(3) (a) 1. Capital costs related to Amtrak service extension routes or
8other rail service routes between the cities of Milwaukee and Madison
and, between
9the cities of Milwaukee and Green Bay
, between the cities of Milwaukee and Chicago,
10and between the cities of Madison and La Crosse. Any route between the cities of
11Milwaukee and Green Bay funded under the program shall provide service to
12population centers along the route in a manner that makes the route most
13economically feasible.
(4i) Disposal of rail property. The department shall sell at public or
16private sale rail property acquired under sub. (4) when the department determines
17that the rail property is not necessary for a public purpose and, if real property, the
18real property is not the subject of a petition under s. 560.9810 (2). Upon receipt of
19the full purchase price, the department shall, by appropriate deed or other
20instrument, transfer the rail property to the purchaser. The funds derived from sales
21under this subsection shall be deposited in the transportation fund, and the expense
22incurred by the department in connection with the sale shall be paid from the
23appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (bq).
This subsection does not apply to real
24property that is sold under s. 16.848.
SB40-SSA1, s. 2545
2545. 85.20 (4m) (a) 6. cm. of the statutes is amended to read:
(4m) (a) 6. cm.
For aid payable for calendar years 2004 and 2005, from
2the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (ht), the department shall pay $56,811,800 to
3the eligible applicant that pays the local contribution required under par. (b) 1. for
4an urban mass transit system that has annual operating expenses in excess of
5$80,000,000. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (ht), the department shall
6pay $57,948,000 for aid payable for calendar year 2006,
and $59,107,000 for aid
7payable for calendar year 2007
, $60,289,100 for aid payable for calendar year 2008,
8and $61,494,900 for aid payable for calendar year 2009 and thereafter, to the eligible
9applicant that pays the local contribution required under par. (b) 1. for an urban
10mass transit system that has annual operating expenses in excess of $80,000,000.
11If the eligible applicant that receives aid under this subd. 6. cm. is served by more
12than one urban mass transit system, the eligible applicant may allocate the aid
13between the urban mass transit systems in any manner the eligible applicant
14considers desirable.
SB40-SSA1, s. 2546
2546. 85.20 (4m) (a) 6. d. of the statutes is amended to read:
(4m) (a) 6. d.
For aid payable for calendar years 2004 and 2005, from the
17appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (hu), the department shall pay $15,166,900 to the
18eligible applicant that pays the local contribution required under par. (b) 1. for an
19urban mass transit system that has annual operating expenses in excess of
20$20,000,000 but less than $80,000,000. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1)
21(hu), the department shall pay $15,470,200 for aid payable for calendar year 2006,
22and $15,779,600 for aid payable for calendar year 2007
, $16,095,200 for aid payable
23for calendar year 2008, and $16,417,100 for aid payable for calendar year 2009 and
24thereafter, to the eligible applicant that pays the local contribution required under
25par. (b) 1. for an urban mass transit system that has annual operating expenses in
1excess of $20,000,000 but less than $80,000,000. If the eligible applicant that
2receives aid under this subd. 6. d. is served by more than one urban mass transit
3system, the eligible applicant may allocate the aid between the urban mass transit
4systems in any manner the eligible applicant considers desirable.
SB40-SSA1, s. 2547
2547. 85.20 (4m) (a) 7. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
(4m) (a) 7. b. For the purpose of making allocations under subd. 7. a., the
7amounts for aids are
$21,757,600 in calendar years 2004 and 2005, $22,192,800 in
8calendar year 2006,
and $22,636,700 in calendar year 2007
, $23,089,100 in calendar
9year 2008, and $23,551,200 in calendar year 2009 and thereafter. These amounts,
10to the extent practicable, shall be used to determine the uniform percentage in the
11particular calendar year.
SB40-SSA1, s. 2548
2548. 85.20 (4m) (a) 8. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
(4m) (a) 8. b. For the purpose of making allocations under subd. 8. a., the
14amounts for aids are
$4,925,100 in calendar years 2004 and 2005, $5,023,600 in
15calendar year 2006,
and $5,124,100 in calendar year 2007
, $5,225,600 in calendar
16year 2008, and $5,331,100 in calendar year 2009 and thereafter. These amounts, to
17the extent practicable, shall be used to determine the uniform percentage in the
18particular calendar year.
(4) (b) Paragraph (a) does not prohibit the disclosure of the information
21to the extent necessary to administer the ride-sharing program nor, if requested
22under s. 49.22 (2m), does it prohibit disclosure of the name or address of a person or
23of his or her employer to the department of
workforce development children and
24families or a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5).
