2023 Senate Joint Resolution 83
Relating to: declaring November 2023 as Veterans' Mental Health and Suicide Awareness Month in Wisconsin.
Whereas, Wisconsin is home to more than 331,000 veterans who have faithfully answered the call of military service; and
Whereas, veterans experience high levels of stress when transitioning from military to civilian life, and about half of returning veterans do not immediately receive the resources, benefits, and services that they need; and
Whereas, veterans are more likely to become chronically homeless than nonveterans, experience disproportionately high unemployment rates, and face harsh and undeserved stigma upon returning home after service; and
Whereas, veterans' homes and family lives are often burdened by afflictions like post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, physical injury, anxiety and depression, and substance use disorder; and
Whereas, veterans are five times more likely to experience depression and 15 times more likely to experience post-traumatic stress disorder than nonveterans; and
Whereas, 40 to 50 percent of Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans have been diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder; and
Whereas, over the past 20 years, 30,000 active-duty service members and veterans have tragically died by suicide, which is more than four times the number of service members killed in active combat in that time; and
Whereas, suicide is the second leading cause of death among veterans between the ages of 18 and 44; and
Whereas, the critical work of nonprofit organizations has raised public awareness of veteran mental health issues like suicide, substance abuse, post-combat injuries, and the transition from military service to civilian life; and
Whereas, the 22 Pushup Challenge has played a vital role in engaging veterans in supporting their comrades coping with mental health challenges, partnering with organizations dedicated to empowering veterans and delivering critical mental health services to veterans and their families; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the Wisconsin Legislature declares November 2023 as Veterans' Mental Health and Suicide Awareness Month in Wisconsin.