2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
January 23, 2009 - Introduced by Senators Lassa, Darling, Coggs, Cowles,
Hansen, Harsdorf, Hopper, Kedzie, Lazich, Lehman, Miller, Olsen, Plale,
Schultz, Sullivan and
Vinehout, cosponsored by Representatives Shilling,
Nygren, Ballweg, Benedict, Berceau, Brooks, Cullen, Davis, Grigsby, Hebl,
Hintz, Hraychuck, Kerkman, Molepske, Petersen, Pasch, Sinicki, Spanbauer,
Radcliffe, Toles, Turner, Townsend, Strachota, M. Williams, Ziegelbauer,
Zigmunt and Pope-Roberts. Referred to Committee on Senate Organization.
1Relating to: recognizing February 2009 as American Heart Month and February 6,
22009, as Wear Red For Women Day.
Whereas, diseases of the heart are the nation's leading cause of death and
4stroke is the third leading cause of death; and
Whereas, cardiovascular diseases claim the lives of over 460,000 American
6females (about one death per minute) each year and nearly 9,000 women in
7Wisconsin; and
Whereas, each year, 53 percent of all cardiovascular disease deaths occur in
9females, as compared to 47 percent in males, and about 32,500 more females than
10males die from a stroke; and
Whereas, in 2008 the estimated direct and indirect cost of cardiovascular
12diseases and stroke in the United States was estimated at $448.5 billion; and
Whereas, more women die of cardiovascular disease than the next 5 leading
14causes of death combined, including all cancers; and
1Whereas, only 21 percent of women consider cardiovascular disease their
2greatest health risk; and
Whereas, by increasing awareness and empowering women to reduce their risk
4for cardiovascular disease, we can save thousand of lives each year; and
Whereas, February is designated as American Heart Month; and
Whereas, Go Red For Women is the American Heart Association's national call
7to increase awareness of heart disease — the leading cause of death for women — and
8to inspire women to take charge of their heart health; now, therefore, be it
9Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That in recognition of
10the importance of the ongoing fight against heart disease and stroke, the members
11of the Wisconsin legislature do hereby proclaim February 2009 to be American Heart
12Month and February 6, 2009, to be Wear Red For Women Day and urge all citizens
13to show their support for women and the fight against heart disease by
14commemorating this day by the wearing of the color red.