Under the Open Enrollment Program (OEP), a pupil may apply to attend a
public school in a school district other than the pupil's resident school district
(nonresident school district) if certain conditions are met. Current law establishes
a time line for filing and processing applications under the OEP. An application to
attend a school in a nonresident school district is due between the first Monday in
February and the third Friday following the first Monday in February. A school
board that receives an application must forward a copy of the application to the
pupil's resident school board by the fourth Monday in February, and may not act on
the application until after the third Friday following the first Monday in February.
The resident school board may, under certain conditions, deny the pupil's enrollment
in the nonresident school district; the resident school board must notify the applicant
that its application has been rejected by the first Friday following the first Monday
in April.
The nonresident school board must notify the pupil whether it has accepted the
application by the first Friday following the first Monday in April and must provide
the pupil with information about the specific program or school the pupil would
attend by the second Friday following the first Monday in May. The pupil must
inform the nonresident school board whether he or she will attend a school in the
nonresident school district by the first Friday following the first Monday in June.
By June 30, the nonresident school board must report the name of each pupil
accepted under the OEP to the pupil's resident school board. Current law permits
a nonresident school district to deny enrollment to a pupil who has been expelled
from school for certain reasons, including for engaging in conduct while at school that
endangered the health safety or property of others. A resident school district must
provide copies of the disciplinary records of a pupil who has applied under the OEP
to a nonresident school district that makes a request for such records.
This bill changes the time line for filing and processing applications under the
OEP. Under the new time line, the nonresident school district must determine the
number of regular education and special education spaces available within the
school district at the January meeting of the nonresident school board (and, for the
2011-12 school year, at the February meeting of the nonresident school board). An
application to attend a school in a nonresident school district is due between the first
Monday in February and the last weekday in April. A nonresident school board that
receives an application must forward a copy of the application to the pupil's resident
school district by the end of the first weekday following the last weekday in April.
The nonresident school board may not act on the application before May 1. The bill
requires a resident school district to provide to a nonresident school district records
pertaining to disciplinary proceedings involving a pupil who has applied to the
nonresident school district under the OEP by the first Friday following the first
Monday in May. This bill requires the nonresident school district to prepare an
estimate of the costs to implement an individualized education program prepared for
a child with a disability who has applied to attend a school or program in the
nonresident school district, and to provide the resident school district with a copy of
the estimate by the third Friday following the first Monday in May. If the
nonresident school district fails to provide the information by the required date, the
nonresident school district may not charge the resident school district for the costs
to provide the special education and related services to the child with a disability.
If the resident school board will deny the pupil's enrollment in the nonresident school
district, the resident school board must notify the applicant that its application has
been rejected on or before the second Friday following the first Monday in June.
The nonresident school board must notify the pupil whether it has accepted the
application on or before the first Friday following the first Monday in June, and if the
school board has accepted the application, it must provide the pupil with information
about the specific program or school the pupil would attend at that time. The pupil
must inform the nonresident school board whether he or she will attend a school in
the nonresident school district by the last Friday in June. By July 7, the nonresident
school board must report the name of each pupil accepted under the OEP to the
pupil's resident school board.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB2, s. 1
1. 118.51 (3) (a) 1., 2., 3. and 4. of the statutes are amended to read:
(3) (a) 1. The parent of a pupil who wishes to attend a public school in
3a nonresident school district under this section shall submit an application, on a form
4provided by the department under sub. (15) (a), to the school board of the nonresident
5school district that the pupil wishes to attend, not earlier than the first Monday in
6February and not later than the
3rd Friday following the first Monday in February 7last weekday in April of the school year immediately preceding the school year in
8which the pupil wishes to attend. Applications may be submitted to no more than
93 nonresident school boards in any school year.
On the 4th Monday in February the 10The nonresident school board shall send a copy of the application to the pupil's
11resident school board and the department
by the end of the first weekday following
12the last weekday in April. The application may include a request to attend a specific
13school or program offered by the nonresident school district.
2. A nonresident school board may not act on any application received under
15subd. 1.
until after the 3rd Friday following the first Monday in February before May
161. If a nonresident school board receives more applications for a particular grade or
17program than there are spaces available in the grade or program, the nonresident
18school board shall determine which pupils to accept, including pupils accepted from
19a waiting list under sub. (5) (d), on a random basis, after giving preference to pupils
20and to siblings of pupils who are already attending the nonresident school district
21and, if the nonresident school district is a union high school district, to pupils who
1are attending an underlying elementary school district of the nonresident school
2district under this section. If a nonresident school board determines that space is not
3otherwise available for open enrollment pupils in the grade or program to which an
4individual has applied, the school board may nevertheless accept a pupil or the
5sibling of a pupil who is already attending the nonresident school district and, if the
6nonresident school district is a union high school district, a pupil who is attending
7an underlying elementary school district of the nonresident school district under this
On Except as provided under sub. (5) (d) 1., on or before the first Friday
10following the first Monday in
April June following receipt of the application, the
11nonresident school board shall notify the applicant, in writing, whether it has
12accepted the application.
If the nonresident school board has accepted the applicant,
13the school board shall identify the specific school or program that the applicant may
14attend in the following school year. If the nonresident school board rejects an
15application, it shall include in the notice the reason for the rejection.
