AB938,42,8 7(b) Any other information as that the examining board requires and shall be
8accompanied by the
AB938,42,9 9(c) The examination fee for each application.
Note: Replaces disfavored term and subdivides provision for improved readability
and conformity with current style.
AB938, s. 83 10Section 83. 765.20 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,42,11 11765.20 (title) Records and blanks forms.
Note: Replaces disfavored term.
AB938, s. 84 12Section 84. 859.07 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 859.07 (2) (a) 1. and
13amended to read:
AB938,42,1614 859.07 (2) (a) 1. If the The decedent was at the time of death or at any time prior
a patient or inmate of any state or county hospital or institution or any
AB938,42,18 172. The decedent was responsible for any obligation owing to the state or a
18county under s. 46.03 (18), 46.10, 48.36, 301.03 (18), 301.12, or 938.36 or if the.
AB938,42,22 193. The decedent or the decedent's spouse of the decedent ever received the
20family care benefit under s. 46.286, medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49,
21long-term community support services funded under s. 46.27 (7), or aid under s.
2249.68, 49.683, or 49.685, the personal representative shall send.
AB938,42,23 23(b) The notice under par. (a) shall comply with all of the following:
11. The notice shall be in writing of the date set under s. 859.01 on forms
2provided by the applicable department or county clerk.
AB938,43,8 32. The notice shall be sent by registered or certified mail to the department of
4health and family services or the department of corrections, as applicable, and the
5county clerk of the applicable county
not less than 30 days before the date set under
6s. 859.01, upon such blanks and containing such information as the applicable
7department or county clerk may provide. The applicable county is the county of
8residence, as defined in s. 49.001 (6)
Note: Reorders text and subdivides provision for improved readability. Replaces
disfavored terms. See the previous section of this bill.
AB938, s. 85 9Section 85. 859.07 (2) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is created to read:
AB938,43,1410 859.07 (2) (a) (intro.) The personal representative shall provide notice of the
11date set under s. 859.01 to the department of health and family services or the
12department of corrections, as applicable, and to the county clerk of the decedent's
13county of residence, as defined in s. 49.001 (6) if, at any time prior to or at the time
14of the decedent's death, any of the following applied:
Note: Text is moved to an introductory subdivision from the latter part of s. 859.07
(2) for improved readability and conformity with current style. See the previous section
of this bill.
AB938, s. 86 15Section 86. 945.01 (5) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,43,1816 945.01 (5) (b) 2. In any game, drawing, contest, sweepstakes, or other
17promotion, none of the following shall constitute constitutes consideration under this
AB938,43,1919 a. To listen to or watch Listening to or watching a television or radio program.
AB938,44,220 b. To fill Filling out a coupon or entry blank which form that is received through
21the mail or published in a newspaper or magazine, if facsimiles thereof of the coupon

1or entry form
or handwritten and other informal entries are acceptable or if no
2purchase is required.
AB938,44,53 c. To furnish Furnishing proof of purchase if the proof required does not consist
4of more than the container of any product as packaged by the manufacturer, or a part
5thereof of the container, or a facsimile of either.
AB938,44,76 d. To send Sending the coupon or entry blank form and proof of purchase by
7mail to a designated address.
AB938,44,148 e. To fill Filling out a coupon or entry blank form obtained and deposited on the
9premises of a bona fide trade fair or trade show defined as an exhibition by 5 or more
10competitors of goods, wares, or merchandise at a location other than a retail
11establishment or shopping center or other place where goods and services are
12customarily sold; but if an admission fee is charged to such the exhibition all facilities
13for obtaining and depositing coupons or entry blanks forms shall be outside the area
14for which an admission fee is required.
AB938,44,1615 f. To visit Visiting a mercantile establishment or other place without being
16required to make a purchase or pay an admittance fee.
AB938,44,1717 g. To use Using a chance promotion exempt under s. 100.16 (2).
Note: Replaces disfavored terms and corrects sentence agreement.
AB938, s. 87 18Section 87. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
19except as follows:
AB938,44,2120 (1) The treatment of section 441.15 (3) (b) of the statutes takes effect on
21November 1, 2002.
AB938,44,2222 (End)