Railroads, taxes, deposited in transportation fund, 76.24
Rate, net for commercial and manufacturing property, 76.125
Reassessment, notice to companies, 76.15 (1)
Redetermination of assessment by Dane county circuit court, 76.08
Effect of failure, 76.05
Form, penalty for late filing, 76.04
Semiannual payments, 76.13 (2a)
Situs of taxable property in state capitol, 76.03 (3)
State rate, adjustment, hearing, 76.10
Stock exempt, 76.23
Tax roll, when completed, certificate, delivery, 76.13
Taxes payable into state fund, exceptions, 76.24
Telecommunications companies:
Administration, 76.84
Assessment, 76.82
Combined years reporting, 76.815
Definitions, 76.80
Imposition, 76.81
Police and fire protection fee, 196.025 (6)
Report; payment, 76.83
Trade practices assessment, 196.859
Transitional adjustment fee:
Administration, 76.93
Definitions, 76.90
Imposition, 76.91
Report; payment, 76.92
Unit assessment, 76.03 (2)
Visitorial powers of department, 76.06
taxation_17. real estate transfer fee 17. Real Estate Transfer Fee
Agricultural land, 77.22 (1)
Confidentiality of returns, 77.23, 77.265
Definitions, 77.21
Disposition of fees and returns, 77.23
Division of fee, 77.24
Exemptions from fee, 77.25
Fees, additional, 77.26
Form, revenue dept. prescribe, 77.22 (1)
Imposition of fee, 77.22
Inspection of returns, 77.23
Investigation, powers of, 77.26
Penalties, 77.26
Penalty for falsifying value, 77.27
Recording fee, 77.29
Refunds, 77.26
Register of deeds' duties, 59.43 (1) (c)
Return, exemptions from, 77.255
Rules, revenue secretary may adopt, 77.30
taxation_18. sales and use tax 18. Sales and Use Tax
Administrative provisions, 77.61
Advertising, 77.52 (4), (5), 77.53 (7)
Aircraft, 77.53 (17r)
Not registered until sales tax paid, 77.61 (1)
Audits, 77.59 (1), (2)
Auto dealer, exempt for motor vehicle loaned for driver training, 77.56 (2)
Baseball park districts:
Authorization, 77.705, 77.707
General provisions, see County and special district, under this subhead
Collection, 30.52 (4)
Not registered until sales tax paid, 77.61 (1)
Building materials, not included in rate increase, 77.535
Cigarettes, 139.33
Claim for refund, 77.59 (4)
Classes of property and services taxed, rate, 77.52 (1), (2), 77.53 (1), (1m)
Collection, 77.52 (3)
Certification for, 77.66
Compensation, sellers and service providers, 77.63
Information, 77.61 (5)
Rules for temporary sellers, 77.52 (19)
Corporations, personal liability of officers, employees and persons for failure to file or pay tax, 77.60 (9)
County and special district:
Administration by dept., 77.76
Adoption by ordinance, 77.70
Applicability of general sales tax law, 77.79
Distribution, 77.76 (3)
Imposition, 77.71
Jurisdiction, 77.73
Premier resort area tax, 77.994
Administration, 77.9941
Establishment, ordinance, 66.1113
Registration, 77.78
Reports, 77.75
Retailers, duties, 77.785
Seller permits, 77.74
Situs, 77.72
Transitional provisions, 77.77
Credits, for sales tax imposed by another state or District of Columbia, 77.53 (16)
Deductions, 77.585