AB898,25,8 7(6) Insurance. A provision requiring the lessee to purchase insurance from the
8rental-purchase company to insure the rental property.
AB898,25,9 9(7) Attorney fees. A provision requiring the lessee to pay any attorney fees.
AB898,25,16 10430.504 Liability waiver. A rental-purchase company may offer a liability
11waiver to the lessee. The terms of the waiver must be provided to the lessee in
12writing, incorporated into the rental-purchase agreement or on a separate
13document. The face of the writing shall clearly disclose that the lessee is not required
14to purchase the waiver. The fee for the waiver may not exceed 10 percent of the rental
15payment due under the rental-purchase agreement. The lessee shall be entitled to
16cancel the waiver at the end of any rental term.
AB898,25,20 17430.505 Lessee's right to acquire ownership. (1) Limits on cost of rental
The total amount charged by the rental-purchase company for the cost of
19rental services in a rental-purchase transaction shall not exceed the cash price of the
AB898,26,2 21(2) Acquisition of ownership. At any time after the initial rental period, a
22lessee may acquire ownership of the property that is the subject of the
23rental-purchase agreement by tendering an amount equal to the original cash price
24of the rented property, minus at least 50 percent of all rental payments made by the

1lessee. A rental-purchase company may also require the lessee to pay any accrued
2unpaid rental payments and fees.
AB898,26,7 3430.506 Unconscionable conduct. The administrator shall promulgate
4rules declaring specific conduct in rental-purchase agreements and the collection of
5accounts and property arising therefrom to be unconscionable and prohibiting the
6use thereof. In promulgating such rules, the administrator shall consider, among
7other things:
AB898,26,9 8(1) That the practice unfairly takes advantage of the lack of knowledge, ability,
9experience, or capacity of lessees.
AB898,26,11 10(2) That those engaging in the practice know of the inability of lessees to receive
11benefits properly anticipated from the goods or services involved.
AB898,26,15 12(3) The fact that the practice may enable rental-purchase companies to take
13advantage of the inability of lessees reasonably to protect their interests by reason
14of physical or mental infirmities, illiteracy, or inability to understand the language
15of the agreement, ignorance or lack of education, or similar factors.
AB898,26,16 16(4) That the terms of the transaction require lessees to waive legal rights.
AB898,26,19 17(5) That the terms of the transaction require lessees to unreasonably
18jeopardize money or property beyond the money or property immediately at issue in
19the transaction.
AB898,26,22 20(6) That the natural effect of the practice is to cause or aid in causing lessees
21to misunderstand the true nature of the transaction or their rights and duties
AB898,26,24 23(7) That the writing purporting to evidence the obligation of the lessees in the
24transaction contains terms or provisions or authorizes practices prohibited by law.
1(8) Definitions of unconscionability in statutes, rules, rulings and decisions of
2legislative, administrative, or judicial bodies.
AB898,27,5 3430.507 Receipts and statements. (1) Receipts. A rental-purchase
4company shall provide a written receipt to the lessee for any payment made by the
5lessee in cash or, upon the request of the lessee, for any other type of payment.
AB898,27,14 6(2) Statement due to lessee. Subject to sub. (4), upon the request of a lessee,
7a rental-purchase company shall provide a written statement to the lessee showing
8the lessee's payment history on each rental-purchase agreement between the lessee
9and the rental-purchase company. A rental-purchase company is not required to
10provide a statement covering any rental-purchase agreement that was terminated
11more than one year prior to the date of the lessee's request. A rental-purchase
12company may provide a single statement covering all rental-purchase agreements
13or separate statements for each rental-purchase agreement, at the rental-purchase
14company's option.
AB898,27,19 15(3) Statement due to other parties. Subject to sub. (4), upon the written
16request of a lessee, made during the term of or no later than one year after the
17termination of a rental-purchase agreement, a rental-purchase company shall
18provide a written statement to any person designated by the lessee, showing the
19lessee's payment history under the rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,27,24 20(4) Fee for statement. A lessee or, if appropriate, a lessee's designee, is entitled
21to receive one statement under subs. (2) and (3) without charge once every 12
22months. A rental-purchase company shall provide an additional statement if the
23lessee pays the rental-purchase company's reasonable costs of preparing and
24furnishing the statement.