4. On or before the
first 2nd Friday following the first Monday in
April June 17following receipt of a copy of the application, if a resident school board denies a pupil's
18enrollment in a nonresident school district under sub. (6), (7) or (12) (b) 1., the
19resident school board shall notify the applicant and the nonresident school board, in
20writing, that the application has been denied and include in the notice the reason for
21the denial.
SB2, s. 2
2. 118.51 (3) (a) 5. of the statutes is repealed.
SB2, s. 3
3. 118.51 (3) (a) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) 6.
If Except as provided in sub. (5) (d) 2., if an application is
25accepted, on or before the
first last Friday
following the first Monday in June
1following receipt of a notice of acceptance, or within 10 days of receiving a notice of
2acceptance if a pupil is selected from a waiting list under
sub. (5) (d) or s. 118.40 (8)
3(h) 5., the pupil's parent shall notify the nonresident school board of the pupil's intent
4to attend school in that school district in the following school year.
SB2, s. 4
4. 118.51 (3) (a) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) 7. If the department has not notified a virtual charter school of
7the pupils who may attend the school under s. 118.40 (8) (h) by the deadline for
8informing applicants under subd. 3.
or 5., the nonresident school district shall specify
9in its notices under subd. 3.
or 5. that the school district's acceptance is conditional.
SB2, s. 5
5. 118.51 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (b)
Notice to resident school district. Annually by
June 30 July 7,
12each nonresident school board that has accepted a pupil under this section for
13attendance in the following school year shall report the name of the pupil to the
14pupil's resident school board. If a pupil is selected from a waiting list under s. 118.40
15(8) (h) 5., the nonresident school board shall report the name of the pupil to the pupil's
16resident school board within 10 days of receiving notice of the pupil's selection from
17the department.
SB2, s. 6
6. 118.51 (5) (a) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (a) 1. (intro.) The availability of space in the schools, programs,
20classes, or grades within the nonresident school district.
The nonresident school
21board shall determine the number of regular education and special education spaces
22available within the school district in the January meeting of the school board, except
23that for the 2011-12 school year the board shall determine the number of regular
24education and special education spaces available within the school district in the
25February meeting of the school board. In determining the availability of space, the
1nonresident school board may consider criteria such as class size limits,
2pupil-teacher ratios, or enrollment projections established by the nonresident school
3board and may include in its count of occupied spaces all of the following:
SB2, s. 7
7. 118.51 (5) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 118.51 (5) (d) 1. and
5amended to read:
(5) (d) 1. The school board of a nonresident school district may create
7a waiting list of pupils whose applications were rejected under sub. (3) (a) 3.
8nonresident school board may accept pupils from a waiting list created under this
9paragraph until the 3rd Thursday in September but only if the pupil will be in
10attendance at the school or program in the nonresident school district on the 3rd
11Friday in September. Notwithstanding sub. (3) (a) 6., if a pupil is accepted from a
12waiting list created under this paragraph after the start of the school term, the
13parent shall immediately notify the resident school district of the pupil's intent to
14attend school in the nonresident school district for the current school term.
153. The department shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this
SB2, s. 8
8. 118.51 (5) (d) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
(5) (d) 2. A pupil accepted from a waiting list created under this
19paragraph may attend the school or program in the nonresident school district even
20if the pupil has attended a school or program in the pupil's resident school district
21in the current school term, but not if the pupil has attended a school or program in
22a nonresident school district in the current school term.
SB2, s. 9
9. 118.51 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) Disciplinary records. Notwithstanding s. 118.125,
by the first
25Friday following the first Monday in May, the resident school board shall provide to
1the nonresident school board to which a pupil has applied under this section
, upon
2request by that school board, a copy of any expulsion findings and orders pertaining
3to the pupil, a copy of records of any pending disciplinary proceeding involving the
4pupil, a written explanation of the reasons for the expulsion or pending disciplinary
5proceeding and the length of the term of the expulsion or the possible outcomes of the
6pending disciplinary proceeding.
SB2, s. 10
10. 118.51 (12) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
(12) (am)
Estimate of costs. The nonresident school district shall
9prepare an estimate of the costs to provide the special education or related services
10required in the individualized education program developed under s. 115.787 (2) for
11a child with a disability whose parent has submitted an application under sub. (3)
12(a) and shall provide a copy to the resident school district by the 3rd Friday following
13the first Monday in May. If the nonresident school district fails to comply with the
14requirement under this section by the date specified, the nonresident school district
15may not charge the resident school district for any actual, additional costs incurred
16by the nonresident school district to provide the special education and related
17services for the child with a disability.
SB2, s. 11
11. 118.51 (12) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(12) (b) 1. If the
estimate of the costs of the special education or related
20services required in the individualized education program under s. 115.787 (2) for a
21child with a disability whose parent has submitted an application under sub. (3) (a),
22as proposed to be implemented by the nonresident school district
and as provided to
23the resident school district as required under par. (am), would impose upon the
24child's resident school district an undue financial burden in light of the resident
25school district's total economic circumstances, including its revenue limit under
1subch. VII of ch. 121, its ability to pay tuition costs for the pupil
, and the per pupil
2special education or related services costs for children with disabilities continuing
3to be served by the resident school district, the child's resident school board may
4notify the child's parent and the nonresident school board by the
first 2nd Friday
5following the first Monday in
April June that the pupil may not attend the
6nonresident school district to which the child has applied.