SB423,175,106 611.07 (4) (title) Waiver of notice and informal action by shareholders,
7members or directors.
Sections 180.0704, 180.0706, 180.0821 and 180.0823 apply
8to stock corporations and ss. 181.70 and 181.72 181.0704, 181.0706, 181.0821 and
apply to mutuals. Section 181.0821 also applies to a committee of the board
10of a mutual, except that references to "board" shall be read as "committee".
SB423, s. 92 11Section 92. 611.10 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,175,15 12611.10 Reservation of corporate name. Sections 180.0402 and 180.0403
13(2), (3) and (3m) apply to stock corporations and s. 181.07 applies ss. 181.0402 and
14181.0403 (2), (3) and (3m) apply
to mutuals. For such purposes references therein
15to "this chapter" shall include this chapter.
SB423, s. 93 16Section 93. 611.12 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,175,1817 611.12 (2) Mutuals. (intro.) Section 181.31 181.0202 applies to the articles of
18a mutual, except, that:
SB423, s. 94 19Section 94. 611.12 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,175,2220 611.12 (2) (a) The name of the corporation shall include the words "mutual" and
21"insurance" or terms of equivalent meaning and shall comply with s. 181.06 (3)
22181.0401 (2) to (4);
SB423, s. 95 23Section 95. 611.12 (2) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
SB423,175,2524 611.12 (2) (am) The articles shall include a statement that the corporation is
25organized under this chapter.
SB423, s. 96
1Section 96. 611.12 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,176,72 611.12 (3) Principal officers. Sections 180.0840 and 180.0841 apply to stock
3corporations and s. 181.25 (1) and (2) applies ss. 181.0840 and 181.0841 apply to
4mutuals. Notwithstanding s. 180.0840 (1) or 181.0840 (1), the articles or bylaws
5shall specifically designate 3 or more offices, the holders of which shall be the
6principal officers of the corporation. Notwithstanding s. 180.0840 (3) or 181.0840 (3),
7the principal offices shall be held by at least 3 separate natural persons individuals.
SB423, s. 97 8Section 97. 611.12 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,176,149 611.12 (4) Bylaws. The bylaws of a domestic corporation shall comply with this
10chapter, and a copy of the bylaws and any amendments thereto shall be filed with the
11commissioner within 60 days after adoption. Subject to this subsection, to ss. 611.13
12(2) (d) and (5) and 611.22 (4), ss. 180.0206 and 180.1020 to 180.1022 apply to stock
13corporations and s. 181.13 applies ss. 181.0206, 181.0207 and 181.1021 apply to
SB423, s. 98 15Section 98. 611.29 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,176,2116 611.29 (1) Right to amend articles. A stock corporation may amend its articles
17under ss. 180.0726, 180.1001 to 180.1007, 180.1706, 180.1707 and 180.1708 (4) and
18a mutual may amend its articles under ss. 181.35 to 181.37 and 181.39 181.1001,
19181.1002 (1), 181.1003, 181.1005 and 181.1006
, subject to sub. (3), in any desired
20respect including substantial changes of its original purposes. No amendment may
21be made contrary to s. 611.12 (1) to (3).
SB423, s. 99 22Section 99. 611.29 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,177,223 611.29 (3) Articles of amendment; mutuals. In addition to the requirements
24of s. 181.37 181.1005, the articles of amendment of a mutual shall, if mail voting is

1used, state the number of policyholders voting by mail and the number of such
2policyholders voting for and against the amendment.
SB423, s. 100 3Section 100. 611.29 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,177,54 611.29 (5) Effect of amendment of articles. Section 180.1009 applies to stock
5corporations and s. 181.41 181.1008 applies to mutuals.
SB423, s. 101 6Section 101. 611.42 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,177,107 611.42 (1) General. Subject to this section and s. 611.53, ss. 181.14, 181.15 and
181.0701, 181.0702, 181.0705 (1) to (4), 181.0722 (1) to (3), 181.0723,
9181.0724 and 181.0727
apply to mutuals. Subject to this section and s. 611.53, s.
