Motor vehicle — Equipment
Safety belt medical use exemption [Admin.Code Trans 315.03] -  CR09-058
Motor vehicle — Publicly-owned
Municipal or county vehicle registration fee [Admin.Code Trans 126.01, 126.02, 126.04] -  CR08-113
Motor vehicle — Regulation
Vehicle emission inspection process [Admin.Code Trans 131.01, 131.02, 131.03, 131.04, 131.05, 131.06, 131.07, 131.11, 131.12, 131.13, 131.14, 131.15]  - CR10-088
Vehicle inspection and maintenance program; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 484.04, 485.02, 485.04, 485.04 Table 2 and Table 4, 485.045]  - CR10-049
Motor vehicle convenience fees [Admin.Code Trans 196.04, 198, 250.04] -  CR10-030
Municipal or county vehicle registration fee [Admin.Code Trans 126.01, 126.02, 126.04] -  CR08-113
Non-standard vehicles registration [Admin.Code Trans 123] -  CR09-044
Temporary operation plates or permits [Admin.Code Trans 132.01, 132.02, 132.03, 132.04, 132.05, 132.06, 132.07, 132.08, 132.09, 132.10] -  CR10-142
MPCP (Milwaukee Parental Choice Program), see Milwaukee — School
Municipality — Planning
Forward Innovation Fund and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 124] -  CR10-044
- N -
Natural disaster
Midwestern disaster area bonding authority: allocation provided to Wisconsin under the federal Heartland Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2008; and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 136] -  CR09-121
Natural gas, see Fuel
Natural resource
Cave bats: adding to Wisconsin's threatened species list [Admin.Code NR 27.03] -  CR10-114
Endangered and threatened species: Wisconsin lists repealed [Admin.Code NR 27.03] -  CR08-083
Endangered resources information fees [Admin.Code NR 29.04, 29.05] -  CR10-069
Stewardship grants: administration [for rule numbers, see entry under ``Natural Resources, Department of — Environmental protection"] -  CR10-127
Stewardship program: ensuring that lands acquired with funding under ss. 23.0915 and 23.0917, Wis.Stats., are open to public hunting, trapping, fishing, hiking, and cross country skiing [Admin.Code NR 62] -  CR09-077
Natural Resources, Department of — Administration
Department properties: use of [Admin.Code NR 45.03, 45.04, 45.05, 45.09, 45.10, 45.11, 45.12, 45.13]  - CR10-042
Natural Resources, Department of — Environmental protection
Accumulated sediment: management of storm water management structures [Admin.Code NR 149.02 (note), 528]  - CR08-111
Air pollution: federal hazardous air pollutant regulations, biodiesel fuel, statutory changes, and air permit applications; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 406.02, 406.03, 406.04, 407.02, 407.03, 407.04, 407.05, 419.07, 439.055, 439.07, 435.075, 484.10] -  CR09-020
Air pollution sources: fees for reviewing applications for construction; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 410.03] -  CR10-047
Ambient air quality standards and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 404.02, 404.04, 484.03, 484.04]  - CR07-082
Ambient air quality standards for ozone and lead and new reporting requirements for lead compounds [Admin.Code NR 404.04, 438.03 Table, 484.04] -  CR09-088
Aquatic invasive species prevention and control grants [Admin.Code NR 190.005, 190.05, 190.15, 191.05, 191.06, 195.07, 195.10, 198.10, 198.11, 198.12, 198.13, 198.14, 198.15, 198.22, 198.23, 198.30, 198.31, 198.32, 198.33, 198.42, 198.43, 198.44] -  CR08-063
Asbestos project inspection and notification revision fees; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 410.05]  - CR10-046
Best available retrofit technology (BART) implementation for the protection of visibility in mandatory class I federal areas [Admin.Code NR 433.05, 433.06] - CR10-033
Bureau of Watershed Management: revisions to fix typographical errors, make minor modifications or clarifications, ensure consistency with federal regulations, and make code reference updates or technological updates for rules [Admin.Code NR 102.10, 102.11, 103.05, 103.08, 105.06, 105.06 Table 4B, 105.06 Table 5, 105.08 Table 8, 105.09 Table 9, 106.03, 106.05, 106.06, 106.07, 106.08, 106.115, 106.88, 108.04, 110.03, 110.05, 110.08, 110.09, 110.13, 110.14, 110.15, 110.18, 110.19, 110.21, 110.21 Table 5, 110.22, 110.23, 110.24, 110.25, 114.153, 114.16, 114.18, 114.19, 114.20, 114.23, 114.24, 200.03, 200.06, 203.13, 205.17, 210.08, 210.11, 214.02, 214.12, 214.13, 214.14, 214.15, 214.16, 214.17, 214.18, 299.04, 299.05, 328.03, 328.05, 328.35, 341.09, 812.08]  - CR09-123
