1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
March 14, 1996 - Introduced by Representatives Dueholm, Hubler and Boyle,
cosponsored by Senators Clausing and Jauch. Referred to Calendar.
1Relating to: the life and public service of Eugene Taylor.
Whereas, Eugene Taylor was born on February 26, 1931, in Spooner, and died
3January 14, 1996, in Spooner; and
Whereas, Mr. Taylor served in the U.S. navy for 4 years during the Korean War;
Whereas, Mr. Taylor served as the St. Croix Tribal Chairman for 24 years; and
Whereas, he was active in a number of civic organizations, including the Siren
8VFW and the Burnett County Historical Society, and he founded the St. Croix/Hertel
9Fire Department; and
Whereas, Mr. Taylor was the chairman of the Great Lakes Tribal Council
11during its early years; now, therefore, be it
12Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That the members of the
13Wisconsin legislature commend Eugene Taylor's many years of public service,
14express their sorrow at his death and extend their condolences to his family and
15friends; and, be it further
16Resolved, That the assembly chief clerk shall provide copies of this joint
17resolution to Mr. Taylor's wife, Dorothy, and to his children: Donald Taylor, Joseph
1Taylor, John Taylor, Michael Taylor, Barbara Rivard, Patricia Olson, Yvonne Wilkie,
2Dorothy Jo Goering, Jacqueline Baasch and Micheala Taylor.