10181.16 applies to mutuals.
SB423, s. 102 11Section 102. 611.42 (1e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB423,177,1612 611.42 (1e) Court-ordered meetings. (a) The circuit court for the county
13where a mutual's principal office is located, or, if the mutual does not have its
14principal office in this state, where its registered office is located, may, after notice
15and an opportunity to be heard, order a meeting to be held on petition of a
16policyholder of the mutual who meets any of the following conditions:
SB423,177,1917 1. The policyholder is entitled to participate in an annual meeting and the
18annual meeting has not been held within 15 months after the mutual's last annual
SB423,177,2120 2. The policyholder has signed a demand for a special meeting that meets the
21requirements of s. 181.0702 and the mutual has failed to do any of the following:
SB423,177,2322 a. Give notice of the special meeting within 30 days after the date that the
23demand was delivered to the mutual.
SB423,177,2424 b. Hold the special meeting in accordance with the notice.
1(b) The court may fix the time and place of the meeting. The court shall require
2that the meeting be called and conducted in accordance with the mutual's articles of
3incorporation and bylaws, in so far as possible, except that the court may do all of the
SB423,178,75 1. Fix the quorum required for specific matters to be considered at the meeting
6or direct that the votes represented at the meeting constitute a quorum for action on
7those matters.
SB423,178,88 2. Enter any other orders necessary to accomplish the purpose of the meeting.
SB423, s. 103 9Section 103. 611.42 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB423,178,1010 611.42 (1m) Record date. Section 181.0707 applies to mutuals.
SB423, s. 104 11Section 104. 611.51 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,178,1412 611.51 (1) General. Subject to this section, ss. 180.0801 and 180.0802 apply
13to stock corporations and s. 181.18 applies ss. 181.0801 (1) and (2) and 181.0802
to mutuals.
SB423, s. 105 15Section 105. 611.51 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,178,1916 611.51 (6) Unlawful delegation. The board shall manage the business and
17affairs of the corporation and may not delegate its power or responsibility to do so,
18except to the extent authorized by ss. 180.0841, 181.25 (2) 181.0841, 611.56 and
SB423, s. 106 20Section 106. 611.51 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,178,2321 611.51 (7) Quorum and voting. Section 180.0824 applies to the board of a stock
22corporation and s. 181.22 181.0824 applies to the board of a mutual except as
23modified by s. 611.60.
SB423, s. 107 24Section 107. 611.51 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
1611.51 (8) Place and notice of directors' meetings. Sections 180.0820,
2180.0822 and 180.0823 apply to stock corporations. Section 181.24 applies Sections
3181.0820, 181.0822 and 181.0823 apply
to mutuals.
SB423, s. 108 4Section 108. 611.51 (9) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,179,115 611.51 (9) (a) (title) Stock corporations. Sections 180.1601 to 180.1620 apply
6to stock corporations. Section 181.27 applies to mutuals, but inspection of the
7records of the names and addresses of policyholders of mutuals entitled to vote shall
8be permitted only for the purpose of communicating with other policyholders with
9regard to the nomination and election of candidates for the board or other corporate
10matters which may be submitted to a vote of the policyholders. No person may,
11directly or indirectly, use any information so obtained for any other purpose.
SB423, s. 109 12Section 109. 611.51 (9) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
SB423,179,1813 611.51 (9) (am) Mutuals. 1. Each mutual shall keep correct and complete books
14and records of account and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its members,
15board of directors and committees having any authority of the board of directors.
16Each mutual shall keep at its principal office or at the office of its secretary a record
17giving the names and addresses of policyholders entitled to vote, or records showing
18where such information can be obtained.
