2001 Assembly Resolution 27
Relating to: commending Jason Wildfong for his devoted service to the nation and this state.
Whereas, Jason Wildfong was raised in Union Grove, Wisconsin, and first joined the U.S. Army Reserve after graduating from Union Grove High School in 1989; and
Whereas, he was part of a biomedical equipment repair unit in Milwaukee while working for his grandfather, a manager for 25 years at Wolohan Lumber and Home Improvement Center in Sturtevant; and
Whereas, Jason was activated and sent to Texas during Desert Storm, but was never sent to Kuwait; and he later joined the infantry as a full-time soldier, becoming the 3rd generation in his family to serve in the U.S. military; and
Whereas, in 1996, Jason was on a helicopter when it collided with another one and crashed; and he suffered major injuries and his life was saved only because he was thrown from the helicopter; and
Whereas, after the accident, Jason went back into the infantry, but then became an explosives expert stationed in Kuwait; and
Whereas, Jason was one of 5 Americans killed on March 12, 2001, when a Navy Hornet dropped bombs on an observation post instead of the intended target; and
Whereas, Jason is survived by his 2 sons, Ryan and Benjamin, and various other family and friends; and
Whereas, Jason will be remembered as a fun-loving, hardworking, and determined individual who loved his family and who died serving his country; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the assembly, That the members of the Wisconsin assembly commend Jason Wildfong for his devoted service to the nation and this state, express their sorrow at his death, and extend condolences to his family and friends; and, be it further
Resolved, That the assembly chief clerk shall provide copies of this resolution to Jason's sons, Ryan and Benjamin, to his mother, Diane Bogard, and to his father, Jay D. Wildfong, Jr.