Motor vehicle fuel tax:
Collection, 78.70
Law enforcement, 78.81
Priority, 78.72
Official bonds, incrimination, immunity, 885.24
Oil inspection enforcement, 168.17
Operating notes, actions respecting, 18.76
Partition when state part owner, 842.03
Price discrimination with intent to destroy competition, 133.04
Public charitable trust, enforcement, 701.10 (3)
Public debt, recovery, 18.13
Disbursements of state officer, 16.77
Forfeited property, 778.19
State salary paid without certificate, 16.415
Savings institutions, 215.02 (5)
Secret rebates and unfair trade practices, 133.05
State law enforcement officers, judgment against, relief, 775.06
Street trades offenses, forfeitures, 103.29, 103.30
Response time, 801.09 (2)
Service on attorney general, 775.01, 801.11 (3)
Tax suits, fees of clerk and sheriff, 76.26
Taxpayers, to restrain salary, 16.415 (3), 230.43 (5)
Travel expenses of state employees, unauthorized, 20.916 (6)
Undertaking, 775.01
Unfair trade practices, 100.24
Venue, 801.50 (3)
Worker's compensation, 102.28 (4), 102.64
state_3. aid 3. Aid
Aeronautics, transportation dept. secretary to establish rules, 114.31 (7)
Agricultural chemicals, pollution prevention, financial assistance, 94.74
Agricultural stewardship initiative, grants for on-farm research, 36.25 (47)
Agriculture, trade and consumer protection dept. grants:
Buy local grant program, 93.48
Chemical and container collection demonstration, 93.55
Exposition center, 93.29
Grazing lands conservation grants, 93.60
Research and development, 93.46
Airports, 114.34, 114.35
American Indian tribes, adolescent choices project grants, 48.487 (4m)
Baseball park districts, 234.65
Bond Medical Center, Oconto, grant for, 13.48 (36p)
Bridges, see Bridges
Child care grant program:
American Indians, resource and referrals services, 49.134
Expenditure of funds, 49.155
Quality improvement grants, 49.137
Startup and expansion, 48.47 (7) (cm), 49.136
Children's Hospital and Health System, children's research institute, grant for, 13.48 (37)
Children's community programs grants, 48.481
Colonoscopies and other services, grants for, 146.68
Commerce department programs, see Commerce Department
Programs, dept. to publish and distribute list, 560.03 (16)
Community mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism and drug abuse services, 51.423
Conservation grants to nonprofit corporations, 23.0956
Urban land conservation grants, 23.0957
Cooperative educational service agencies, 116.08
Children's code proceedings, 48.06 (4)
Fairs, 93.23 (1)
Fish and game projects, 23.09 (12)
Forests, 28.11
Development of wildlife habitat, 23.09 (17m)
Handicapped children's education boards, 121.135, 121.14
Land acquisition grants, 23.0953
Management assistance grants for certain counties, 16.18
Mental health facilities, 51.91
Recreation facilities, development, 23.09 (11)
Snowmobile trails, 23.09 (26)
University extension program, 59.56 (3) (e)
Cystic fibrosis aids, 49.683
Recovery of aid from estate, 49.682
Dam rehabilitation projects, 31.387
See also Diseases
Patient requirements, rebate agreements, cost containment, 49.687
Domestic abuse, grants to organizations for services, 49.165
Epilepsy, grants for persons with, 46.57
Fairs, local, 93.23 (1)
Families with dependent children, see Public Assistance
Flood control and riparian restoration program for municipalities, 281.665
Florence Wild Rivers Interpretive Center grant, 30.255
Food distribution grants, 49.171
Food program for women, infants, children, 49.17
Forestry fund account, 28.11 (8)
Forward Wisconsin, Inc., aid to, 20.143 (1)
Guardianship grant program, 46.977