2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
March 25, 2021 - Introduced by Representative Subeck, cosponsored by Senator
Bernier. Referred to Committee on Rules.
AJR20,1,2 1Relating to: proclaiming March 19 to be Wisconsin Celebrating Women in Public
2Office Day.
AJR20,1,53 Whereas, the month of March is Women's History Month and celebrates the
4significant contributions that women of all races, ethnicities, and backgrounds have
5made to the world; and
AJR20,1,76 Whereas, women play a critical role in the vitality and diversity of our
7communities and are essential to ensuring that Wisconsin is well represented; and
AJR20,1,108 Whereas, while the twentieth century was a pivotal time of growth for women
9entering politics, women remain underrepresented in male-dominated fields; thus,
10providing opportunities to support women in public office is imperative; and
AJR20,1,1311 Whereas, recognizing women in public office will bring awareness to the
12fundamental necessity of their work and will inspire other young people to serve
13their communities; now, therefore, be it
AJR20,2,3 14Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That the legislature
15hereby proclaims March 19 to be Wisconsin Celebrating Women in Public Office Day

1and calls upon the people of Wisconsin to unite as we support the success of women
2in public office and observe every March 19 with appropriate activities, events, and
AJR20,2,44 (End)