Wisconsin Legislature

Emergency Rule EmR2002

Status: Expired (Suspended)

Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (ATCP)

Administrative Code Chapter Group Affected:

Chs. ATCP 90-139; Trade and Consumer Protection

Administrative Code Chapter Affected:

Ch. ATCP 134 (Revised)

Related to: Residential rental practices

Comments for this rule have closed

Statement of Scope: SS 016-20

Date Rule Text Approved by Governor: March 27, 2020

Rule Text: EmR2002 Rule Text

Date Filed With LRB: April 21, 2020

Date Published: April 25, 2020

Effective Start Date: April 25, 2020

Expiration Date: September 21, 2020

Suspension: On June 25, 2020, the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules, pursuant to s. 227.26 (2) (d), Stats., voted to suspend the entirety of Emergency Rule 2002 on the grounds that the emergency rule lacks statutory authority and is arbitrary and capricious.

Register Entries

Date Register File
4/27/2020772B, Emergency Rules Filed with Legislative Reference BureauEmR2002 Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
4/27/2020772B, Emergency Rules Filed with Legislative Reference BureauEmR2002 Fiscal Estimate
4/27/2020772B, Emergency Rules Filed with Legislative Reference BureauEmR2002 Rule Text
5/4/2020773A1, Rule-Making Notices (Hearing Notices)EmR2002 Hearing Information