1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
January 3, 1995 - Introduced by Representatives Black, Bock, Carpenter,
Notestein, Travis, Ryba, Huber, La Fave, R. Potter, Baldwin and Bell.
1To repeal and recreate assembly rule 9 (1); relating to: limiting the number of
2assembly standing committees.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This resolution limits the number of assembly standing committees to 25 plus
the number of assembly standing committees that have the same members as the
assembly members on a joint committee and the same subject matter area as the
joint committee.
3Resolved by the assembly, That:
AR5, s. 1
1. Assembly rule 9 (1) is repealed and recreated to read:
Assembly Rule 9 (1) As early as possible in each legislative biennium, the
6speaker shall offer a resolution establishing the standing committees of the
7assembly. The number of assembly standing committees may not exceed the sum of
825 plus the number of assembly standing committees that have the same members
9as the assembly members on a joint committee and the same subject matter area as
10the joint committee.