AB898,27,2525 Subchapter VI
1Advertising, price cards, and
2 referral transactions
AB898,28,6 3430.601 Advertising. (1) Disclosure required. Except as provided under
4sub. (2), if an advertisement for a rental-purchase agreement refers to or states the
5amount of a payment for a specific item of property, the advertisement shall also
6clearly and conspicuously state all of the following:
AB898,28,77 (a) That the transaction advertised is a rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,28,98 (b) The total number and total dollar amount of all rental payments necessary
9to acquire ownership of the property.
AB898,28,1210 (c) That the lessee does not acquire ownership of the property if the lessee fails
11to make all rental payments or other payments necessary to acquire ownership of the
AB898,28,15 13(2) Exception. Subsection (1) does not apply to any in-store display or any
14advertisement that is published in the yellow pages of a telephone directory or in any
15similar directory of businesses.
AB898,28,19 16430.602 Price cards displayed. (1) Price cards generally. Except as
17provided in sub. (2), a card or tag that clearly and conspicuously states all of the
18following shall be displayed on or next to any property displayed or offered by a
19rental-purchase company for rent under a rental-purchase agreement:
AB898,28,2020 (a) The cash price that a lessee would pay to purchase the property.
AB898,28,2121 (b) The amount and timing of the rental payments.
AB898,28,2322 (c) The total number and total amount of all rental payments necessary to
23acquire ownership of the property under a rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,28,2424 (d) The cost of rental services under a rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,28,2525 (e) Whether the property is new or used.
1(2) Exceptions. If property is offered for rent under a rental-purchase
2agreement through a catalog, or if the size of the property is such that displaying a
3card or tag on or next to the property would be impractical, a rental-purchase
4company may make the disclosures required under sub. (1) in a catalog or list, if the
5catalog or list is readily available to prospective lessees.
AB898,29,12 6430.603 Referral transactions. (1) Prohibited referral transactions. No
7rental-purchase company may induce any individual to enter into a rental-purchase
8agreement by giving or offering to give a rebate or discount to the individual in
9consideration of the individual's giving to the rental-purchase company the names
10of prospective lessees if the earning of the rebate or discount is contingent upon the
11occurrence of any event that takes place after the time that the individual enters into
12the rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,29,19 13(2) Authorized referral transactions. After entering into a rental-purchase
14agreement, a rental-purchase company may give or offer to give a rebate or discount
15to a lessee under the rental-purchase agreement in consideration of the lessee's
16giving to the rental-purchase company the names of prospective lessees. A rebate
17or discount under this subsection may be contingent upon the occurrence of any event
18that takes place after the time that the names are given to the rental-purchase
AB898,29,2020 Subchapter VII
AB898,29,2221 Termination, reinstatement,
22 default, and right to cure
AB898,29,24 23430.701 Termination of rental-purchase agreement. The termination
24date of a rental-purchase agreement is the earlier of the following:
1(1) The day specified in the rental-purchase agreement as the day on which
2the rental term ends, unless a different day has been established under the
3rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,30,4 4(2) The date on which the lessee voluntarily surrenders the rental property.
AB898,30,14 5430.702 Late payment, grace period, and late fees. (1) Late fee
If a lessee fails to make any payment when due under a rental-purchase
7agreement or if, at the end of any rental term, the lessee fails to return the rental
8property or to renew the rental-purchase agreement for an additional term, the
9rental-purchase company may require the lessee to pay a late fee. Except as
10provided in sub. (4), this subsection does not apply if the lessee's failure to return
11rental property or failure to renew the rental-purchase agreement at the end of the
12rental term is due to the lessee's exercise of an early-purchase option under the
13rental-purchase agreement or is due to the lessee's making all payments necessary
14to acquire ownership of the rental property.
AB898,30,16 15(2) Grace periods. The following grace periods shall apply to rental payments
16made with respect to a rental-purchase agreement:
AB898,30,1917 (a) For an agreement that is renewed on a weekly basis, no late fee may be
18assessed for a payment that is made within 2 days after the date on which the
19scheduled payment is due.
AB898,30,2220 (b) For an agreement that is renewed for a term that is longer than one week,
21no late fee may be assessed for a payment that is made within 5 days after the date
22on which the scheduled payment is due.
