APPPS board transferred from DHFS to DOA; PR appropriation created; use of grant moneys by organizations [Sec. 174, 693-695, 1569-1572, 9123 (4)] -  AB144
APPPS board transferred from DHFS to DOA; PR appropriation created; use of grant moneys by organizations [Sec. 174, 693-695, 1569-1572, 9123 (4)] -  SB55
General program operations and grants to organizations decreased [Sec. 9202 (1), (2)] - JR2 AB1
adult day careAdult day care, see Day care
Highway right-of-way under DOT jurisdiction: permit for vegetation removal re visibility of business or sign [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2340vg] -  SB55
Intoxicating liquor retailer advertising requirements revised - AB625
Intoxicating liquor retailer advertising requirements revised - SB312
School board prohibited from entering into certain contracts - AB83
Wild rice: advertising and labeling requirements revised; DATCP and forfeiture provisions - AB773
Wild rice: advertising and labeling requirements revised; DATCP and forfeiture provisions - SB486
advertisement _ fraudulentAdvertisement — Fraudulent
Fraudulent representations and deceptive advertising: exemptions for the insurance and real estate businesses repealed; preapproval of open-end credit plan provisions  - SB396
Wisconsin election campaign fund moneys used to make false representations prohibited -  AB441
advertising _ stateAdvertising — State
Advertising historic sites and state parks: Tour.Dept to fund from existing appropriation [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1400n] -  SB55
Agricultural tourism signs: DOT to develop with DATCP consultation [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2340x; Conf.Amdt.1: provisions revised and expanded, 2340y, deletes 3240x]  - SB55
Brand image for Wisconsin technology and biotechnology: Forward Wisconsin, Inc., to study [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 17u, v, 26, 28no, p, 9110 (1c), 9410 (1e)]  - JR2 AB1
Forest product marketing and advertisement [Sec. 459, 3666] - AB144
Forest product marketing and advertisement [Sec. 459, 3666; original bill only] -  SB55
State lottery advertising revised and appropriation reduced - AB315
Timber sales of certain estimated value from state, county, or community forests: advertising requirements revised  - AB787
aeronauticsAeronautics, see Airport; Aviation
african_americanAfrican-American, see Minority groups
aging and long_term care, board onAging and long-term care, Board on
Annual appropriation made continuing [Sec. 688] -  AB144
Annual appropriation made continuing [Sec. 688] -  SB55
BOALTC volunteer ombudsman coordinator position; use of nursing home penalty assessments to fund position [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 687w, 721w, 9123 (8r); Conf.Amdt.1: position funding, 688d, deletes 687w]  - SB55
GPR appropriation decreased [Sec. 9203 (1); deleted by Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1] -  JR2 AB1
agribusinessAgribusiness, see Agriculture
agricultural creditAgricultural credit
Agricultural credit transactions: documentation requirements -  AB384
Rural finance authority: creation proposed [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9110 (1v)] -  JR2 AB1
Wisconsin Consumer Act coverage expanded to include certain agricultural transactions -  SB445
agricultural educationAgricultural education
Agricultural diversification grant funding increased; education and outreach to promote managed grazing and organic agricultural and dairying production practices, grants provided; dairy farm or agricultural business grant for starting, expanding, or modernizing modified; rural economic development program expanded -  SB445
Agriculture in the classroom program grants [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 421h, 2390p] - SB55
Land and water education grants for agricultural education; tribal gaming provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 580t, 890n, 1356g; Conf.Amdt.1: ``land and water" changed to ``grazing"] - SB55
Sustainable agricultural research grant program extablished; beginning farmer program funding re technical college system; Buy Wisconsin market development program created; study and research on dairy farms and livestock industry by certain U.W. programs; DOJ duty re antitrust and unfair trade practices in agriculture -  SB445
Agricultural development and diversification: DATCP to provide grants and technical assistance; funded by Indian gaming receipts [Sec. 418, 421, 891, 2391]  - AB144
Agricultural development and diversification: DATCP to provide grants and technical assistance; funded by Indian gaming receipts [Sec. 418, 421, 891, 2391; original bill only]  - SB55
Agricultural development zone provisions [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2146m, 2147k, r, t, 2177m, 2178k, r, t, 2191m, 2192r, t, 3700d, 3708m, 9344 (30nk)]  - SB55
Agricultural diversification grant funding increased; education and outreach to promote managed grazing and organic agricultural and dairying production practices, grants provided; dairy farm or agricultural business grant for starting, expanding, or modernizing modified; rural economic development program expanded -  SB445
Agricultural tourism signs: DOT to develop with DATCP consultation [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2340x; Conf.Amdt.1: provisions revised and expanded, 2340y, deletes 3240x]  - SB55
Agriculture and environment law revisions re water pollution and discharge permits, water quality standards, soil and water resource management program, Wisconsin Consumer Act coverage, agricultural grants, education, research, promotion, and WHEDA loan guarantee program -  SB445
Federal agricultural policy reform: DATCP assistance to organizations; sunset provided [Sec. 419, 2383]  - AB144
Federal agricultural policy reform: DATCP assistance to organizations; sunset provided [Sec. 419, 2383; S.Sub.Amdt.1: ``assistance" removed, funding to organizations provided, deletes 419] -  SB55
