2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
February 20, 2024 - Offered by Senators Pfaff, Agard, Hesselbein, Carpenter, L.
, Larson, Roys, Smith, Spreitzer and Wirch.
SJR117-SSA1,1,2 1Relating to: expressing support for federal bipartisan legislation to secure the
2southern border.
SJR117-SSA1,1,63 Whereas, all members of the Wisconsin State Legislature reaffirm their strong
4support for lawful and orderly immigration into the United States, as lawful and
5orderly immigration provides all of our states and the nation with innumerable
6economic, social, and cultural benefits; and
SJR117-SSA1,1,97 Whereas, the United States is facing a crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border due to
8the influx of individuals who are entering the United States without documentation;
SJR117-SSA1,1,1110 Whereas, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection is understaffed and
11overworked due to the increase in individuals crossing the border; and
SJR117-SSA1,2,212 Whereas, for months, U.S. senators from both parties worked together in good
13faith to craft a bipartisan agreement to secure our southern border, invest in border

1security, disrupt the flow of deadly fentanyl into our country, and streamline our
2nation's asylum process; and
SJR117-SSA1,2,43 Whereas, the bipartisan agreement would ensure communities in Wisconsin
4receiving migrants would have the resources they need; and
SJR117-SSA1,2,85 Whereas, the bipartisan agreement was endorsed by the National Border
6Patrol Council, the organization that represents approximately 18,000 border patrol
7agents and personnel charged with enforcing our country's border security policies;
SJR117-SSA1,2,119 Whereas, members of Congress from both parties, including Republican
10leadership in the U.S. Senate, approved of the negotiations and bipartisan
11legislation to secure the border and invest in border security; and
SJR117-SSA1,2,1512 Whereas, this bipartisan compromise to invest in border security and provide
13needed resources to the border patrol was suddenly opposed by politicians who
14previously showed support for a bipartisan solution to secure the southern border;
15now, therefore, be it
SJR117-SSA1,2,19 16Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the Wisconsin
17State Legislature expresses support for bipartisan legislation in Congress to secure
18the southern border, keep fentanyl out of our communities, and fix our asylum
19system; and, be it further
SJR117-SSA1,2,23 20Resolved, That the Wisconsin State Legislature expresses support for
21Congress to immediately stop putting politics before solutions and pass a bipartisan
22border security bill to assist the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and keep
23communities in Wisconsin safe.