Teacher records and reports, 118.18
Religious instruction, release for permitted, X, 3; 118.155
Removal from class by teacher, 118.164
Safety patrols, 118.10
School choice, see Enrollment, under this subhead
School performance report, distribution to parents, 115.38
Sectarian instruction forbidden, X, 3; 115.28 (2)
Sex education and other human growth and development instruction, 118.019
Soliciting students for employment, 103.81
Strip search by school employee, 118.32, 948.50
Assistance for prevention programs, 115.365
Intervention, civil liability exemption, 118.295
Suspension or expulsion, 120.13 (1)
Testing, 118.30
Intradistrict transfer aid calculations, 73.0305
Special programs, minority students and schools, 121.85
Committee and plan, 118.162
Municipal ordinances, 118.163
Notice to parent or guardian, 118.16 (2)
Uniforms, 118.035
University courses; enrollment by high school students, payment by district, 118.55, 120.12 (17)
Violent students, informing school personnel of past behavior, 118.128
Voter registration, voting age students, 6.28 (2)
Work study, coverage, 102.07 (12m), 102.077
Youth options program, postsecondary class enrollment, 118.55
Abused or neglected children, duty to report suspected cases, 48.981
Agricultural and homemaking, payment for services outside district, 118.21 (3)
Certificates and licenses, 118.19
Delinquent support obligors, restriction or suspension, 115.315
Issuance by state superintendent, 115.28 (7)
National teacher certification grants, 115.42
Permits for uncertified professionals, 118.192
Requirement for employment, 121.02 (1)
Revocation, 115.31
Child abuse, duty to report suspicions, 48.981
Communicable diseases, duty to report, 252.21
Computer purchases for teachers, facilitation by administration dept., 16.9785
Contracts, 118.21
Collective bargaining, 111.70
Notice of negotiations, 19.86
District clerk to furnish copy to teachers, 120.17 (7)
Renewal and nonrenewal, 118.22
Salary and benefit limitations, 118.245
Convention, allowance for attendance, 118.21 (4)
Definition, 118.22 (1)
Discrimination in hiring or licensing prohibited, 118.195, 118.20
Enrollment records, must keep, 118.16 (4)
Exchange permitted, 120.13 (7)
Eye protective goggles, 255.30
Improvement program, 115.41
Interstate compact on qualifications, 115.46 to 115.48
Leave of absence for military service, 21.78
Licensing, see Certificates and licenses, under this subhead
Lunch period, duty-free, 118.235
National teacher certification grants, 115.42
Nonprofessional instructional personnel, authorization, 115.29 (3)
Physical examinations, 118.25
Professional standards council for teachers:
Creation, membership, 15.377 (8)
Duties, 115.425
Removal of student from class by teacher, 118.164
Salary and benefit limitations, 118.245
Scholarships for teachers in educationally disadvantaged areas, repayment obligation terminated, 39.35
Stipends for teachers of handicapped, repayment obligation terminated, 39.36
Student records and reports:
Enrollment records, 118.16 (4)
Failure to keep, forfeiture, 118.123
Requirements, 118.18
Milwaukee city schools, 119.42
Milwaukee county, 118.23
Unemployment insurance, benefits, 108.15
Worker's compensation, 102.03 (1) (c) 5., 102.04 (1), 102.07
Board and lodging in lieu of, 121.57
Color, marking, 347.44
Crossing gates, 347.445
Driver requirements, 121.52 (2), (3), 121.555
Drivers' licenses, 343.12
Emission control equipment grant program, 110.215
Illegal passing, 346.48