2005-2006 Wisconsin Legislature

Assembly Bill 84

Relating to: the number of school days required each school term. relating to: the number of school days required each school term.

Important Actions (newest first)

Date / House Action Journal
6/5/2006 Asm.Failed to pass notwithstanding the objections of the Governor pursuant to Joint Rule 82 1163
2/23/2006 Sen.Read a third time and concurred in as amended, Ayes 19, Noes 14 627
6/16/2005 Asm.Read a third time and passed, Ayes 64, Noes 32 298


Date / House Action Journal
2/3/2005 Asm.Introduced by Representatives Towns, Jensen, Hundertmark, Hines, Townsend, Lehman, Gottlieb, Gunderson, Petrowski, Gronemus, Wood, F. Lasee, Kreibich, Friske, Vrakas, Hahn, Jeskewitz, Nischke, Kerkman, Owens, Musser, Van Roy, Gielow, Moulton, Lothian, Vruwink, Vukmir and Mursau; cosponsored by Senators Kedzie, Grothman, Reynolds and Lassa. 
2/3/2005 Asm.Read first time and referred to committee on Education 60
2/15/2005 Asm.Fiscal estimate received. 
3/3/2005 Asm.Senator Brown added as a cosponsor 106
3/22/2005 Asm.Public hearing held. 
4/19/2005 Asm.Executive action taken. 
4/22/2005 Asm.Report passage recommended by committee on Education, Ayes 9, Noes 2 201
4/22/2005 Asm.Referred to committee on Rules 201
6/14/2005 Asm.Placed on calendar 6-16-2005 by committee on Rules. 
6/16/2005 Asm.Read a second time 298
6/16/2005 Asm.Ordered to a third reading 298
6/16/2005 Asm.Rules suspended 298
6/16/2005 Asm.Read a third time and passed, Ayes 64, Noes 32 298
6/16/2005 Asm.Ordered immediately messaged 298
6/17/2005 Sen.Received from Assembly 266
6/17/2005 Sen.Read first time and referred to committee on Education 266
10/18/2005 Sen.Public hearing held. 
1/31/2006 Sen.Senate amendment 1 offered by Senator Olsen 570
2/16/2006 Sen.Executive action taken. 
2/17/2006 Sen.Report adoption of Senate Amendment 1 recommended by committee on Education, Ayes 7, Noes 0 603
2/17/2006 Sen.Report concurrence as amended recommended by committee on Education, Ayes 4, Noes 3 603
2/17/2006 Sen.Available for scheduling. 
2/22/2006 Sen.Placed on calendar 2-23-2006 by committee on Senate Organization. 
2/23/2006 Sen.Read a second time 627
2/23/2006 Sen.Senate amendment 1 adopted 627
2/23/2006 Sen.Ordered to a third reading 627
2/23/2006 Sen.Rules suspended 627
2/23/2006 Sen.Read a third time and concurred in as amended, Ayes 19, Noes 14 627
2/23/2006 Sen.Ordered immediately messaged 627
2/28/2006 Asm.Received from Senate amended and concurred in as amended (Senate amendment 1 adopted) 869
2/28/2006 Asm.Senate amendment 1 concurred in 869
2/28/2006 Asm.Action ordered immediately messaged 869
3/6/2006 Asm.Report correctly enrolled 905
4/13/2006 Asm.Presented to the Governor on 4-13-2006 1013
4/19/2006 Asm.Report vetoed by the Governor on 4-18-2006 1019
5/26/2006 Asm.Placed on calendar 5-30-2006 pursuant to Joint Rule 82. 
6/5/2006 Asm.Failed to pass notwithstanding the objections of the Governor pursuant to Joint Rule 82 1163
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