AB898,30,24 23(3) Collection, application, and limitation of late fees. Late fees are subject
24to all of the following:
AB898,30,2525 (a) A late fee may not exceed $5 for each past-due rental payment.
1(b) A late fee may be collected only once on each rental payment due, regardless
2of how long the payment remains past due.
AB898,31,43 (c) Payments received shall be applied first to the payment of any rent that is
4due and then to late fees and any other charges.
AB898,31,65 (d) A late fee may be collected at the time that the late fee accrues or at any time
AB898,31,9 7(4) Effect of outstanding late fee on transfer of ownership. A
8rental-purchase company may require payment of any outstanding late fees before
9transferring ownership of rental property to a lessee.
AB898,31,13 10430.703 Reinstatement of terminated rental-purchase agreement. (1)
11Reinstatement generally. A lessee may reinstate a terminated rental-purchase
12agreement without losing any rights or options previously acquired if all of the
13following apply:
AB898,31,1514 (a) The lessee returned or surrendered the rental property within 7 days after
15the termination of the rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,31,2016 (b) Not more than 60 days have passed after the date on which the rental
17property was returned to the rental-purchase company or, if the lessee has paid
18two-thirds or more of the total number of rental payments necessary to acquire
19ownership of the rental property, not more than 120 days have passed since the date
20on which the rental property was returned to the rental-purchase company.
AB898,31,24 21(2) Authorized conditions on reinstatement. As a condition of reinstatement
22under this section, the rental-purchase company may require the payment of all
23past-due rental charges, any applicable late fees, a reinstatement fee not to exceed
24$5, and the rental payment for an additional term.
1(3) Effect of repossession on reinstatement. Nothing in this section prohibits
2a rental-purchase company from attempting to repossess rental property upon
3termination of a rental-purchase agreement, but such efforts do not affect the
4lessee's right to reinstate as long as the rental property is repossessed, voluntarily
5returned, or surrendered within 7 days after the termination of the rental-purchase
AB898,32,11 7(4) Property available upon reinstatement. Upon reinstatement, the
8rental-purchase company shall provide the lessee with the same rental property, if
9the property is available and is in the same condition as when it was returned to the
10rental-purchase company, or with substitute property of comparable quality and
AB898,32,13 12430.704 Default and right to cure. (1) Default generally. A lessee is in
13default under a rental-purchase agreement if any of the following applies:
AB898,32,1714 (a) The lessee fails to return rental property within 7 days after the date on
15which the last rental term for which a rental payment was made expires, unless the
16lessee has exercised an early-purchase option or has made all rental payments
17necessary to acquire ownership of the rental property.
AB898,32,1918 (b) The lessee materially breaches any other provision of the rental-purchase
AB898,32,23 20(2) Default; necessary for lessee liability. No cause of action shall accrue
21against a lessee with respect to the lessee's obligations under a rental-purchase
22agreement except upon default and the expiration of any applicable period of time
23allowed for cure of the default.
AB898,33,5 24(3) Notice of default; general requirement. Except as provided in sub. (4),
25as a condition precedent to bringing an action against a lessee arising out of the

1lessee's default, a rental-purchase company shall provide a written notice of the
2default and of the right to cure the default to the lessee. The notice shall specify the
3default and the action required to cure the default and shall inform the lessee that
4if the default is not cured within 15 days after the notice is given the rental-purchase
5company may bring an action against the lessee.
AB898,33,11 6(4) Notice of default; exception. A rental-purchase company is not required
7to provide a notice of default and right to cure as a condition precedent to bringing
8an action against a lessee if the lessee breaches the agreement and, in so doing, may
9or does materially impair the condition, value or protection of the rental property, or
10otherwise if each of the following occurred twice during the 12 months before the date
11of the current default with respect to the same rental-purchase agreement:
AB898,33,1212 (a) The lessee was in default.
AB898,33,1413 (b) The rental-purchase company gave the lessee written notice of the default
14and of the lessee's right to cure under sub. (3).
AB898,33,1515 (c) The lessee cured the default.
AB898,33,19 16(5) Request for voluntary surrender of property. A rental-purchase
17company may request the voluntary return or surrender of rental property prior to
18the declaration of a default and the sending of written notice of default and right to
19cure. A request under this subsection is subject to s. 430.801.
