2011 - 2012 LEGISLATURE
April 18, 2011 - Introduced by Senators Lazich, Galloway and Lassa, cosponsored
by Representatives Kaufert and Kestell. Referred to Committee on Public
Health, Human Services, and Revenue.
1An Act to amend 48.355 (3) (a), 48.42 (1m) (d), 48.428 (6) (a) and 938.355 (3) (a);
to create 48.38 (4) (bv) and 938.38 (4) (bv) of the statutes;
relating to: the
3effect of an order denying, limiting, discontinuing, or prohibiting parental
4visitation with a child who is adjudged to be in need of protection or services,
5who is the subject of a termination of parental rights petition, or who is in
6sustaining care following a termination of parental rights on visitation between
7the child and a sibling and requiring a child's permanency plan to include a
8statement as to whether visitation between the child and a sibling is in the best
9interests of the child and sibling when parental visitation is denied, limited,
10discontinued, or prohibited.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under the
Children's Code (juvenile court) may set reasonable rules of visitation for the parent
of a child adjudged to be in need of protection or services. Current law also permits
the juvenile court to issue a temporary order or injunction prohibiting a person whose
parental rights are sought to be terminated involuntarily from visiting or contacting
the child who is the subject of the termination of parental rights (TPR) petition. In
addition, current law permits the juvenile court to prohibit visitation by a birth
parent of a child who has been placed in sustaining care following a TPR.
This bill provides that a denial, limitation, or discontinuation of parental
visitation with a child adjudged to be in need of protection or services, a temporary
order or injunction prohibiting a person whose parental rights are sought to be
terminated from visiting or contacting the child who is the subject of the TPR
petition, or a prohibition on visitation by a birth parent of a child in sustaining care
following a TPR does not affect visitation between the child and any sibling of the
child, including a person who was a sibling of the child before adoption of or TPR to
the person, which visitation shall be granted, denied, or continued based on the best
interests of the child and sibling, regardless of whether parental visitation is denied,
limited, discontinued, or prohibited.
The bill also requires an agency preparing a permanency plan for a child, which
is a plan designed to ensure that the child is reunified with his or her family
whenever appropriate or that the child quickly attains a placement or home
providing long-term stability, to include in the permanency plan a statement as to
whether visitation between the child and any sibling of the child, including a person
who was a sibling of the child before adoption of or TPR to the person, would be in
the best interests of the child and sibling when parental visitation has been denied,
limited, discontinued, or prohibited by the juvenile court or when the agency
recommends that parental visitation be denied, limited, discontinued, or prohibited.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB65, s. 1
1. 48.355 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), if, after a hearing on the issue with
3due notice to the parent or guardian, the court finds that it would be in the best
4interest of the child, the court may set reasonable rules of parental visitation.
5denial, limitation, or discontinuation of parental visitation under an order under s.
648.345, 48.363, or 48.365 shall not affect visitation between the child and any sibling,
7as defined in s. 48.38 (4) (br) 1., of the child, which visitation shall be granted, denied,
8or continued based on the best interests of the child and sibling, without regard to
9whether parental visitation is denied, limited, or discontinued.
SB65, s. 2
2. 48.38 (4) (bv) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (bv) If parental visitation has been denied, limited, or discontinued
2by an order under s. 48.345, 48.363, or 48.365 or prohibited by an order under s.
348.428 (6) (a) or if the agency recommends that parental visitation be denied, limited,
4discontinued, or prohibited, a statement as to whether visitation between the child
5and any sibling, as defined in par. (br) 1., of the child would be in the best interests
6of the child and sibling.
SB65, s. 3
3. 48.42 (1m) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) (d) A temporary order under par. (b) or an injunction under par. (c)
9suspends the portion of any order under s. 48.345, 48.363, 48.365, 938.345, 938.363
, 10or 938.365 setting rules of parental visitation until the termination of the temporary
11order under par. (b) or injunction under par. (c).
A temporary order under par. (b) or
12injunction under par. (c) shall not affect visitation between the child and any sibling,
13as defined in s. 48.38 (4) (br) 1., of the child, which visitation shall be granted, denied,
14or continued based on the best interests of the child and sibling, without regard to
15whether parental visitation is prohibited.
SB65, s. 4
4. 48.428 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the court may order or prohibit
18visitation by a birth parent of a child placed in sustaining care.
A prohibition on
19visitation by a birth parent under this paragraph shall not affect visitation between
20the child and any sibling, as defined in s. 48.38 (4) (br) 1., of the child, which visitation
21shall be granted, denied, or continued based on the best interests of the child and
22sibling, without regard to whether parental visitation is prohibited.
SB65, s. 5
5. 938.355 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), if, after a hearing on the issue with
25due notice to the parent or guardian, the court finds that it would be in the best
1interest of the juvenile, the court may set reasonable rules of parental visitation.
2denial, limitation, or discontinuation of parental visitation under an order under s.
3938.34, 938.345, 938.363, or 938.365 shall not affect visitation between the juvenile
4and any sibling, as defined in s. 938.38 (4) (br) 1., of the juvenile, which visitation
5shall be granted, denied, or continued based on the best interests of the juvenile and
6sibling, without regard to whether parental visitation is denied, limited, or
SB65, s. 6
6. 938.38 (4) (bv) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (bv) If parental visitation has been denied, limited, or discontinued
10by an order under s. 938.34, 938.345, 938.363, or 938.365 or if the agency
11recommends that parental visitation be denied, limited, or discontinued, a statement
12as to whether visitation between the juvenile and any sibling, as defined in par. (br)
131., of the juvenile would be in the best interests of the juvenile and sibling.
Denial of parental visitation; sibling visitation unaffected. The
16treatment of sections 48.355 (3) (a), 48.42 (1m) (d), 48.428 (6) (a), and 938.355 (3) (a)
17of the statutes first applies to a child whose parent is subject to an order denying,
18limiting, or prohibiting visitation with the child on the effective date of this
19subsection, regardless of the date of the order.
Denial of parental visitation; permanency plans. The treatment of sections
2148.38 (4) (bv) and 938.38 (4) (bv) of the statutes first applies to a permanency plan
22prepared on the effective date of this subsection.