2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
September 22, 2005 - Introduced by Senators Brown and Zien, cosponsored by
Representatives Kreibich, Moulton, Wood and Musser. Referred to
Committee on Senate Organization.
SJR37,1,1 1Relating to: recognizing and celebrating the life of Dr. Vang Pobzeb.
SJR37,1,32 Whereas, Dr. Vang Pobzeb was born in Laos on July 12, 1957, and died in St.
3Paul, Minnesota on August 23, 2005, of a heart attack at the age of 48; and
SJR37,1,54 Whereas, Dr. Pobzeb lived a life of sacrifice, working tireless hours to help
5immigrants in Wisconsin to retain benefits and pursue a better life; and
SJR37,1,86 Whereas, Dr. Pobzeb was characterized by friends as compassionate and
7selfless, often working 16 hour days to respond to every call and letter requesting
8help; and
SJR37,1,119 Whereas, Dr. Pobzeb was among the first in the Hmong community to achieve
10academic excellence in the United States by earning his Ph.D. from the University
11of Denver in Political Science; and
SJR37,1,1412 Whereas, working with public and private groups, Dr. Pobzeb advanced the
13cause of human rights and stood up for those who did not have the means or
14opportunity to defend themselves; and
1Whereas, in addition to issues surrounding the Hmong community, Dr. Pobzeb
2was often called upon by other various human rights organizations to advocate on
3their behalf; and
SJR37,2,54 Whereas, Dr. Pobzeb established the Lao Human Rights Council, in Eau Claire,
5Wisconsin, in 1987, to promote human rights of Lao and Hmong people; and
SJR37,2,106 Whereas, Dr. Pobzeb worked as Director for the Lao Human Rights Council,
7serving to educate and inform members of the U.S. government, United Nations,
8state governments, and international human rights organizations to oppose forced
9repatriation of Laos refugees and globally advocate for the protection of political
10prisoners in Thailand and Laos; and
SJR37,2,1311 Whereas, through the Lao Human Rights Council, Dr. Pobzeb cooperated and
12worked with other international human rights organizations to promote civil rights,
13peace, and freedom for Lao and Hmong people; and
SJR37,2,1814 Whereas, Dr. Pobzeb believed in democracy and freedom for all people, which
15is why the acts of genocide and chemical and biological warfare going on inside Laos
16inspired him to lead the Hmong community and urge political leaders to give aid to
17political refugees and demand responsibility for the murdering of innocent civilians
18in Communist Laos; and
SJR37,2,2119 Whereas, often serving as the voice of the Hmong people in the United Nations,
20Dr. Pobzeb attended several international conferences, including the 23rd Session
21in Geneva, Switzerland in 2005; and
SJR37,2,2422 Whereas, one of his greatest accomplishments was when, in 1994, he officially
23registered the name "Hmong" into the book of the United Nations, whereas prior to
24that Hmong were officially known as "Mao"; and
1Whereas, through his work, Dr. Pobzeb had several correspondences with U.N.
2Secretary General Kofi Annan, federal representatives and senators, ambassadors,
3state and local representatives, as well as several other highly influential political
4leaders, to advocate on behalf of the Hmong people; and
SJR37,3,85 Whereas, Dr. Pobzeb often said his purpose was to "promote and defend the
6human rights of Lao and Hmong people in Laos and the Lao and Hmong refugees in
7Southeast Asia and around the world," and he achieved this purpose, positively
8affecting thousands across the globe; and
SJR37,3,119 Whereas, he was a leader to a group that had little representation in the United
10States, and helped put a local, state, national, and international spotlight on an issue
11that was not receiving the attention it deserved; and
SJR37,3,1412 Whereas, Dr. Pobzeb was more than a political leader to the people who knew
13him, to the countless individuals and families he helped, and to the overall cause of
14bringing peace and freedom to Lao and Hmong people, he was a hero; and
SJR37,3,1815 Whereas, his life was cut short, but he lived his 48 years to the fullest, making
16a tremendous impact on Hmong rights, spending his time educating anyone who
17would listen on the horrifying circumstances in Laos and his determination to stand
18up for freedom; now, therefore, be it
SJR37,3,21 19Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the members of the
20Wisconsin legislature honor Dr. Vang Pobzeb for his dedication to the Hmong
21community and his dream of peace and freedom for all people; and, be it further
SJR37,3,23 22Resolved, That the senate chief clerk shall provide copies of this joint
23resolution to his wife, Nou Moua.
SJR37,3,2424 (End)