Wisconsin Legislature

Emergency Rule EmR1513

Status: Expired

Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (ATCP)

Administrative Code Chapter Group Affected:

Chs. ATCP 90-139; Trade and Consumer Protection

Administrative Code Chapter Affected:

Ch. ATCP 99 (Revised)

Related to: Grain dealer and grain warehouse keeper agricultural producer security fund assessments

Comments for this rule have closed

Statement of Scope: SS 017-15

Rule Text: EmR1513 Rule Text

Date Filed With LRB: April 28, 2015

Date Published: May 1, 2015

Effective Start Date: September 1, 2015

Expiration Date: January 28, 2016

Notes: The scope for this rule, SS 017-15, was approved by the Governor on February 16, 2015, published in register No. 710B on February 23, 2015, and approved by the Board of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection on March 11, 2015.

This emergency rule was approved by the Governor on April 15, 2015.

Register Entries

Date Register File
5/4/2015713A1, Emergency Rules Filed with Legislative Reference BureauEmR113 Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
5/4/2015713A1, Emergency Rules Filed with Legislative Reference BureauEmR1513 Rule Text
5/4/2015713A1, Emergency Rules Filed with Legislative Reference BureauEmR1513 Fiscal Estimate
7/27/2015715B, Rule-Making Notices (Hearing Notices)EmR1513 Hearing Information
2/23/2015710B, Statements of ScopeSS 017-15