1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
March 24, 1998 - Introduced by Representatives Bock, R. Young, Boyle, Krug,
Plouff, Notestein, Robson
and Seratti. Referred to Committee on Rules.
AR21,1,1 1Relating to: memorializing Congress to close the School of the Americas.
AR21,1,32 Whereas, the School of the Americas was established in Panama in 1946 and
3is presently located in Fort Benning, Georgia; and
AR21,1,74 Whereas, the School of the Americas has trained over 59,000 troops from Latin
5America and the Caribbean since its inception in 1946 and currently trains 900 to
62,000 such soldiers per year at Fort Benning, Georgia, at an annual cost to the
7American Taxpayers of nearly $20,000,000; and
AR21,1,108 Whereas, it has been admitted that training manuals used for years by the
9School of the Americas have advocated execution, false imprisonment, physical
10abuse and other forms of torture; and
AR21,1,1211 Whereas, many School of the Americas graduates have been involved in a wide
12range of human rights abuses; and
AR21,1,1513 Whereas, 2 of the 3 Salvadoran officers cited as being responsible for the 1980
14assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero were School of the Americas graduates,
15including death squad founder and leader Robert D'Aubuisson; and
1Whereas, 10 of the 12 officers cited as being involved in the massacre of 900
2civilians at El Mozote in El Salvador graduated from the School of the Americas; and
AR21,2,53 Whereas, 19 of the 26 officers cited in the November 1989 murder of 6 Jesuit
4priests, their housekeeper and her daughter in San Salvador, El Salvador, were
5School of the Americas graduates; and
AR21,2,86 Whereas, Guatemalan Colonel Julio Roberto Alpirez, a CIA asset who was
7implicated in the killings of U.S. citizen Michael Devine and Efraim Bamaca,
8husband of U.S. lawyer Jennifer Harbury, is a School of the Americas graduate; and
AR21,2,129 Whereas, the editorial boards of the Asbury Park Press, Atlanta Constitution,
10Bangor Daily News, Boston Globe, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Courier News, Des Moines
11Register, New York Times, San Antonio Express-News
and Syracuse Post-Standard,
12among others, have called for the closure of the School of the Americas; and
AR21,2,1513 Whereas, the New York Times, in its September 28, 1996, edition stated, "an
14institution ... [the School of the Americas] so clearly out of tune with American values
15... should be shut down without delay"; and
AR21,2,1816 Whereas, the California chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars has passed a
17resolution urging the closure of the School of the Americas, and the national
18organization is deliberating the same resolution; and
AR21,2,2019 Whereas, there is growing opposition to the School of the Americas in the U.S.
20house of representatives; and
AR21,2,2321 Whereas, in September 1997 the U.S. house of representatives came within 7
22votes (210-217) of passing an amendment to the 1998 Foreign Aid Appropriations
23Bill that would have cut $1,500,000 from the school's funding; and
AR21,3,224 Whereas, the U.S. house of representatives' vote represents a sharp contrast to
25votes in 1993 and 1994, when the school's reputation was not as widely known and

1when amendments to cut the school's funding were defeated by 82-vote and 42-vote
2margins; and
AR21,3,63 Whereas, among the Wisconsin delegation to Congress there was recently
4nearly unanimous support of an amendment to the appropriations bill that would
5significantly cut the school's funding, 3 Republicans and 5 Democrats voting in favor
6of the amendment and none voting against it; now, therefore, be it
AR21,3,9 7Resolved by the assembly, That the Wisconsin assembly urges the President
8and the Congress of the United States to support the closure of the United States
9Army School of the Americas; and, be it further
AR21,3,11 10Resolved, That the assembly chief clerk shall provide copies of this resolution
11to President Clinton and to each member of this state's congressional delegation.
AR21,3,1212 (End)