2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
May 24, 2005 - Offered by Representative Friske.
AB187-ASA1,1,2 1An Act to create 23.0916 of the statutes; relating to: information about real
2property purchased with stewardship money and public access to that property.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Current law authorizes the state to incur public debt for certain conservation
activities under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program
(stewardship program), which is administered by the Department of Natural
Resources (DNR). The stewardship programs consist of the Warren
Knowles-Gaylord Nelson program that began in 1990 and the Warren
Knowles-Gaylord Nelson 2000 program that began in 2000.
Current law grants the state the authority to bond for various conservation
purposes under the stewardship programs. The stewardship 2000 program consists
of four subprograms: one for land acquisition; one for property development and local
assistance; one for bluff protection; and one for the Baraboo Hills. Purposes for which
bonding under the land acquisition subprogram may be used include land
acquisition for habitat and natural areas and land acquisition that preserves or
enhances the state's water resources. Bonding under the property development and
local acquisition subprogram may be used only for nature-based outdoor recreation,
as defined in rules promulgated by DNR, with limited exceptions. Under this
subprogram, DNR may award grants or state aid to certain local governmental units,
including the Kickapoo Reserve Management Board, and nonprofit conservation
organizations to acquire lands for nature-based, outdoor recreation purposes.

This bill requires DNR to create and make available for a fee a directory of all
land purchased under the stewardship programs that is open to the public. The bill
requires DNR to provide an interactive mapping tool at its Web site that identifies
public land purchased with stewardship money. The owner of land purchased under
the stewardship programs, or DNR if the property is surrounded by DNR property,
is required to provide notice of public access with specific signs along the access roads
and property lines. If some activities are prohibited or restricted on the land, the
signs required by the bill must include that information. If an owner of land
purchased under the stewardship programs fails to comply with the requirements
under the bill, or fails to replace any sign after being notified of the need to replace
the sign, the owner is not eligible for any grants or subprogram under the
stewardship programs until the owner complies with the requirements or replaces
the sign.
If DNR allows an organization to charge a fee for hunting on land purchased
with stewardship money, the fee may not exceed the amount charged for admission
of a resident's vehicle to a state park for a day.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB187-ASA1, s. 1 1Section 1. 23.0916 of the statutes is created to read:
AB187-ASA1,2,3 223.0916 Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship programs
3property access and information.
(1) Definitions. In this section:
AB187-ASA1,2,44 (a) "Department land" has the meaning given in s. 23.0917 (1) (c).
AB187-ASA1,2,55 (b) "Land" has the meaning given in s. 23.0917 (1) (d).
AB187-ASA1,2,76 (c) "Nonprofit conservation organization" has the meaning given in s. 23.0955
AB187-ASA1,2,98 (d) "Stewardship programs" means the stewardship programs under ss.
923.0915 and 23.0917.
AB187-ASA1,3,2 10(2) Land mapping and directory. (a) Within 48 months after the effective date
11of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], the department shall establish and
12maintain an interactive mapping tool at the department's Web site that identifies all

1land purchased under the stewardship programs that is open for public access.
2Public access to the mapping tool at the Web site shall be available without charge.
AB187-ASA1,3,123 (b) Within 48 months after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor
4inserts date], the department shall make available a directory of all land purchased
5under the stewardship programs that is open for public access. The directory shall
6be organized by county and town and shall identify the legal description of the
7location of the land. The directory shall be updated at least every 2 years. The
8department may charge a fee for the directory, but the fee may not exceed the cost
9of the publication of the directory. In lieu of the department preparing and making
10available a directory, the department may provide to the public at the department's
11cost, a map, book, or directory that meets the requirements of this subsection and
12that is published by a private entity.
AB187-ASA1,3,23 13(3) Notice of access to stewardship programs property. (a) The owner of land
14purchased under the stewardship programs on or after the effective date of this
15paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], shall, within 6 months after the disbursement
16of stewardship program funds, provide notice of public access to that land by the
17placement of signs adequate to give notice. The owner of land purchased under the
18stewardship programs before the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts
19date], shall provide notice of public access to that land by the placement of signs
20adequate to give notice within 48 months after the effective date of this paragraph
21.... [revisor inserts date]. The area of each sign shall be at least 108 square inches,
22and each sign shall be made of a durable substance. The signs shall be placed at
23major access points to the property.
AB187-ASA1,4,1124 (b) If the land that is purchased under the stewardship programs on or after
25the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], is surrounded by

1department land, the department shall, within 6 months after the disbursement of
2stewardship program funds, provide notice of public access to the land purchased
3under the stewardship programs by the placement of signs adequate to give notice
4at the major access points to the department land. If the land that is purchased
5under the stewardship programs before the effective date of this paragraph ....
6[revisor inserts date], is surrounded by department land, the department shall
7provide notice of public access to the land purchased under the stewardship
8programs by the placement of signs adequate to give notice at the major access points
9to the department land within 48 months after the effective date of this paragraph
10.... [revisor inserts date]. The area of each sign shall be at least 108 square inches,
11and each sign shall be made of a durable substance.
AB187-ASA1,4,1612 (c) The signs required under pars. (a) and (b) shall include information on the
13primary activities that are restricted or prohibited on the land and the name of the
14owner of the property or a person to contact regarding the land. Signs shall also be
15placed at the specified major access points that give notice that the land was acquired
16in whole or in part using stewardship program funds.
AB187-ASA1,4,1817 (d) If the land described under par. (a) or (b) has a cumulative acreage of 10
18acres or more, the signs under par. (a) or (b) shall also include one of the following:
AB187-ASA1,4,1919 1. The postal address or telephone number of the owner of the land.
AB187-ASA1,4,2120 2. The postal address or telephone number of a person to contact regarding the
AB187-ASA1,4,2322 3. An Internet Web site address where a person can locate the information
23listed in subd. 1. or 2.
1(e) The department shall provide to the legislature biennially under s. 13.172
2(2) a list of all land purchased under the stewardship programs for which public
3access has been restricted or prohibited and the reasons for that action.
AB187-ASA1,5,84 (f) If the owner of land purchased under the stewardship programs before, on,
5or after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], fails to comply
6with the requirements of par. (a), that person is not eligible for any program or grant
7under the stewardship programs until the department determines that the person
8is in compliance with par. (a).
AB187-ASA1,5,199 (g) If the department is notified that a sign required under par. (a) or (b) needs
10replacing, within 28 days after receiving that notification the department shall
11determine if the sign needs to be replaced. The department shall replace any sign
12required under par. (b) within 28 days after determining that the sign needs to be
13replaced. Within 7 days after determining that a sign required under par. (a) needs
14to be replaced, the department shall notify the owner of that determination. The
15owner of land purchased under the stewardship programs that placed signs as
16required under par. (a) shall be ineligible for any program or grant under the
17stewardship programs until the sign is replaced if the owner fails to replace a needed
18sign within 3 months after receiving notice from the department that the sign needs
19to be replaced.
AB187-ASA1,5,2420 (h) If the department authorizes a nonprofit conservation organization to
21charge a fee for hunting on land purchased under the stewardship programs, the fee
22for the hunting season may not exceed the sum of the fee for a daily resident vehicle
23admission receipt under s. 27.01 (7) (f) 2. and the issuing fee for a daily vehicle
24admission receipt under s. 27.01 (7) (gr).
1(4) Contact information. An owner of property purchased under the
2stewardship programs shall provide information requested by the department that
3will enable the department to contact that owner.