SB423,180,219 2. Except for the records of the names and addresses of policyholders entitled
20to vote, all relevant books and records of a mutual may be inspected by any
21policyholder or the policyholder's agent or attorney for any proper purpose at any
22reasonable time. Inspection of the records of the names and addresses of
23policyholders of mutuals entitled to vote shall be permitted only for the purpose of
24communicating with other policyholders with regard to the nomination and election
25of candidates for the board or other corporate matters which may be submitted to a

1vote of the policyholders. No person may, directly or indirectly, use any information
2so obtained for any other purpose.
SB423,180,123 3. In any pending action or proceeding, or upon petition, a court of record in this
4state may, upon notice fixed by the court, hearing and a showing of proper cause, and
5upon suitable terms, order any books and records of account, minutes and records
6of members of a mutual and any other pertinent documents in the mutual's
7possession, or transcripts from or duly authenticated copies thereof, to be brought
8within this state and kept at such place and for such time and for such purposes as
9may be designated in the order. A mutual failing to comply with an order under this
10subdivision is subject to involuntary dissolution under this chapter and all of its
11directors and officers may be punished for contempt of court for disobedience of the
SB423, s. 110 13Section 110. 611.51 (9) (b) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB423,180,1414 611.51 (9) (b) (title) Form of books, records or minutes.
SB423, s. 111 15Section 111. 611.51 (9) (c) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB423,180,1616 611.51 (9) (c) (title) Records of policyholders entitled to vote.
SB423, s. 112 17Section 112. 611.53 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,180,2118 611.53 (3) (title) Removal Resignation, vacancies and removal of directors.
19Subject to subs. (1) and (2), ss. 181.0807 and 181.0811 apply to a mutual.
A director
20may be removed from office for cause by an affirmative vote of a majority of the full
21board at a meeting of the board called for that purpose.
SB423, s. 113 22Section 113. 611.53 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,180,2523 611.53 (4) (title) Vacancies Resignation, vacancies and removal of officers.
24Subject to subs. (1) to (3), ss. 181.21 and 181.26 Sections 181.0843 and 181.0844
25apply to a mutual.
SB423, s. 114
1Section 114. 611.54 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,181,52 611.54 (2) Report of removal. Whenever a director or principal officer of a
3corporation is removed under s. 180.0843 (2), 181.26 181.0843 (2) or 611.53 (3), the
4removal shall be reported to the commissioner immediately together with a
5statement of the reasons for the removal.
SB423, s. 115 6Section 115. 611.56 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,181,97 611.56 (3) (d) Merger or consolidation under s. 611.72 or 611.73, stock
8exchanges under s. 611.71, conversion under s. 611.75 or 611.76, voluntary
9dissolution under s. 611.74 or transfer of business or assets under s. 611.78;
SB423, s. 116 10Section 116. 611.56 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,181,1811 611.56 (5) Quorum and voting. Section 180.0824 applies to a committee of the
12board of a stock corporation, except references to a committee "created under s.
13180.0825" shall be read as a committee "created under this section". Sections
14181.0821 and 181.0824 apply to a committee of the board of a mutual, except that
15references to "board" shall be read as "committee", "majority" in s. 181.0824 (1) shall
16mean a majority of the members appointed to serve on the committee, and "majority"
17in s. 181.0824 (2) shall mean a majority of the members appointed to serve on the
18committee who are present at the meeting.
SB423, s. 117 19Section 117. 611.62 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,181,2220 611.62 (1) Liability. Sections 180.0826 to 180.0828, 180.0832 and 180.0833
21apply to stock corporations and ss. 181.283 to 181.29 181.0850 to 181.0855, except
22s. 181.0855 (2) (c),
apply to mutuals.
SB423, s. 118 23Section 118. 611.62 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,182,324 611.62 (2) Indemnification. Sections 180.0850 to 180.0856, 180.0858 and
25180.0859 apply to stock corporations and ss. 181.041 to 181.051 181.0871 to 181.0881

1and 181.0889
apply to mutuals but no indemnification may be made until at least 30
2days after notice to the commissioner, containing full details about the proposed
SB423, s. 119 4Section 119. 611.62 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,182,65 611.62 (3) Insurance. Section 180.0857 applies to stock corporations and s.
