2015 - 2016 LEGISLATURE
March 17, 2015 - Offered by Representatives Zamarripa, Ohnstad, Sinicki, Kahl,
Bowen, Brostoff, Stuck and Kolste.
AB80-AA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
AB80-AA1,1,4 21. Page 4, line 16: after rule." insert "The legislative council staff shall also
3submit a copy of the petition, proposed rule, and report to the chief clerk of each house
4of the legislature.".
AB80-AA1,1,5 52. Page 4, line 16: after that line insert:
AB80-AA1,2,2 6"2c. The presiding officer of each house of the legislature shall, within 10
7working days following the day on which a copy of a petition and proposed rule are
8received under subd. 2., direct the appropriate chief clerk to refer the petition and
9proposed rule to one standing committee for review. Subject to subd. 2g., the
10committee review period for each committee extends for 30 days after referral of the
11petition and proposed rule to the committee under this subdivision. If the
12chairperson or the cochairpersons of a committee take any of the following actions
13within the 30-day period, the committee review period for that committee is

1continued for 30 days from the date on which the first 30-day review period would
2have expired:
AB80-AA1,2,43 a. Request in writing that the agency meet with the committee to review the
4petition and proposed rule.
AB80-AA1,2,75 b. Publish or post notice that the committee will hold a meeting or hearing to
6review the petition and proposed rule and immediately send a copy of the notice to
7the agency.
AB80-AA1,2,108 2g. A standing committee may waive review of a petition and proposed rule
9under subd. 2c. prior to the expiration of the committee review period by adopting,
10by a majority vote of a quorum of the committee, a motion waiving that review.
AB80-AA1,2,1311 2m. A standing committee, by a majority vote of a quorum of the committee
12during the applicable review period under subd. 2c., may do any of the following with
13respect to the petition and proposed rule:
AB80-AA1,2,1514 a. Recommend that the agency's petition be approved, if the committee
15determines that the proposed rule would repeal an unauthorized rule.
AB80-AA1,2,1616 b. Recommend that the agency's petition be denied.
AB80-AA1,2,1817 c. Recommend that the agency make changes to the proposed rule and resubmit
18the petition and proposed rule under subd. 1.
AB80-AA1,2,2519 2r. A standing committee's review of a petition and proposed rule is concluded
20when the committee makes a recommendation with regard to the petition and
21proposed rule under subd. 2m., when the committee waives its review of the petition
22and proposed rule under subd. 2g., or when the committee review period ends,
23whichever occurs first. The committee shall inform the joint committee for review
24of administrative rules and the agency in writing of any recommendation with
25regard to the petition and proposed rule.".
13. Page 4, line 17: delete the material beginning with "Following" and ending
2with "subd. 2.," on line 18 and substitute "Following the conclusion of both standing
3committee review periods under subd. 2r.,".
AB80-AA1,3,5 44. Page 4, line 19: after "rule" insert "and any recommendation of a standing
5committee under subd. 2m.".
AB80-AA1,3,7 65. Page 5, line 1: delete "The committee" and substitute "The joint committee
7for review of administrative rules".
AB80-AA1,3,88 (End)