Rule Orders Filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau
The following administrative rule orders have been filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication date of these rules could be changed. Contact the Legislative Reference Bureau at or (608) 266-7590 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rule orders.
Children and Families
Family and Economic Security, Chs. DCF 101—153
An order to revise Chapter DCF 101, relating to Wisconsin works case management services for job-ready individuals.
Effective 6-1-14.
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1
(DNR # FH-01-12)
An order to amend section NR 20.40 (3), (3m), (4), (7) (intro.) and (a), and (10) (g) 3., 4., and 7., to repeal and recreate section NR 20.40 (5), and to create section NR 20.40 (2) (dm) and (Note), (7) (f) 2m and (Note), and (10) (g) 3m., 8., and 9., and (gm), relating to fishing tournaments on inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin.
Effective 6-1-14.
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1
(DNR # FH-25-15)
An order to amend section NR 25.10 (1) (c), relating to the number, placement, and removal of commercial fishing trap nets in the Restricted Use Area of Lake Superior.
Effective 6-1-14.
Public Instruction
An order to repeal sections PI 21.01 (Note), 21.04 (4) (Note), and 21.05; amend section PI 21.04 (title), (intro), (1) (a), (b), (c), (2), and (3); and repeal and recreate section PI 21.04 (4), relating to driver education programs.
Effective 6-1-14.
Public Instruction
An order to revise Chapter PI 32, relating to grants for alcohol and other drug abuse programs.
Effective 6-1-14.
An order to amend section Tax 11.93 (1) and (Note 2), relating to sales tax filing frequency.
Effective 6-1-14.
Safety and Professional Services —
Real Estate Examining Board
An order to revise Chapter REEB 18, relating to real estate trust accounts.
Effective 7-1-14.
Safety and Professional Services —
Real Estate Examining Board
An order to revise Chapter REEB 16, relating to use of approved forms and legal advice.
Effective 7-1-14.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.