2015-2016 Wisconsin Legislature

Assembly Bill 599

An Act to repeal 301.068 (3m); and to create 301.068 (3m) of the statutes; Relating to: grants for community services to reduce recidivism and making an appropriation. (FE)

Status: Judiciary and Public Safety

Important Actions (newest first)

Date / House Action Journal
4/13/2016 Sen.Failed to concur in pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1856
2/18/2016 Asm.Read a third time and passed, Ayes 92, Noes 0721


Date / House Action Journal
12/10/2015 Asm.Introduced by Representatives Krug, Hutton, E. Brooks, Thiesfeldt, Murtha, Mursau and T. Larson;
cosponsored by Senators Darling, Lassa, Wirch and Moulton
12/10/2015 Asm.Read first time and referred to Committee on Corrections448
1/4/2016 Asm.Fiscal estimate received 
1/11/2016 Asm.Representative Ballweg added as a coauthor477
1/14/2016 Asm.Public hearing held 
2/2/2016 Asm.Executive action taken 
2/5/2016 Asm.Report passage recommended by Committee on Corrections, Ayes 8, Noes 0578
2/5/2016 Asm.Referred to committee on Rules578
2/9/2016 Asm.Withdrawn from committee on Rules and referred to joint committee on Finance pursuant to Assembly Rule 24 (3)(a)593
2/10/2016 Asm.Senator L. Taylor added as a cosponsor624
2/10/2016 Asm.Executive action taken 
2/10/2016 Asm.Assembly Amendment 1 offered by Joint Committee on Finance625
2/11/2016 Asm.Report Assembly Amendment 1 adoption recommended by Joint Committee on Finance, Ayes 15, Noes 0628
2/11/2016 Asm.Report passage as amended recommended by Joint Committee on Finance, Ayes 13, Noes 1628
2/11/2016 Asm.Referred to committee on Rules628
2/16/2016 Asm.Made a special order of business at 1:22 PM on 2-18-2016 pursuant to Assembly Resolution 29690
2/18/2016 Asm.Read a second time721
2/18/2016 Asm.Assembly Amendment 1 adopted721
2/18/2016 Asm.Ordered to a third reading721
2/18/2016 Asm.Rules suspended721
2/18/2016 Asm.Read a third time and passed, Ayes 92, Noes 0721
2/18/2016 Asm.Ordered immediately messaged721
2/18/2016 Sen.Received from Assembly759
2/23/2016 Sen.Read first time and referred to committee on Judiciary and Public Safety766
3/1/2016 Sen.Public hearing held 
4/13/2016 Sen.Failed to concur in pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1856
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