1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
October 2, 1995 - Introduced by Representatives Lorge, Johnsrud, Kreibich,
Olsen and Zukowski, cosponsored by Senator Jauch. Referred to Committee
on Agriculture.
1An Act to create 97.16 of the statutes;
relating to: testing for equine infectious
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Current law authorizes the department of agriculture, trade and consumer
protection (DATCP) to establish and enforce quarantine and other measures related
to the importation, movement and care of animals that it determines to be necessary
to protect the health of domestic animals in this state. DATCP's current
administrative rules prohibit a person from bringing an equine animal to a fair, show,
livestock exhibition or trail ride unless the equine animal tests negative on a test for
equine infectious anemia within 6 months before being moved to the fair, show,
livestock exhibition or trail ride.
This bill provides that DATCP may not require a negative result on a test for
equine anemia as a condition of bringing an animal to a fair, show, livestock
exhibition or trail ride.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB589, s. 1
1. 97.16 of the statutes is created to read:
497.16 Equine infectious anemia. Notwithstanding s. 93.07 (10) (a), the
5department may not require a negative result from a test for equine anemia as a
6condition of exhibiting an equine animal at a fair, show or livestock exhibition or
7bringing an equine animal to a trail ride.