon appointment and subsequent thereto shall be set
9by the appointing authority pursuant to this section, except as otherwise required
10by article IV, section 26, of the constitution.
AB1-ASA1-AA50, s. 68r 11Section 68r. 20.923 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA1-AA50,2,1812 20.923 (2) (a) The annual salary for each elected state official position shall be
13set at the dollar value for the point of the assigned salary range for its respective
14executive salary group specified in this subsection in effect at the time of taking the
15oath of office, except as provided in par. (b) and s. 978.12 (1) (a). No adjustment to
16the salary of an official enumerated in this subsection is effective until it is
17authorized under article IV, section 26, of the constitution and, in the case of a state
18senator or representative to the assembly, until it is approved under sub. (1)
AB1-ASA1-AA50, s. 68t 19Section 68t. 20.923 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA1-AA50,2,2520 20.923 (2) (b) The annual salary of each state senator, representative to the
21assembly, justice of the supreme court, court of appeals judge and circuit judge shall
22be reviewed and established in the same manner as provided for positions in the
23classified service under s. 230.12 (3), except as otherwise provided in sub. (1). The
24salary established for the chief justice of the supreme court shall be different than
25the salaries established for the associate justices of the supreme court.".
12. Page 436, line 12: after that line insert:
AB1-ASA1-AA50,3,5 2"(1q) Legislative salaries. The treatment of section 20.923 (1) and (2) (a) and
3(b) of the statutes first applies to a change in the salary rate for state senators or
4representatives to the assembly made under sections 20.923 (1) and 230.12 (3) of the
5statutes on the effective date of this subsection.".