Abortion, waiver of parental consent, 48.16
Children in need of protective services (CHIPS), 48.13
Civil commitments, mental illness, developmental disability, addiction, 48.135, 48.14 (5)
Ch. 822 compliance required, 48.027
Indian children, effect of federal law, 48.028
Jurisdiction of other courts, 48.15
Extended jurisdiction, past age 18, 48.366
Persons over 17 years of age, 48.44
Legislative intent, 48.01
Medical services authorization, 48.373
Menominee and Shawano counties, 48.035
Milwaukee county, services for court, 48.06 (1)
Plea hearings, 48.30
Pretrial procedure:
Discovery, 48.293
Medical and psychological exams, 48.295
Motions, 48.297
Substitution of judge, 48.29
Access to, 48.396
Court and medical, access by care providers, 938.371
Confidentiality, 48.78
Rehearing, new evidence, 48.46
Rights of children, 48.243
Termination of parental rights,
Time and place of court, 48.03 (1)
Trial, 48.31
Venue, 48.185
Advertising, restrictions related to minors, 103.81
Age certificate:
Evidence, 103.75
Fees, 103.805
Apprenticeships, 106.01
Council on child labor:
Creation, membership, 15.227 (5)
Powers and duties, 103.69
Definitions, 103.64
Discriminatory acts, 103.83
Employer's duties, 103.74
Fund-raising sales:
Age minimum and requirements, 103.23 (2)
Definitions, 103.21
Golf caddies, 103.79
Regulation, 103.66 (2), 103.68
Review by council, 103.69
Industry, labor and job development department, powers, 103.66
Inspections of employers, 103.80
Lunch periods, 103.68
Minimum ages, various employments, 103.67
Minimum wage,
Penalties for violations, 103.82
Permits, 103.70 to 103.73
Fees, 103.805
Permit officer, designation, 103.245, 103.695
Proof of age in court, 103.76
Public exhibitions, 103.19, 103.20, 103.78
Radio or television broadcasts, 103.78
Standards of employment, 103.65, 103.66
Street trades:
Age minimum, 103.23
Definitions, 103.21
Discriminatory acts, 103.33
Employer's records, files, 103.27
Enforcement of law, 103.28
Hours of work, 103.24
House-to-house, duties of employers, 103.275
Identification card and permit, 103.25, 103.26
Industry, labor and job development department:
Orders, 103.25
Powers, 103.22
Employers, generally, 103.29
Newspapers, 103.30
Not obtaining permit, 103.25
Parent or guardian, 103.31
Permits, 103.25
Filed, inspection allowed, 103.27
Refusal, revocation, 103.26
Standards for employment, 103.22
Worker's compensation, 102.07 (6)
Theatrical employment, 103.19, 103.20, 103.78
Toxins, employes' right-to-know law, 101.581 (3)
Worker's compensation:
Benefits, 102.45
Illegal employment, 102.60
CHILDREN 5. Parental Rights and Responsibilities5. Parental Rights and Responsibilities