Wisconsin Legislature

Emergency Rule EmR1714

Status: Expired or Superseded by CR 17-044

Dentistry Examining Board (DE)

Administrative Code Chapter Affected:

Ch. DE 13 (Revised)

Related to: Designating continuing education on the topic of prescribing controlled substances

Comments for this rule have closed

Statement of Scope: SS 019-17

Related Permanent Rule: CR 17-044

Date Rule Text Approved by Governor: June 30, 2017

Rule Text: EmR1714 Rule Text

Date Filed With LRB: June 30, 2017

Date Published: July 1, 2017

Effective Start Date: October 1, 2017

Expiration Date: February 27, 2018

Register Entries

Date Register File
8/21/2017740A3, Notices of Submittal of Rules to Legislature in Final Draft FormCR 17-044
7/10/2017739A2, Emergency Rules Filed with Legislative Reference BureauEmR1714 Rule Text
1/22/2018745A4, Final Permanent Rules Filed with LRB for Administrative Code PublicationCR 17-044 Rule Text
2/26/2018746B, Final Rules Published in Administrative Code and Final Regulatory Flexibility AnalysesCR 17-044 Rule Text
2/26/2018746B, CR 17-044