General provisions, 15.085, 440.035
Powers and duties, 448.965
Billing and insurance claim forms, standardization, 632.725
Charges for care, required disclosures, 146.903
Definitions, 448.96
Disciplinary proceedings and actions, 448.968
Appeals, 448.970 (2)
Injunctive relief, 448.969
Penalties, 448.970 (1)
Fee splitting regulated, billing regulated, 448.08
Delinquent support, unemployment contribution, and tax obligors; denial or suspension, 49.857, 73.0301, 440.12, 440.13
Examination, 448.964
Fees, 440.05
Qualifications, examination, application, 448.05
Reciprocal licensure, 448.966
Renewal date, 440.08 (2) (a)
Required to practice, 448.961, 448.962
Malpractice liability not affected by lack of certificate, 448.12
Requirements for obtaining, 448.963
Suspension or revocation, 448.968 (2)
Voluntary surrender, 440.19
Patient health care records and confidentiality, see Medical Records
Whistleblower protection, 146.997
off_road vehicles OFF-ROAD VEHICLES
Generally, 23.33
offset or setoff OFFSET OR SETOFF
Refer to the subject heading for the specific claim subject to setoff or offset, e.g., Probate and Transfers at Death— 6. Claims
oil and gas exploration and drilling OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION AND DRILLING
Generally, 295.31 to 295.37
Definitions, 295.31
Natural resources department, powers and duties, 295.35
Oil and gas severance tax, 70.397
Penalties, 295.37
Restrictions, 295.33
oil inspection OIL INSPECTION
Generally, Ch. 168
oleomargarine OLEOMARGARINE
open meetings OPEN MEETINGS
Ballots, 19.88
Board of review, 70.47 (2m)
Collective bargaining negotiations, notice of, 19.86
Declaration of policy, 19.81
Definitions, 19.82
Enforcement of law, 19.97
Exclusion of members, 19.89
Exemptions, 19.85
Interpretation of law by attorney general, 19.98
Legislative meetings, exceptions, 19.87
Open sessions required, 19.83
Penalty for violation of law, 19.96
Public notice requirement, 19.84
Closed meetings, 19.84 (2)
Recording or filming sessions, 19.90
Records, 19.88
Votes, 19.88
open records OPEN RECORDS
operating notes, state OPERATING NOTES, STATE
Generally, 18.70 to 18.77
opium OPIUM
optometry OPTOMETRY
Generally, Ch. 449
Abused or neglected children and unborn children, report, 48.981
Advertising, 449.10
Billing and insurance claim forms, standardization, 632.725
Charges for care, required disclosures, 146.903
Construction of law, 449.12
Controlled substances limitations, 961.39
Cooperative vision care plan, 185.981 to 185.985
Disclosure of information affecting driving, 146.82 (3) (b), 449.20
Discrimination prohibited, 449.015
Dispensing optician:
Definition, 449.01
License not required, 449.02
Examinations, 449.04
Examining board:
Creation, membership, 15.405 (8)
Public members, 15.08 (1m) (b)
Disputes with department secretary, arbitration, 440.045
Enforcement, 449.03
General provisions, 15.08, 440.035
Review of board's action, 449.09
Health care plans, coverage, 609.60