1626Vos, Rep. Robin (63rd Asm.Dist.; R)
Assembly committee structure and names for the 2017-18 legislative session established [Assembly rule 9 (1)] - AR2
Assembly rules revised and created re committee participation via audiovisual transmission, campaign committee activity terminology change, and schedule of committee activities [Assembly rules 5 (1) (b), 11 (3m), 14 (2), 98 (1), (3), (4), (5) (intro.)] - AR3
Asset revisions re financial eligibility requirements for W-2, Wisconsin Shares, and FoodShare - Jr8 AB3
Asset revisions re financial eligibility requirements for W-2, Wisconsin Shares, and FoodShare - Jr8 SB3
Bakery activities and sale of baked goods: DATCP authority to regulate and food processing license requirement eliminated - AB412
Campus Free Speech Act: UW Board of Regents required to adopt a policy, conditions specified; disciplinary sanctions, council on free expression, and report provisions - AB299
Canada’s Sesquicentennial Anniversary of Confederation, July 1, 2017, commemorated - AJR66
Compliance with child support determinations and obligations required for MA eligibility - Jr8 AB8
Compliance with child support determinations and obligations required for MA eligibility - Jr8 SB8
Dandeneau, Marcel: life and public service of former state representative commended - AJR18
Drainage district revisions re jurisdiction, board membership, regulation of district access corridors, land in newly organized or annexed to districts, discharge of dredged material into wetland permit exemption, floodplain zoning ordinances, and property tax assessment - AB246
EITC: pilot program, with IRS approval, to make monthly payments to eligible recipients; permanent program if pilot is successful and DOR and IRS can reach an agreement - Jr8 AB5
EITC: pilot program, with IRS approval, to make monthly payments to eligible recipients; permanent program if pilot is successful and DOR and IRS can reach an agreement - Jr8 SB5
Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone and tax credits: WEDC authorized to create; provisions re TIDs, sales tax exemption, environmental impact statements, wetlands and waterways permits, PSC certificates and market-based rates, and grants to local governments; highway bonding authorization; design-build system for public works projects; enterprise zone tax credit revisions; economic development liaison appointed by DOA - Au7 AB1
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): all able-bodied adults required to participate, exceptions noted - Jr8 AB2
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): all able-bodied adults required to participate, exceptions noted - Jr8 SB2
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): required hours of participation - Jr8 AB1
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): required hours of participation - Jr8 SB1
International Affairs and Commerce, Committee on, created [Assembly rule 9 (1) (Lm)] - AR19
Mandatory anti-harassment and ethics training for members, officers, and employees of the Assembly established [Assembly rule 6m] - AR22
Olympic medal won by an individual: tax exemption for value of and payments from the U.S. Olympic Committee created - AB289
Organization of the 2017-18 Assembly, list of officers, and notification to the Senate and Governor - AR1
Pay for success contracting: DOA may use for eligible services to individuals, conditions and JCF approval required; pay for success trust fund established; DHS, DOC, DCF, and DWD to study if pay for success could be used for programs they administer; reports required - Jr8 AB7
Pay for success contracting: DOA may use for eligible services to individuals, conditions and JCF approval required; pay for success trust fund established; DHS, DOC, DCF, and DWD to study if pay for success could be used for programs they administer; reports required - Jr8 SB7
Public housing adult residents: housing authorities to conduct employment screenings, create employability plans, and require able-bodied and unemployed or underemployed to complete a questionnaire re abuse of controlled substances - Jr8 AB4
Public housing adult residents: housing authorities to conduct employment screenings, create employability plans, and require able-bodied and unemployed or underemployed to complete a questionnaire re abuse of controlled substances - Jr8 SB4
Savings account program in the MA program: DHS to request waiver to establish and implement; exclusions specified - Jr8 AB9
Savings account program in the MA program: DHS to request waiver to establish and implement; exclusions specified - Jr8 SB9
Tetrahydrocannabinols (THC) definition modified re cannabidiol (CBD oil) documentation; scheduling of CBD oil and physician provisions - AB49
Tommy G. Thompson Day: November 19, 2017, and subsequent yearly anniversaries, recognized as - AJR61
Tommy G. Thompson Day: November 19, 2017, and subsequent yearly anniversaries, recognized as - SJR64
Veum, Rachel Ann: life and public service as a valued legislative employee commended - SJR49
W-2 and FoodShare employment and training (FSET) program contractors: performance-based payment system - Jr8 AB6
W-2 and FoodShare employment and training (FSET) program contractors: performance-based payment system - Jr8 SB6
Wisconsin Capitol 100th Anniversary Gala: appreciation expressed to all who made it a success - AR20
Other proposals authored or co-authored by Vos, Rep. Robin (63rd Asm.Dist.; R)
Assembly Bills: 83, 295, 296, 317, 330, 911
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 13, 21, 22, 32, 51, 119
Senate Bills: 10, 177, 216, 217, 250, 278, 322, 422, 809, 817
Senate Joint Resolutions: 18, 38, 118