2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
March 16, 2005 - Introduced by Senator Jauch. Referred to Committee on Senate
SJR17,1,1 1Relating to: honoring the life and service of Gaylord Nelson.
SJR17,1,32 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson was born on June 4, 1916, in Clear Lake, Wisconsin;
SJR17,1,54 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson served his nation honorably during World War II,
5including service in the Okinawa campaign; and
SJR17,1,66 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson served for 10 years in the Wisconsin state senate; and
SJR17,1,77 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson served 2 terms as governor of Wisconsin; and
SJR17,1,98 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson represented the state of Wisconsin in the United
9States senate for 18 years, from 1962 to 1980; and
SJR17,1,1110 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson was the author of the nation's first open meetings law
11in the 1950s, and was a leader on issues of open and accountable government; and
SJR17,1,1412 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson was responsible for legislation creating the national
13trail system, the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, and the St. Croix Wild and
14Scenic Riverway; and
1Whereas, Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day in 1970, an achievement
2described by American Heritage magazine as "one of the most remarkable
3happenings in the history of democracy"; and
SJR17,2,64 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson has continued to be a national leader on
5environmental issues through his work for 14 years on behalf of the Wilderness
6Society; and
SJR17,2,97 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson has been twice honored by the United Nations, in
81982 with the Environmental Leadership Award, and on Earth Day 1992 with the
9Only One Earth Award; and
SJR17,2,1310 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson was honored in 1995 with the Presidential Medal of
11Freedom, the nation's highest civilian award, for his instrumental role in founding
12Earth Day and inspiring the awareness of environmental issues that was inspired
13by that event; and
SJR17,2,1514 Whereas, in 2001 the Gaylord Nelson Environmental Chair was established at
15the University of Wisconsin; and
SJR17,2,1816 Whereas, in 2001 the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000
17program was established in honor of his lifelong commitment to public stewardship
18and the environment; and
SJR17,2,2019 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson is scheduled to be honored with an honorary doctor
20of science degree on May 14, 2005, by the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh; and
SJR17,2,2321 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson, though a fierce advocate and a fiery leader, was a
22popular member of the Wisconsin state senate and United States senate and was
23respected by democrats and republicans alike; and
SJR17,2,2524 Whereas, Gaylord Nelson embodies the spirit of advocacy based on principle,
25not on personal pettiness; now, therefore, be it
1Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the members of the
2Wisconsin legislature commend Gaylord Nelson for his remarkable life of service to
3the people of Wisconsin and to the environment of the entire world; and, be it further
SJR17,3,6 4Resolved, That the senate chief clerk shall provide a copy of this joint
5resolution to Gaylord Nelson, and to his wife, Carrie Lee; his son, Happy; his
6daughter, Tia; and his son, Jeffrey.
SJR17,3,77 (End)