Note: Breaks up long sentence, replaces and deletes disfavored terms and
nonspecific references.
AB970, s. 129 1Section 129. 128.20 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 128.20 (1) (a) (intro.) and
2amended to read:
AB970,71,73 128.20 (1) (a) (intro.) Every receiver or assignee shall, within 6 months after
4the time limited for filing claims or within such any further time as that the court
5shall allow allows, file with the clerk of the circuit court a full and itemized
6statement, verified by the receiver's or assignee's oath of the, showing all of the
7following in regard to the receivership or assignment:
AB970,71,8 81. The property received by the receiver or assignee , the.
AB970,71,10 92. The manner of the receiver's or assignee's dealing therewith, with the
10property received.
AB970,71,11 113. The amount of money realized by the receiver or assignee, the.
AB970,71,13 124. The condition of the property and funds in the receiver's or assignee's
13possession, the.
AB970,71,14 145. The names and residences of the debtor's creditors , the.
AB970,71,15 156. The dividends paid them, the to the debtor's creditors.
AB970,71,16 167. The receiver's or assignee's receipts and disbursements with the,
AB970,71,18 178. The receiver's or assignee's claim for compensation and administration
AB970,71,23 19(b) If any receiver or assignee shall neglect neglects to apply promptly for a
20settlement of the receiver's or assignee's his or her account, the court may, upon
21application of any creditor, compel the making and filing of such the account or
22settlement thereof of the account and in such that case the receiver or assignee may
23be denied compensation.

Note: Subdivides provision and replaces and deletes disfavored terms and
nonspecific references.
AB970, s. 130 1Section 130. 128.20 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,72,132 128.20 (2) Upon filing the report described in sub. (1) (a), the receiver or
3assignee may apply to the court upon not less than 10 days' notice thereof by mail
4to the respective creditors named in the report, for a final settlement of the account.
5The court shall fix a time and place for the hearing of objections or taking of evidence
6and by order settle and adjust the accounts and the compensation and expenses of
7the receiver or assignee, regardless of whether objection is made. The order shall be
8conclusive upon all parties including the sureties of the receiver or assignee, but the.
receiver or assignee or any creditor may appeal from the order in the manner
10prescribed for appeals in civil actions except that the receiver or assignee may file
11a notice and undertaking with the clerk without other service thereof of the notice
12and undertaking
. The receiver or assignee shall be discharged of the trust and the
13bond canceled upon compliance with the final order of the court.
Note: Inserts specific cross-reference, breaks up long sentence and replaces
disfavored terms.
AB970, s. 131 14Section 131. 128.21 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,72,2015 128.21 (4) (intro.) If the plan recommended under sub. (3) (b) or a modification
16thereof of the plan is approved under sub. (3r), the debtor shall make the periodic
17payments therein provided for in the plan to the trustee, and may make additional
18payments from time to time to the trustee, and the trustee shall distribute the
19payments proportionally among the creditors listed in the plan, less all of the
Note: Inserts specific reference.
AB970, s. 132 21Section 132. 128.21 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
1128.21 (5) If the debtor defaults in any payment provided for under the plan
2for a period of more than thirty 30 days the trustee shall, and before the end of any
the 30-day period may, report the matter to the court with the trustee's
4recommendations, and the. The court shall thereupon either dismiss the
5proceedings or, if satisfied from the trustee's report that the debtor is in good faith
6and should be able to make good the default, extend the period of grace for not to
7exceed thirty 30 days, at. At the end of which the grace period, the trustee shall again
8report to the court and if all defaults have not then been cured the court shall
9forthwith immediately dismiss the proceedings. If the debtor makes preferential
10payments to creditors during the pendency of the proceedings, or appears for any
11reason to be abusing the privileges of this section, the trustee shall promptly report
12the matter to the court and the court may dismiss the proceedings. If the claims of
13all creditors as listed in the plan are satisfied in full, the trustee shall, upon
14completion of the final distribution, report to the court and the court shall thereupon
15dismiss the proceedings.
Note: Inserts specific references, breaks up long sentence, replaces word form of
number with digits and deletes disfavored terms.
AB970, s. 133 16Section 133. 128.21 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,73,2217 128.21 (7) Neither the determination of the amount of any claim for the
18purposes of the plan, nor the acceptance of payments thereunder under the plan,
19shall affect the right of any creditor to litigate the creditor's claim and obtain
20judgment thereon on the claim, or the right of the debtor to dispute it, and the the
21claim. The
amount of any judgment shall be substituted by the trustee for the
22amount fixed in the plan.
Note: Inserts specific references and breaks up long sentence.
AB970, s. 134 23Section 134. 128.21 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
1128.21 (8) Any secured creditor who wishes to realize on his or her security
2shall give the trustee at least five 5 days' notice in writing of the time, place and
3manner of the proposed realization, and shall notify the trustee of the amount
4realized, by which amount the creditor's claim as listed under the plan shall be
Note: Replaces word form of number with digit.
AB970, s. 135 6Section 135. 128.25 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB970,74,107 128.25 (5) (a) By collection. When the asset constituting the security is an
8obligation for the payment of money, the secured creditor may determine its the
value by collection or by exhausting his or her remedies thereon against
10the security
and then surrendering the obligation to the liquidator.
Note: Inserts specific references.
AB970,74,1111 (End)