1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
May 23, 1995 - Introduced by Representatives Owens, Ladwig, Baldus, Kelso,
Hahn, Otte, Kaufert, Ainsworth, Olsen, Seratti, F. Lasee, Boyle, Wilder and
Hasenohrl. Referred to Committee on Elections and Constitutional Law.
1To amend sections 4, 5 and 26 (2) (b) of article IV; and
to create section 17 of article
2XIV of the constitution;
relating to: terms of office of members of the senate
3and assembly (first consideration).
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Presently the constitution provides that representatives to the assembly are
elected to 2-year terms and state senators are elected to staggered 4-year terms.
This constitutional amendment, proposed to the 1995 legislature on first
consideration, provides that representatives to the assembly are elected to staggered
4-year terms and senators to staggered 6-year terms. The changes to the length of
terms first apply to the terms for which the election in November 2000 is held.
As a constitutional amendment, the proposal requires adoption by 2 successive
legislatures, and ratification by the people, before it can become effective.
4Resolved by the assembly, the Senate concurring, That:
AJR45, s. 1
1. Section 4 of article IV of the constitution is amended to read:
[Article IV] Section 4. The members of the assembly shall be
chosen biennially,
7by single elected from single-member districts
. The assembly districts shall be
8numbered in the regular series, and the representatives shall be chosen, alternately
9from the odd-numbered and even-numbered districts, for the term of 4 years, on the
succeeding after the first Monday of November
in even-numbered years, by
11the qualified electors of the several districts, such districts to be bounded by county,
1precinct, town or ward lines, to consist of contiguous territory and be in as compact
2form as practicable.
AJR45, s. 2
2. Section 5 of article IV of the constitution is amended to read:
[Article IV] Section 5. The senators shall be elected
by single from
5single-member districts of convenient contiguous
territory, at the same time and in
6the same manner as members of the assembly are required to be chosen; and no
7assembly district shall be divided in the formation of a senate district whole
8assembly districts. The senate districts shall be numbered in the regular series, and
9one-third of the senators shall be chosen
alternately from the odd and
10even-numbered districts in each even-numbered year, for the term of
4 6 years
, on
11the Tuesday after the first Monday of November.
AJR45, s. 3
3. Section 26 (2) (b) of article IV of the constitution is amended to read:
{Article IV] Section 26 (2) (b) Any increase in the compensation of members of
14the legislature shall take effect, for all senators and representatives to the assembly,
15after the next general election beginning with the new
assembly term biennial
16session of the legislature.
AJR45, s. 4
4. Section 17 of article XIV of the constitution is created to read:
[Article XIV] Section 17. The changes to the constitution made by this
191995/1997 amendment lengthening the terms of legislators first apply to the election
20held on the Tuesday after the first Monday of November 2000, and to the term of
21office of the members elected at that election. The terms of all senators in office on
22the day preceding the first Monday of January in 2001 who were elected for terms
23expiring in January 2003 expire with the end of the day preceding the first Monday
24of January in 2001. Notwithstanding section 5 of article IV, the terms of senators
25elected in November 2000 to senate districts 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28 and 31
1shall be for 2 years; the terms of senators elected in November 2000 to districts 2, 5,
28, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29 and 32 shall be for 4 years; and the terms of senators
3elected in November 2000 to districts 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 and 33 shall
4be for 6 years. Notwithstanding section 4 of article IV, the terms of representatives
5elected in November 2000 to even-numbered districts shall be for 2 years; and the
6terms of representatives elected in November 2000 to odd-numbered districts shall
7be for 4 years.
AJR45, s. 5
5. Numbering of new section. The new section 17 of article XIV of the
9constitution, created in this joint resolution, shall be designated by the next higher
10open whole section number in that article if, prior to or simultaneously with the
11ratification by the people of the amendment proposed in this joint resolution, any
12other ratified amendment has created a section 17 of article XIV of the constitution
13of this state. If several ratified amendments simultaneously create a section 17 of
14article XIV, the chief of the legislative reference bureau shall determine the sequence
15and the numbering.
16Be it further resolved, That this proposed amendment be referred to the
17legislature to be chosen at the next general election and that it be published for 3
18months previous to the time of holding such election.