2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
February 24, 2005 - Offered by Representative Petrowski.
AB67-ASA1,1,3 1An Act to amend 20.255 (2) (cr) and 121.58 (6); and to create 121.575 of the
2statutes; relating to: school transportation bio-diesel fuel cost assistance and
3making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This substitute amendment permits the Department of Public Instruction
(DPI) to provide state financial assistance to school districts that utilize bio-diesel
fuel for school bus transportation to cover the increased cost of utilizing this fuel as
compared to the cost of utilizing petroleum-diesel fuel for school bus transportation.
The substitute amendment directs DPI, in conjunction with the Department of
Administration, to apply for federal financial assistance to cover the cost of providing
state assistance, and uses state school transportation aids to match the federal aids
received by DPI in the minimum amount required to obtain full federal financial
participation. If in any fiscal year insufficient moneys are available to reimburse
school districts for the full amount of reimbursement for which school districts
qualify, the substitute amendment directs DPI to prorate the available moneys
among the entitled school districts on a per pupil basis. Under the substitute
amendment, aids are paid to each school district in each fiscal year based upon the
costs incurred by the school district for the purchase of bio-diesel fuel for school bus

transportation in the preceding fiscal year as compared to the statewide average cost
of petroleum-diesel fuel for that fiscal year.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB67-ASA1, s. 1 1Section 1. 20.255 (2) (cr) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB67-ASA1,2,42 20.255 (2) (cr) Aid for pupil transportation. The amounts in the schedule for
3the payment of state aid for transportation of public and private school pupils under
4subch. IV of ch. 121 and for assistance under s. 121.575 (3).
AB67-ASA1, s. 2 5Section 2. 121.575 of the statutes is created to read:
AB67-ASA1,2,7 6121.575 School transportation bio-diesel fuel cost assistance. (1) In
7this section:
AB67-ASA1,2,88 (a) "Bio-diesel fuel" has the meaning given in s. 16.045 (1) (c).
AB67-ASA1,2,109 (b) "Petroleum-diesel fuel" has the meaning given for "diesel fuel" in s. 78.005
10(5), but does not include bio-diesel fuel.
AB67-ASA1,2,14 11(2) (a) The department may provide school transportation aids to school
12districts for the increased costs incurred by districts in utilizing bio-diesel fuel as
13compared with the costs of utilizing petroleum-diesel fuel for school bus
AB67-ASA1,2,1915 (b) If the department determines to provide aids to school districts under par.
16(a), the department, in conjunction with the department of administration, shall
17apply to the federal government for bio-diesel fuel cost assistance for the purpose of
18financing payment of the aids. The department shall disburse federal aids received
19from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (m).
AB67-ASA1,3,3 20(3) If the federal government requires, as a condition of full federal financial
21participation under sub. (2) (b), that this state provide assistance for the purposes

1of sub. (2) (a) from state resources, the department shall provide the assistance from
2the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cr) in the minimum amount required to obtain
3full federal financial participation.
AB67-ASA1,3,13 4(4) (a) Any school district that utilizes bio-diesel fuel for school bus
5transportation may apply to the department for state assistance to finance the costs
6of utilizing that fuel. Except as provided in sub. (5), the department shall apportion
7assistance to school districts on the basis of the increased costs incurred by each
8school district in utilizing bio-diesel fuel as compared to the cost that the school
9district would have incurred in utilizing petroleum-diesel fuel for school bus
10transportation in the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which aids are paid, as
11adjusted to reflect any change in the statewide average cost of bio-diesel fuel for the
12current fiscal year as compared to the statewide average cost of such fuel for the
13preceding fiscal year.
AB67-ASA1,3,1814 (b) For purposes of par. (a), if a school district does not utilize bio-diesel fuel
15for some or all of the school bus transportation provided by the school district in any
16fiscal year, the department shall compute and utilize, for purposes of this subsection,
17the cost differential that the school district would have incurred in utilizing
18bio-diesel fuel on the basis of statewide average costs.
AB67-ASA1,3,2119 (c) The department shall annually determine the statewide average cost of
20bio-diesel fuel and petroleum-diesel fuel for purposes of administration of this
AB67-ASA1,4,222 (d) If in any fiscal year there are insufficient moneys available to reimburse all
23school districts that apply for state assistance under par. (a) for the full amount of
24reimbursable costs under this subsection, the department shall, after making any

1required deduction under sub. (5), prorate the available moneys among the school
2districts entitled thereto on a per pupil basis.
AB67-ASA1,4,12 3(5) Each school district that receives aids under sub. (2) (a) for any fiscal year
4shall report to the department, in the form prescribed by the department, a
5statement of its actual costs incurred in utilizing bio-diesel fuel for school bus
6transportation in that fiscal year. If the actual increased costs incurred by a school
7district in utilizing bio-diesel fuel for school bus transportation in any fiscal year, as
8compared to the costs that the school district would have incurred in utilizing
9petroleum-diesel fuel for school bus transportation, are less than the amount of the
10aids received by the school district under sub. (2) (a) for that fiscal year, the
11department shall deduct the amount of the difference from the amount of the aids
12payable to the school district under sub. (2) (a) for the current fiscal year.
AB67-ASA1, s. 3 13Section 3. 121.58 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB67-ASA1,4,2014 121.58 (6) Appropriation prorated. If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cr)
15in any one year is insufficient to pay the full amount of approved claims under this
16section, state aid payments shall be prorated among the school districts entitled
for school districts not participating in the program under s.121.575 shall be
18prorated as though the minimum amount under s. 121.575 (3) had not been made
19and state aid payments for school districts participating in the program under s.
20121.575 shall be prorated after deducting the minimum amount under s. 121.575 (3)