Acquisition of existing facilities, 66.24 (6)
Addition of territory to district, 66.26
Annual report, commission shall prepare, 66.24 (1) (e)
Applicability of law, 66.21
Application of, 66.076, 66.25 (13)
Execution and sale, 67.08 (1)
Fiscal agent, 67.10 (2)
Legal investments, 219.06
Maturity and place of payment, 67.07
Borrowing, 66.25 (4)
General provisions,
Tax collection, 66.25 (5)
Clean water fund program, 281.58, 281.59
Combined sewer overflows, limitations, 283.13 (4) (c)
Commissioners, 66.23
Vacancies, 17.27 (1m)
Condemnation for sewers, watercourses, 32.05
Construction, 66.24 (5)
Cooperation with other units of government, 66.30
Creation, 66.22
Definitions, 66.20
Delinquent taxes, agreement with county, 75.365
Dissolution, 66.225
Election of commissioners:
Ballots, 5.60 (4m)
County canvass, 7.60
Extraterritorial service by contract, 66.24 (9)
Financing, 66.25
Injunction against public nuisance, 823.02
Lake Mendota pollution, 281.47 (1)
Lands exempt from levies, 66.25 (12)
Loans from trust funds, 24.61 (3)
Application, 24.66 (2p)
Pollution of lakes or streams, 281.47
Powers and duties, 66.24
Property acquisition, 66.24 (4)
Records, obsolete, destruction, 19.21 (8)
Rules, commission may adopt, 66.24 (1) (d)
Service charges, 66.076 (7), 66.25 (3)
Sewage from other municipalities, 62.175
Solid waste flow control, recycling or resource recovery facilities, 287.13
Solid waste management, 66.24 (8)
Special assessment, 66.25
Spring primary ballot, 5.58
Storm water drainage, 66.24 (7)
Tax exemption, 70.11 (2)
Tax levy authorized, 66.25 (2)
Temporary borrowing, 66.25 (4)
Temporary loan, 67.12 (1)
Annual report, 66.886 (9)
Audits, 66.886 (7), (8)
Bidding requirements, 66.904
Bonds and notes, 66.91
Boundary, 66.888 (1)
Capital budget, 66.908