Cave bats: adding to Wisconsin's threatened species list [Admin.Code NR 27.03] -  CR10-114
Class I areas: permit requirements; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 405.19, 406.08]  - CR10-048
Composting of solid waste [Admin.Code NR 500.03, 502.12, 518.04] -  CR10-128
County forest administration grant program [Admin.Code NR 47.70] -  CR08-046
County shoreland zoning ordinances: minimum standards for [Admin.Code NR 115 (title), 115.01, 115.02, 115.03, 115.05, 115.06, 115.07, 115.09, 115.11, 115.15, 115.17, 115.19, 115.21, 115.23, 115.25] -  CR05-058
Dams: grants for maintenance, repair, modification, or abandonment and removal [Admin.Code NR 335 (title), 335.02, 335.03, 335.05, 335.06, 335.07, 335.08, 335.09, 335.14, 335.15, 335.16, 336 (title), 336.01, 336.02, 336.03, 336.05, 336.06, 336.07, 336.08, 336.09, 336.10] - CR10-032
Endangered and threatened species: Wisconsin lists repealed [Admin.Code NR 27.03] -  CR08-083
Endangered resources information fees [Admin.Code NR 29.04, 29.05] -  CR10-069
Firewood: regulation of entering department lands and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code NR 45.04]  - CR09-103
Forest crop and Managed forest laws: administration of [Admin.Code NR 46.02, 46.16, 46.165, 46.18, 46.30]  - CR10-031
Forest crop and Managed forest laws: administration of [Admin.Code NR 46.15, 46.16, 46.30]  - CR08-023
Forest crop and Managed forest laws: administration of [Admin.Code NR 46.16, 46.30] -  CR09-031
Groundwater quality standards [Admin.Code NR 140.10 Table 1, 140 Appendix 1 to Table 1] -  CR09-102
Gypsy moth suppression program [Admin.Code NR 47.912, 47.913, 47.914, 47.915, 47.917] - CR08-091
Harmful wild animal designation for wild or feral hogs, mute swans, and wolf-dog hybrids [Admin.Code NR 12.10, 16.11, 16.15, 16.30, 16.50] -  CR09-052
Hazardous air pollutants re halogenated solvent cleaners: national emission standards for and NESHAP general provisions [Admin.Code NR 460.02, 460.05, 460.06, 460.07, 460.09, 469.01, 469.02, 469.03, 469.04, 469.05, 469.06, 469.073, 469.074, 469.08, 469.085, 469.09, 469.10, 469.11] - CR07-105
Hazardous waste management [Admin.Code NR 660.10] -  CR10-036
Indirect source program and affecting developers that construct indirect emission sources [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 410.03, 411 (title), 411.01, 411.02, 411.04, 411.05, 411.055, 411.06, 411.07, 411.09, 411.10, 411.12, 411.13, 484.05, 484.06, 484.06 Table 4A] -  CR10-119
Invasive species: identification, classification and control of [Admin.Code NR 40] -  CR08-074
Invasive species: identification, classification, and control of [Admin.Code NR 40.04] -  CR10-115
Invasive species: identification, classification, and control of [Admin.Code NR 40.02, 40.04, 40.07]  - CR10-123
Invasive species: identification, classification, and control of; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 40.02, 40.04, 40.045 (note), 40.05, 40.06, 40.07]  - CR10-016
Major source permitting thresholds for sources of greenhouse gas emissions and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 400.03, 405.02, 405.07, 407.02, 407.05, 407.05 Table 1, 407.075] -  CR10-144
Nitrogen oxide (NO2) emissions: modification of existing rules for control by stationary sources in the ozone non-attainment area in Southeastern Wisconsin and issues for SIP (Standard Implementation Plan) and miscellaneous implementation issues [Admin.Code NR 422.02, 422.035, 422.07, 428.02, 428.04, 428.05, 428.07, 428.08, 428.09, 428.12, 428.20, 428.22, 428.23, 428.25] -  CR08-103
Particulate matter emissions: permit requirements; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 400.03, 404.02, 405.02, 405.07, 405.14, 406.04, 407.03, 408.02, 408.06, 484.04] -  CR10-050
Phosphorus water quality standards criteria, limitations, and effluent standards [Admin.Code NR 102.06, 217 (title), 217 subch. I (title), 217.01, 217 subch. II (title), 217.02, 217.03, 217 subch. III (title), 217.10, 217.11, 217.12, 217.13, 217.14, 217.15, 217.16, 217.17, 217.18, 217.19]  - CR10-035