Fertilizer, pesticides, and feed fees and surcharges increased; agricultural chemical cleanup program reimbursement and fund balance modified; transfers from the agrichemical management fund to the environmental fund revised  - AB800
Fertilizer, pesticides, and feed fees and surcharges increased; agricultural chemical cleanup program reimbursement and fund balance modified; transfers from the agrichemical management fund to the environmental fund revised  - SB426
Sustainable agricultural research grant program extablished; beginning farmer program funding re technical college system; Buy Wisconsin market development program created; study and research on dairy farms and livestock industry by certain U.W. programs; DOJ duty re antitrust and unfair trade practices in agriculture -  SB445
Technology zones and agricultural development zones: JCF approval required; tax credit provision  - AB539
Wisconsin agricultural stewardship initiative facility: funding provided [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1034p, pm, 1039w]  - SB55
agriculture, trade, and consumer protection, department ofAgriculture, trade, and consumer protection, Department of
Agricultural development and diversification: DATCP to provide grants and technical assistance; funded by Indian gaming receipts [Sec. 418, 421, 891, 2391]  - AB144
Agricultural development and diversification: DATCP to provide grants and technical assistance; funded by Indian gaming receipts [Sec. 418, 421, 891, 2391; original bill only]  - SB55
Agricultural diversification grant funding increased; education and outreach to promote managed grazing and organic agricultural and dairying production practices, grants provided; dairy farm or agricultural business grant for starting, expanding, or modernizing modified; rural economic development program expanded -  SB445
Agricultural producer security program, fund, and council created [Sec. 168, 397, 398, 400, 403-407, 1104, 1128, 2382, 2385-2389, 2394, 2400-2405, 2414-2418, 2420, 2813, 2814, 2856, 3023, 3456, 9104 (1), (2), 9204 (1), (2), 9404 (1)-(4)] - AB144
Agricultural producer security program, fund, and council created [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Farm produce"] -  SB55
Agricultural tourism signs: DOT to develop with DATCP consultation [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2340x; Conf.Amdt.1: provisions revised and expanded, 2340y, deletes 3240x]  - SB55
Agriculture in the classroom program grants [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 421h, 2390p] - SB55
Animal health protection provisions; intrastate transport of white-tailed deer regulations created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 36d, db, 259r, s, 260p, 9137 (1w), 9237 (35w), 9437 (1w)]  - JR2 AB1
Animal health-related services appropriation made continuing; training of persons who issue fish health certificates, fees permitted [Sec. 408, 2399] -  AB144
Animal health-related services appropriation made continuing; training of persons who issue fish health certificates, fees permitted [Sec. 408, 2399] -  SB55
Appropriations consolidated [Sec. 409, 413, 414, 416, 420, 423, 424, 425, 427-431, 433, 436-438, 2392, 9204 (3)-(9)]  - AB144
Appropriations consolidated [Sec. 409, 413, 414, 416, 420, 423, 424, 425, 427-431, 433, 436-438, 2392, 9204 (3)-(9)]  - SB55
Appropriations: several changed from annual to continuing [Sec. 396, 399, 401, 410, 412, 417, 432, 434]  - AB144
Appropriations: several changed from annual to continuing [Sec. 396, 399, 401, 410, 412, 417, 432, 434; original bill only] - SB55
Automobile repair business regulation: separate DATCP appropriation eliminated [Sec. 27] -  JR2 AB1
Brancel, Ben: public service commended -  AJR38
Business opportunity plans sold or leased by a business: requirements and restrictions created; DATCP provisions  - SB414
Caller ID: use of blocking service by telephone solicitors prohibited; forfeiture provision -  AB621
Captive wildlife, farm-raised game, fur farms, wild and domestic animals, game birds, poultry, and fish: licensing, killing, definitions, introduction and stocking, and treatment revisions; DNR and DATCP authority, ordinance, penalty, and plant food for game bird provisions -  AB614
Captive wildlife, farm-raised game, fur farms, wild and domestic animals, game birds, poultry, and fish: licensing, killing, definitions, introduction and stocking, and treatment revisions; DNR and DATCP authority, ordinance, penalty, and plant food for game bird provisions -  SB307
Chronic wasting disease re cervids: funding, hunting, and DNR authority provisions; JCRAR may extend certain DATCP emergency rule -  MY2 AB1
Chronic wasting disease re cervids: funding, hunting, and DNR authority provisions; JCRAR may extend certain DATCP emergency rule [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, shooting and DNR emergency rule provisions; S.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.1: notice and shooting from farm tractor or implement of husbandry provisions] -  MY2 SB1
Computer system expenses: appropriation changed from annual to biennial [Sec. 435] -  AB144
Computer system expenses: appropriation changed from annual to biennial [Sec. 435; original bill only]  - SB55
Consumer billing practices: prohibitions created; lawn care service contracts regulated; DATCP duties specified  - AB894
Consumer goods and services sold at unreasonably high prices: Governor may prohibit re abnormal economic disruption due to an emergency; definitions, penalties, and DATCP provisions - AB762
Consumer protection assessment revisions [Sec. 402, 2422-2427, 3832, 3834, 9304 (1)] - AB144
Consumer protection assessment revisions [Sec. 402, 2422-2427, 3832, 3834, 9304 (1); Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: deletes 3832] -  SB55
Consumer protection enforcement authority of DOJ transferred to DATCP; DOJ legal services provision [Sec. 763, 2406, 2407, 2409-2413, 2419, 2421, 2428, 2855, 3770, 9131 (1)]  - AB144