6181.053 181.0883 applies to mutuals.
SB423, s. 120 7Section 120. 611.62 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,182,108 611.62 (4) Derivative actions. Sections 180.0740 to 180.0747 and 180.1708
9(3m) apply to stock corporations and s. 181.295 applies ss. 181.0740 to 181.0747
to mutuals.
SB423, s. 121 11Section 121. 611.63 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,182,1412 611.63 (1) General power. Subject to this section, ss. 180.0302 (11), (12) and
13(16) and 180.0811 apply to stock corporations and ss. 181.04 (15) and 181.19 apply
14s. 181.0302 (11) to (14) applies to mutuals.
SB423, s. 122 15Section 122. 611.73 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB423,182,16 16611.73 (title) Merger and consolidation of mutuals.
SB423, s. 123 17Section 123. 611.73 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 611.73 (1) (a) and
18amended to read:
SB423,182,2219 611.73 (1) (a) (title) In general. Any 2 or more domestic mutuals may merge
20or consolidate under the procedures of this section and ss. 181.42 to 181.47 181.1105
21and 181.1106
, except that papers required by those sections to be filed with the
22department of financial institutions shall instead be filed with the commissioner.
SB423, s. 124 23Section 124. 611.73 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
1611.73 (1) (b) Plan of merger and board resolution. The board of directors of
2each mutual shall, by resolution adopted by each such board, approve a plan of
3merger that includes all of the following:
SB423,183,54 1. The names of the mutuals proposing to merge and the name of the surviving
5mutual into which they propose to merge.
SB423,183,66 2. The terms and conditions of the proposed merger.
SB423,183,87 3. The respective interests and rights of the members of the merging mutuals
8in the surviving mutual.
SB423,183,109 4. Any change in the articles of incorporation of the surviving mutual to be
10effected by the merger.
SB423,183,1211 5. Other provisions with respect to the proposed merger that are considered
12necessary and desirable.
SB423, s. 125 13Section 125. 611.73 (1) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB423,183,1514 611.73 (1) (c) Approval of merger. A plan of merger may be adopted only in the
15following manner:
SB423,183,2416 1. If the articles of incorporation or bylaws of a merging mutual give members
17the right to vote on the merger, the board of directors of the mutual shall adopt a
18resolution approving the proposed plan and directing that it be submitted to a vote
19at a meeting of members, which may be either an annual or a special meeting.
20Written notice setting forth the proposed plan or summary of the plan shall be given
21to each member entitled to vote at the meeting within the time and in the manner
22provided in this chapter for the giving of notice of meetings of members. The
23proposed plan shall be adopted by at least two-thirds of the votes entitled to be cast
24by the members present or represented by proxy at the meeting.
12. If the articles of incorporation or bylaws of any merging mutual do not give
2the members the right to vote on the merger, a plan of merger shall be adopted at a
3meeting of the board of directors of each mutual by at least a majority of the directors
4in office.
SB423, s. 126 5Section 126. 611.73 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB423,184,86 611.73 (1) (d) Abandonment of merger. After approval under par. (c) and prior
7to the filing of the articles of merger, the merger may be abandoned pursuant to the
8provisions for abandonment, if any, set forth in the plan of merger.
SB423, s. 127 9Section 127. 611.73 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 611.73 (2) (a) and
10amended to read:
SB423,184,1611 611.73 (2) (a) (title) In general. Any 2 or more domestic and foreign mutuals
12may merge or consolidate under s. 181.48 if the merger is permitted by the laws of
13the state in which the foreign mutuals are organized. Each domestic mutual shall
14comply with the provisions of this section with respect to the merger of domestic
15corporations and each foreign mutual shall comply with the applicable provisions of
16the laws of the state under which it is organized