(4) (c) Any person who willfully discloses or who, under false pretenses,
2willfully requests or obtains information in violation of par. (a) may be required to
3forfeit not more than $500 for each violation. This paragraph does not apply to
4information disclosed, requested or obtained to the extent necessary to administer
5the ride-sharing program or, if requested under s. 49.22 (2m), to the department of
6workforce development children and families or a county child support agency under
7s. 59.53 (5).
985.515 Federal REAL ID Act implementation date. (1) If the secretary
10determines, prior to May 11, 2008, that the department will be ready to complete full
11implementation of the provisions of the federal REAL ID Act, as incorporated into
122007 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), by May 11, 2008, the secretary shall, prior to May
1311, 2008, send a notice to the legislative reference bureau for publication in the
14Wisconsin Administrative Register that states that the provisions of 2007 Wisconsin
15Act .... (this act) related to implementation of the federal REAL ID Act will become
16effective on May 11, 2008.
17(2) If the secretary determines that the department will not be ready to
18complete full implementation of the provisions of the federal REAL ID Act, as
19incorporated into 2007 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), by May 11, 2008, the secretary
20shall do all of the following:
(a) As soon as the secretary determines that the department will not be ready
22to complete full implementation of the provisions of the federal REAL ID Act, as
23incorporated into 2007 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), by May 11, 2008, send a notice to
24the legislative reference bureau for publication in the Wisconsin Administrative
25Register that states that the department will not be ready to complete full
1implementation of the provisions of the federal REAL ID Act, as incorporated into
22007 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), by May 11, 2008.
(b) As soon as the department is ready to complete full implementation of the
4provisions of the federal REAL ID Act, as incorporated into 2007 Wisconsin Act ....
5(this act), send a notice to the legislative reference bureau for publication in the
6Wisconsin Administrative Register that states the date on which the provisions of
72007 Wisconsin Act .... (this act) related to implementation of the federal REAL ID
8Act will become effective.
(3) (b) 3. Fifty percent of the
gross receipts sales price, as defined in s.
1177.51 (15b), of the business are from
meal, food,
the sale of food
product and beverage
12sales and food ingredients, as defined in s. 77.51 (3t), that are taxable under
s. 77.54
13(20) (c) subch. III of ch. 77; and
(6) Notwithstanding any eligibility criteria established under this
16section and rules promulgated under this section, the department shall install and
17maintain, on I 94 in Milwaukee County, 2 signs meeting the specifications under this
18section and rules promulgated under this section. One sign shall be viewable from
19the northbound lanes of I 94 and shall be located between Rawson Avenue and
20College Avenue. The other sign shall be viewable from the eastbound lanes of I 94
21and shall be located in the proximity of the Waukesha County line. Both signs shall
22highlight lakefront attractions in the city of Milwaukee and shall include
23information about the Milwaukee Art Museum, the Betty Brinn Children's Museum,
24Discovery World, Summerfest, and the Milwaukee County War Memorial.
(2) (a) 3. For each mile of road or street under the jurisdiction of a
2municipality as determined under s. 86.302, the mileage aid payment shall be
3in calendar years 2004 and 2005, $1,862 in calendar year 2006,
and $1,899 in
4calendar year 2007
, $1,937 in calendar year 2008, and $1,976 in calendar year 2009 5and thereafter.
(9) (b) For the purpose of calculating and distributing aids under sub. (2),
8the amounts for aids to counties are
$90,044,600 in calendar years 2004 and 2005, 9$91,845,500 in calendar year 2006,
and $93,682,400 in calendar year 2007
10$95,556,000 in calendar year 2008, and $97,467,100 in calendar year 2009 and
11thereafter. These amounts, to the extent practicable, shall be used to determine the
12statewide county average cost-sharing percentage in the particular calendar year.
(9) (c) For the purpose of calculating and distributing aids under sub. (2),
15the amounts for aids to municipalities are
$283,291,100 in calendar years 2004 and
162005, $288,956,900 in calendar year 2006,
and $294,736,000 in calendar year 2007
17$300,630,700 in calendar year 2008, and $306,643,300 in calendar year 2009 and
18thereafter. These amounts, to the extent practicable, shall be used to determine the
19statewide municipal average cost-sharing percentage in the particular calendar
(3g) County trunk highway improvements — discretionary grants. 23From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (ft), the department shall allocate
24$5,250,000 in
each fiscal year, beginning in fiscal year 2005-06
and in fiscal year
252006-07, $5,355,000 in fiscal year 2007-08, and $5,567,100 in fiscal year 2008-09
1and each fiscal year thereafter, to fund county trunk highway improvements with
2eligible costs totaling more than $250,000. The funding of improvements under this
3subsection is in addition to the allocation of funds for entitlements under sub. (3).
