Actions and rights not affected, 990.04
Effect, 990.03, 992.01
General not to repeal special acts, 991.10
Previous repeal, effect of repeal, 991.02
Reenactment of statutes, 991.08
Revised statutes of 1878 repealed, 991.01
Rights accrued or acts done not affected, 991.03
Statutes of limitations, 991.07
Table of sections repealed, see Appendix
Time for bringing actions, 990.06
Revision, 13.93
How construed, 990.001 (7)
Revisor's bills, 13.93 (2) (j)
Sale prices, 35.91
Second editions, 35.03 (7)
Sections and subdivisions thereof defined, 35.18 (3)
Severability, 990.001 (11)
Sexual discrimination language, revisor to correct, 13.93 (1) (m)
Spelling, 35.17
Statutory references, 990.001 (5)
Table of renumbered and repealed sections, see Appendix
Time of taking effect, 991.11
Titles, 35.18 (3)
Commercial code, 401.109
Not part of statute, 990.001 (6)
Typographical errors corrected, 35.17
Unconstitutionality alleged, serve attorney general, 806.04 (11)
U.S. and other states, publication as evidence, 889.02
U.S. court clerks and libraries, free copies, 35.84
Statutes 2. Construction2. Construction
, Ch. 990

Absent voting, 6.84
Actions, rights not affected by repeal, 990.04
Acts by agents, 990.001 (9)
Administration department, statutes applicable to, 16.001 (2)
Alcoholic beverages, 125.01
Alcoholism and intoxication treatment act, 51.45 (18)
Blight elimination and slum clearance law, 66.431 (17)
Blighted area law, 66.43 (15)
Bonds, liability of sureties, 990.001 (10)
Cable television, regulation by municipalities, 66.082 (4)
Certification of questions of law, 821.11
Child custody jurisdiction law, 822.01
Citation of statutes, 991.12
Citizens utility board act, 199.18
City charter, general, 62.04
City classes, statutory reference to, 990.001 (15)
Collective bargaining, public policy, 103.51
Commercial code, 401.102, 401.104
Community mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism and drug abuse services, 51.42 (8)
Condemnation, cities of first class, alternate procedures, 32.71
Condominium ownership act, 703.30
Conflicts, 1898 statutes, 990.02
Conservation easements, uniform act, 700.40 (6)
Consumer act, 421.102, 421.104
Consumer credit transactions, customer's remedies, to be liberally construed, 425.301
Conveyances of real property law, 706.01 (3)
Corrections compact, 302.25, 302.255
County social services administration, 46.22 (4)
Criminal law, application of ch. 939, 939.20
Declarations to physicians, 154.11 (6)
Definitions, 990.01
Developmental disabilities services, 51.437 (15)
Documents of title chapter, 407.105
Election laws, 5.01 (1)
Campaign financing, 11.002
Occurrences listing, 10.51 (3)
Employe welfare fund chapter, liberal construction, 641.25
Employment peace law, 111.15, 111.17
Equal rights, marital property law, 766.97
Evidence code, 901.02
Exempt property, 815.18 (1)
General not to repeal special, 991.10
General rules, definitions, 990.01
History notes no part of statute, 990.001 (6)
Housing and economic development authority law, 234.31
Housing authorities law, 66.404 (6), (7)
Insurance holding companies law, 617.01 (1)
Insurance laws, 600.02, 600.12 (1)
Joint authority, 990.001 (8)
Labor disputes, public policy, 103.55
Limited partnership act, 179.10
Mail, registered or certified, 990.001 (13)
Marital property law, 766.001, 766.95, 766.96, 766.97
Mining reclamation act, 293.93
Multiple-party and agency accounts, law regarding, 705.08
Municipal charter provisions, 991.09
Municipal electric company act, 66.073 (19)
Numerical series, statutory reference to, 990.001 (14)