Public water supply systems: water supply service area planning process [Admin.Code NR 854] -  CR10-132
Runoff pollution performance standards and prohibitions, targeted runoff managment grant program, urban nonpoint source and storm water management grant program; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 151.002, 151.003, 151.004, 151.005, 151.006, 151.015, 151.02, 151.03, 151.04, 151.05, 151.055, 151.06, 151.07, 151.09, 151.095, 151.11, 151.12, 151.121, 151.122, 151.123, 151.124, 151.125, 151.126, 151.127, 151.128, 151.129, 151.13, 151.135, 151.14, 151.15, 151.20, 151.26, 151.30, 151.32, 153 (title), 153.10, 153.11, 153.12, 153.13, 153.14, 153.145, 153.15, 153.16, 153.17, 153.18, 153.19, 153.20, 153.205, 153.21, 153.22, 153.23, 153.24, 153.25, 153.26, 153.27, 153.28, 153.29, 155.12, 155.13, 155.14, 155.15, 155.16, 155.17, 155.18, 155.19, 155.20, 155.21, 155.22, 155.23, 155.24, 155.25, 155.26, 155.27, 155.28] -  CR09-112
Safe drinking water design requirements for community water systems and requirements for the operation and maintenance of public water supply systems [Admin.Code NR 809, 810, 811] - CR09-073
Stewardship grants: administration [Admin.Code NR 51 Table of Contents, 51.002, 51.003, 51.004, 51.005, 51.006, 51.007, 51.03, 51.04, 51.05, 51.06, 51.07, 51.08, 51.09, 51.22, 51.24, 51.25, 51.26, 51.27, 51.28, 51.32, 51.35, 51.40, 51.41, 51.42, 51.43, 51.45, 51.46, 51.52, 51.53, 51.62, 51.63, 51.64, 51.65, 51.66, 51.70, 51.72, 51.73, 51.74, 51.75, 51.82, 51.84, 51.85, 51.880, 51.882, 51.883, 51.884, 51.885, 51.902, 51.903, 51.904, 51.905, 51.906, 51.907, 51.908, 51.912, 51.913, 51.914, 51.915, 51.916, 51.917, 51.918, 51.920, 51.922, 51.923, 51.924, 51.925, 51.926, 51.932, 51.933, 51.934, 51.935, 51.942, 51.943, 51.944, 51.946, subch. XVI (title), 51.952, 51.954, subch. XVII (title), 51.960, 51.961, 51.962, 51.963, 51.964, 51.965, 51.966, 51.967, 51.968, 51.969, subch. XVIII (title), 51.970, 51.971, 51.972, 51.973, 51.974, 51.975, 51.976, 51.977, subch. XIX (title), 51.980, 51.981, 51.982, 51.983, 51.984, 51.985, 51.986, 51.987, 51.990, 51.991, 51.992, 51.993, 51.994] -  CR10-127
Surface water thermal standards [Admin.Code NR 102.01, 102.03, 102.04, 102.05, 106 (title), 209]  - CR07-111
Urban forestry catastrophic storm grant program administration [Admin.Code NR 47.007, 47.008] - CR08-062
Vehicle inspection and maintenance program; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 484.04, 485.02, 485.04, 485.04 Table 2 and Table 4, 485.045]  - CR10-049
Volatile organic compounds (VOC): definition [Admin.Code NR 400.02] -  CR10-012
Volatile organic compounds (VOC): emission controls for industrial wastewater collection and treatment operations [Admin.Code NR 419.02, 419.045, 484.04]  - CR08-104
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions from certain operations within the synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry: application of Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) [Admin.Code NR 421.07, 439.075]  - CR08-114
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) in ozone non-attainment counties: application of Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) emission limitations to sources and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 422.02, 422.035, 422.07, 422.075, 422.10, 422.105, 422.11, 422.115, 422.123, 422.131, 422.141, 422.142, 423.037, 439.06, 484.04]  - CR08-102
Water quality classifications in Lake Superior basin and related anti-gradation procedures for WPDES permits [Admin.Code NR 102.10, 102.12, 207.03] -  CR05-094
Water withdrawals: application and permit process of Great Lakes basin water; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 860] -  CR10-109
Water withdrawals: fees in the Great Lakes basin; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 142.30, 850]  - CR10-061
Water withdrawals: registration and reporting process; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 142.03, 856]  - CR10-059
Water withdrawals: water conservation and water use efficiency; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 852]  - CR10-060