(3m) Town road improvements — discretionary grants. From the
6appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (ft), the department shall allocate $750,000 in
7fiscal year, beginning in fiscal year 2005-06
and in fiscal year 2006-07, $765,000 in
8fiscal year 2007-08, and $795,300 in fiscal year 2008-09 and each fiscal year
9thereafter, to fund town road improvements with eligible costs totaling $100,000 or
10more. The funding of improvements under this subsection is in addition to the
11allocation of funds for entitlements under sub. (3).
(3r) Municipal street improvements — discretionary grants. From the
14appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (ft), the department shall allocate $1,000,000 in
15each fiscal year, beginning in fiscal year 2005-06
and in fiscal year 2006-07,
16$1,020,000 in fiscal year 2007-08, and $1,060,400 in fiscal year 2008-09 and each
17fiscal year thereafter, to fund municipal street improvement projects having total
18estimated costs of $250,000 or more. The funding of improvements under this
19subsection is in addition to the allocation of funds for entitlements under sub. (3).
(3t) Payments related to environmental review of local projects. 22Notwithstanding limitations on the amount and use of aids provided under this
23section, or on eligibility requirements for receiving aids under this section, and
24subject to any applicable interagency agreement between the department of
25transportation and the department of natural resources, the department of
1transportation may make a payment in each fiscal year to the department of natural
2resources to support 3.0 full-time equivalent positions in the department of natural
3resources related to the environmental review of local transportation projects.
4Notwithstanding sub. (3), any payment under this subsection shall be made from the
5appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (fr) before making any other allocation of funds
6under sub. (3). After the department of transportation makes the payment under
7this subsection, the allocation of funds under sub. (3) shall be reduced
8proportionately to reflect the amount of the payment.
(1q) Marketing
Agricultural development services. Provide
12marketing agricultural development services upon request and charge a fee for those
13services, but the fee may not exceed the department's cost of providing those services.
(1m) (a) If an individual who applies for the issuance or renewal of a
16license, registration, registration certificate or certification specified in sub. (1) does
17not have a social security number, the department shall require the applicant, as a
18condition of issuing or renewing the license, registration, registration certificate or
19certification, to submit a statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation
20that the applicant does not have a social security number. The statement shall be
21in the form prescribed by the department of
workforce development children and
(2) The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection may
25not disclose any information received under sub. (1) to any person except to the
1department of
workforce development children and families in accordance with a
2memorandum of understanding under s. 49.857.
(3) The department shall deny an application for the issuance or
5renewal of a license, registration, registration certificate or certification specified in
6sub. (1) or shall suspend or restrict a license, registration, registration certificate or
7certification specified in sub. (1) for failure to make court-ordered payments of child
8or family support, maintenance, birth expenses, medical expenses or other expenses
9related to the support of a child or a former spouse or failure to comply, after
10appropriate notice, with a subpoena or warrant issued by the department of
11workforce development children and families or a county child support agency under
12s. 59.53 (5) and relating to paternity or child support proceedings, as required in a
13memorandum of understanding under s. 49.857.
(2) Collection grants. The department may award a grant to a county
16for a chemical and container collection program. A grant under this subsection
shall 17may not fund
all or a part more than 75 percent of the cost of a program. Costs eligible
18for funding include the cost of establishing a collection site for chemicals and
19chemical containers, the cost of transporting chemical containers to a dealer or
20distributor for refill and reuse or to a hazardous waste facility, as defined in s. 291.01
21(8), and costs associated with the proper use and handling and disposal or recycling
22of chemicals and chemical containers. Grants shall be paid from the appropriation
23under s. 20.115 (7) (va).
193.57 Household hazardous waste. The department shall administer a
2grant program to assist municipalities and regional planning commissions in
3creating and operating local programs for the collection and disposal of household
4hazardous waste.
The department may also provide grants under this section for
5county, municipal, and regional planning commission programs to collect unwanted
6prescription drugs. The department may not make a grant under this section in an
7amount that exceeds 75 percent of the cost of a program. The department shall
8allocate two-thirds of the funds available from the appropriation account under s.
920.115 (7) (va) in each fiscal year for grants under this section.
(3r) (b) Beginning with the license year that begins on August 15,
2000 132007, a person applying for a license under sub. (3) shall pay the following
14agricultural chemical cleanup surcharges, unless the department establishes
lower 15different surcharges under s. 94.73 (15)
after the effective date of this paragraph ....