AB898,33,2020 Subchapter VIII
AB898,33,2121 Collection practices
AB898,33,25 22430.801 Rental-purchase company collection practices. In attempting
23to recover possession of rental property or to collect past-due rental payments or
24other charges owed under a rental-purchase agreement, a rental-purchase
25company may not do any of the following:
1(1) Use of force. Use or threaten to use force or violence to cause physical harm
2to the lessee or the lessee's property or to a person related to the lessee.
AB898,34,3 3(2) Criminal prosecution. Threaten criminal prosecution.
AB898,34,6 4(3) Disclosure of false information. Disclose or threaten to disclose
5information adversely affecting the lessee's reputation for creditworthiness with
6knowledge or reason to know that the information is false.
AB898,34,13 7(4) Communication with lessee's employer. Initiate or threaten to initiate
8communication with the lessee's employer prior to obtaining final judgment against
9the lessee, except for the purpose of enforcing an assignment of earnings authorized
10under s. 430.802. This subsection does not prohibit a rental-purchase company from
11communicating with a lessee's employer solely to verify employment status or
12earnings or to determine if the employer has an established debt counseling service
13or procedure.
AB898,34,20 14(5) Disclosure of information relating to lessee's reputation. Disclose or
15threaten to disclose to a person other than the lessee or the lessee's spouse
16information affecting the lessee's reputation, whether or not for creditworthiness,
17with knowledge or reason to know that the other person does not have a legitimate
18business need for the information, except that this subsection does not prohibit an
19inquiry solely for the purpose of determining the location of the lessee or the rental
AB898,34,23 21(6) Disclosure of information regarding a disputed debt. Disclose or threaten
22to disclose information concerning the existence of a debt known to be reasonably
23disputed by the lessee without disclosing the fact that the lessee disputes the debt.
AB898,35,3 24(7) Harassment. Communicate with the lessee or a person related to the lessee
25with such frequency or at such unusual hours or in such a manner as can reasonably

1be expected to threaten or harass the lessee, or a person related to the lessee, or
2engage in any other conduct that can reasonably be expected to threaten or harass
3the lessee or a person related to the lessee.
AB898,35,5 4(8) Use of obscene or threatening language. Use obscene or threatening
5language in communicating with the lessee or a person related to the lessee.
AB898,35,7 6(9) Use of threat to enforce false legal right. Claim, attempt to claim, or
7threaten to enforce a legal right with knowledge that the legal right does not exist.
AB898,35,10 8(10) Use of false process. Use a communication which simulates legal or
9judicial process or that gives the appearance of being authorized, issued, or approved
10by a government, government agency, or attorney-at-law when it is not.
AB898,35,14 11(11) Use of threat to sue. Threaten to file a civil action against the lessee
12unless the civil action is of a type that the rental-purchase company files in the
13regular course of business or unless the rental-purchase company intends to file the
14civil action against the lessee.
AB898,35,18 15(12) Violation of rules. Engage in false, misleading, deceptive, or
16unconscionable conduct in violation of a rule promulgated by the administrator after
17such or similar conduct has been restrained or enjoined by a court in a civil action
18by the administrator against any rental-purchase company.
AB898,35,22 19430.802 Assignment of earnings. No rental-purchase company may take
20or arrange for an assignment of earnings of an individual for payment or as security
21for payment of an obligation arising out of a rental-purchase agreement unless the
22assignment is revocable at will by the individual.
AB898,35,2323 Subchapter IX
AB898,35,2524 Penalties, civil actions,
25 limitations, and venue
1430.901 Penalties. (1) Failure to pay fees and provide reports, information,
2and notices; generally.
(a) A licensee that fails to do any of the following may be
3required to forfeit not more than $50:
AB898,36,44 1. File its annual report by the date specified in s. 430.407 (1).
AB898,36,55 2. Pay the annual license fee by the date specified in s. 430.404 (4).
AB898,36,76 3. Provide any required rider or endorsement to increase the amount of its bond
7by the date specified in s. 430.404 (4).
AB898,36,88 4. Provide examination records by the date required by the division.
AB898,36,109 5. Notify the division in writing of a relocation of the licensee's place of business
10by the date specified in s. 430.406 (1).