Aquifer recovery systems:
Exemption from rules, 160.257
Report required, 280.25
Charges, 66.0809, 196.03 (3)
Increase without hearing, 196.193
Dwellings compelled to connect, 281.45
Grants for clean drinking water, 281.53
Joint local water authorities, 66.0823
Milwaukee, 62.69
Municipal water districts, 198.22
Tax exemption, 76.025 (4)
Natural resources dept.:
Drinking water authority, generally, 280.11, 281.12 to 281.17
Inspection and sampling, 281.97
Permit fee refunds, 299.05
Rules, 281.17 (8), (9)
Violations, forfeitures, 281.99
Pipes in highways, 86.16
Safe drinking water loan program, 281.59, 281.60
Service outside corporate limits, 66.0813 (6)
Sewer and water, combining utilities, 66.0819
Systems, construction and extension; approvals, 281.41
Water conservation, reporting and supply regulation, 281.344, 281.346
Water mains:
Extensions, in cities, expense, 62.19
Reimbursement of assessments to owners, 66.0805 (4)
Special assessments, see Special Assessments
Water supply service area plans for public water supply systems, 281.348
Wells; registration and approval, 281.34, 281.35, 281.41
public utilities_5. telecommunications utilities 5. Telecommunications Utilities
Advertising, sales and collection practices, 100.207
Alternative utilities, determination, exemption, 196.203
Cable telecommunications service provider, filing information with commission, 196.203 (1m)
Caller identification services, 196.207
Carriers, regulation, 196.499
Cellular phone contracts, military persons, cancellation on active duty, 321.61 (2)
Charges and service, reasonable and adequate, 196.03
Collection, sales and advertising practices, 100.207
Commercial mobile radio service providers, regulation, 196.202
Competing utilities, approval, 196.50
Consumer protection, 196.219
Federal loans, conditions, 196.605
Rate regulation election, 196.205
Crimes against utility or customers:
Commercial mobile service, theft of, 943.455
Directories, notice on, 941.35
Emergency calls, interference, 941.35
False coins for, using, 943.22
Fraudulently obtaining service, 943.45
Civil liability, 943.48
Gambling information, transmitting illegally, utility to cease service, 945.06
Harassing or threatening calls, 947.012
Wiretapping, interception and disclosure prohibited, 968.31
Generally, 196.01
Basic network function, 196.015 (1)
Total service long-run incremental cost, 196.015 (2)
Delivery, failure, liability, 182.019
Deregulation of competitive services, partial, 196.195
Discontinuing service, 196.20 (1m)
Discrimination, penalty, exception, 196.60, 196.625
Do-not-call list, 100.52
Emergency "911" services number, 256.35
Facilities in exchange for compensation, prohibited, exceptions, 196.61
Farmers mutual:
Dividend limited, 182.219
Meetings, 182.202
Foreign corporations, 196.505, 196.53
Holding companies regulation, exemption from, 196.795 (8)
Individual contracts, 196.194
Interruption of service in crisis, 196.63
Limitations on non-regulated services, 196.204
Local access and transport area boundaries, 196.975
Local measured service, 196.198
Mergers of utilities, 196.805
Pay-per-call services, 196.208
Prescriptive rights, limitations, 893.28
Privacy considerations, 196.209
Private shared telecommunications systems, regulation, 196.201
Carriers, 196.499 (2), (3)
Change of, 196.20 (3)
Joint, apportionment, 196.19 (5)
New service, filing tariff, 196.19 (1m)
Promotional rates, 196.77
Regulation, basic services, 196.196
Toll services, 196.217