16[revisor inserts date]:
1. For each business location and each mobile unit that the applicant uses to
18manufacture fertilizer in this state, other than a business location or mobile unit that
19is also licensed under s. 94.685 or 94.703,
$20 $14.
2. If the applicant distributes, but does not manufacture, fertilizer in this state,
21$20 $14.
(4) (a) 5. An agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge of
63 44 cents per
24ton on all fertilizer that the person sells or distributes in this state after June 30,
12007, unless the department establishes a
lower different surcharge under s. 94.73
after the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date].
(3) (a) If the applicant sells less than $25,000 of the product during the
5payment period for use in this state,
$5 $3.50.
(3) (b) If the applicant sells at least $25,000 but less than $75,000 of that
8product during the payment period for use in this state,
$170 $120.
(3) (c) If the applicant sells at least $75,000 of that product during the
11payment period for use in this state, an amount equal to
1.1% 0.75 percent of gross
12revenues from sales of the product during the payment period for use in this state.
(3) (a) 2. An agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge of
$40 $28, unless
15the department establishes a
lower different surcharge under s. 94.73 (15)
, except
16that the dealer or distributor need not pay the surcharge for the license years that
17begin on January 1, 1999, and on January 1, 2000 after the effective date of this
18subdivision .... [revisor inserts date].
(3) (a) 2. An agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge of
$55 $38, unless
22the department establishes a
lower different surcharge under s. 94.73 (15)
, except
23that the person need not pay the surcharge for the license years that begin on
24January 1, 1999, and on January 1, 2000 after the effective date of this subdivision
25.... [revisor inserts date].
(3) (a) 2. An agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge of
$20 $14, unless
3the department establishes a
lower different surcharge under s. 94.73 (15)
, except
4that the person need not pay the surcharge for the license years that begin on
5January 1, 1999, and on January 1, 2000 after the effective date of this subdivision
6.... [revisor inserts date].
(2) (c) The department may issue an order under par. (a) on a summary
9basis without prior notice or a prior hearing if the department determines that a
10summary order is necessary to prevent imminent harm to public health or safety or
11to the environment. If the recipient of a summary order requests a hearing on that
12order, the department shall hold a hearing within 10 days after it receives the
13request unless the recipient agrees to a later hearing date. The department is not
14required to stay enforcement of a summary order issued under this paragraph
15pending the outcome of the hearing. If the responsible person prevails after a
16hearing, the department shall reimburse the responsible person from the
17appropriation under s. 20.115 (7)
(e) or (wm) for the corrective action costs incurred
18as the result of the department's order.
(7) (a) The department may make payments to a responsible person who
21is eligible for reimbursement under sub. (3) if the department has authorized
22reimbursement to that person under sub. (6). The department shall make payment
23from the appropriation
accounts account under s. 20.115 (7)
(e) and (wm), subject to
24the availability of funds in
those that appropriation
accounts account. If there are
25insufficient funds to pay the full amounts authorized under sub. (6) to all eligible
1responsible persons, the department shall distribute payments in the order in which
2applications were received, unless the department specifies, by rule, a different order
3of payment.
(15) (a)
The Subject to par. (am), the department may, by rule,
reduce 6modify any of the surcharges in ss. 94.64 (3r) (b) and (4) (a) 5., 94.681 (3), 94.685 (3)
7(a) 2., 94.703 (3) (a) 2., and 94.704 (3) (a) 2.
below the amounts specified in those
8provisions. The department shall adjust surcharge amounts as necessary to
9maintain a balance in the agricultural chemical cleanup fund at the end of each fiscal
10year of not more than $2,500,000
, but may not increase a surcharge amount over the
11amount specified in s. 94.64 (3r) (b) or (4) (a) 5., 94.681 (3), 94.685 (3) (a) 2., 94.703
12(3) (a) 2., or 94.704 (3) (a) 2.
(15) (am) The department may not increase a surcharge above the
15following amount:
1. Under s. 94.64 (3r) (b) 1. and 2., $20.
2. Under s. 94.64 (4) (a) 5., 63 cents per ton.
3. Under s. 94.681 (3) (a), $5.
4. Under s. 94.681 (3) (b), $170.
5. Under s. 94.681 (3) (c), 1.1 percent of gross revenues.
6. Under s. 94.685 (3) (a) 2., $40.
7. Under s. 94.703 (3) (a) 2., $55.
8. Under s. 94.704 (3) (a) 2., $20.
194.74 Prevention of pollution from agricultural chemicals. (1) In this
2section, "agricultural chemical" has the meaning given in s. 94.73 (1) (a).