kidney diseaseKidney disease, see Disease
Bilingual teacher requirements in grades K-8 revised [Sec. 2673-2675] -  AB144
Bilingual teacher requirements in grades K-8 revised [Sec. 2673-2675; original bill only] - SB55
Educational supplies for dependent pupils at certain schools: individual income tax deduction created  - AB511
Eye examinations for children entering kindergarten required; forms to be created [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2679m, 3504p, 9143 (3c); Conf.Amdt.1: ``and evaluations" added]  - SB55
Home Instruction for Preschool Youngsters: subgrant provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9140 (2f); Conf.Amdt.1: subgrant to the extent of federal law, 9140 (2x), deletes 9140 (2f)]  - JR2 AB1
Kindergarten pupils: counting 4-year-olds discontinued; referendum required to include programs for 4-year-olds in shared cost or property tax expenditures - AB879
Kindergarten pupils: counting 4-year-olds re revenue limit [Conf.Amdt.1 to S. Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2749m, 2761d, g, 2764m, 2788m, 2798L, 9140 (10f), 9340 (8h)]  - SB55
Kindergarten pupils: counting 5-year-olds modified; referendum required to include programs for 4- or 5-year-olds in shared cost or property tax expenditures  - AB878
Kindergarten pupils: 4-year-olds counted the same as 5-year-olds re state aid -  AB705
Kindergarten pupils: 4-year-olds counted the same as 5-year-olds re state aid -  SB255
Milwaukee parental choice program: participating private school requirements revised re kindergarten; DPI authorized to determine if program meets statutory criteria of a private school - AB432
kinship careKinship care, see Day care
kubista, royKubista, Roy
Life and public service - SJR56
kuzminski, richard bKuzminski, Richard B.
Life and public service - SJR34
la crosse, city ofLa Crosse, City of
Brownfields site assessment program transferred from DNR to Comm.Dept; sustainable urban development zone program eliminated [Sec. 619, 620, 3323, 3324, 3696]  - AB144
Brownfields site assessment program transferred from DNR to Comm.Dept; sustainable urban development zone program eliminated [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Environmental protection"]  - SB55
$8,420.92 transportation aids fee claim -  AB332
$8,420.92 transportation aids fee claim [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 632m, n, 9159 (3q), 9452 (10q)]  - SB55
La Crosse Logan High School baseball team commended for 2001 season and WIAA Division 1 championship  - AR33
Mosquito larvae suppression in cities of Brookfield and La Crosse [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 369L]  - JR2 AB1
Property tax exemption report filed by church or religious association re certain land annexed by city of La Crosse: deadline modified -  SB259
la crosse countyLa Crosse county
Armitage, Inc., in city of Onalaska: grant to provide supportive living environment for veterans [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 788s, 9157 (6c); Conf.Amdt.1: further revisions, 788sf]  - SB55
Halfway Creek Bike Trail project: DOT grant to city of Holmen if contribution is made to costs [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9152 (4d)] - SB55
Traffic control signals at STH 16 and Brickl Road in village of West Salem: DOT to install [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9152 (6r)] -  SB55
Cesar E. Chavez day: optional holiday for state employees created -  AB112
Cesar E. Chavez day: optional holiday for state employees created -  SB48
Labor-related reports by DWD, Corr.Dept, and DOR; student loan forgiveness study; job training access policies; occupational driver's license fee -  AB556
Labor shortage, Special committee on: recommendations -  AB516
Labor shortage, Special committee on: recommendations -  SB249
Labor supply in Wisconsin: DWD to prepare annual report -  AB516
Labor supply in Wisconsin: DWD to prepare annual report -  AB556
Labor supply in Wisconsin: DWD to prepare annual report -  SB249
UWHCA and UWHC Board: membership revised; JCF and LAB duties, reports required; labor organization, whistleblower, and contract provisions - AB883
Workforce-development related tax incentives: DOR to report on current status and make recommendations  - AB516
Workforce-development related tax incentives: DOR to report on current status and make recommendations  - AB556
Workforce-development related tax incentives: DOR to report on current status and make recommendations  - SB249
labor and industry review commissionLabor and industry review commission
LIRC findings in worker's compensation or UI case: standard by which a court may set aside -  AB397
labor unionLabor union
Cities of Madison and Milwaukee commended for reaching status of ``Union Cities" -  AR53
Organized labor in American history and the collective bargaining process: instruction in public schools required  - AB131
Organized labor in American history and the collective bargaining process: instruction in public schools required  - SB235
Public construction projects: requirements for participation by labor organizations established - AB323
Public construction projects: requirements for participation by labor organizations set -  AB285
ladysmith, city ofLadysmith, City of, see Rusk county
lafayette countyLafayette county
Highway rest area location, closure, or reopening; location exception re village of Belmont [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2307f, 9152 (3wy), 9352 (3wy)]  - SB55
lakesLakes, see also Shoreland zoning
Ballast water treatment and management to prevent spread of aquatic nuisance species re vessels operating on Great Lakes: DNR duties specified -  AB598
E. coli or other appropriate indicator organism: testing required at public beaches along portions of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior; notification provision - AB873
Environmental repair bonding authority increased; amount allocated to Great Lakes cleanup [Sec. 966]  - AB144
Environmental repair bonding authority increased; amount allocated to Great Lakes cleanup [Sec. 966; S.Sub.Amdt.1: environmental fund debt service appropriation, 621d, f]  - SB55
Great Lakes: installing an oil or gas pipeline on or beneath prohibited -  AB634
Great Lakes: drilling to explore for or produce oil or gas prohibited [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3325k]  - SB55
Great Lakes: drilling to explore for or produce oil or gas prohibited -  SB159
Great Lakes Forestry Museum in city of Rice Lake [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 603q, r, 9110 (10p), 9137 (5mk), 9437 (mk); Conf.Amdt.1: further revisions, 451, 629do, dom, 9437 (3mkx)] -  SB55
Great Lakes: installing pipeline or drilling to explore for or produce oil or gas prohibited -  AB433
Great Lakes: installing pipeline or drilling to explore for or produce oil or gas prohibited -  SB214
Great Lakes water diverted and sold: U.S. and Canadian governments urged to prohibit -  SJR36
Keyes Lake in Florence county: funding for recreational area [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3039bv]  - SB55
Lake Belle View and Sugar River project by the village of Belleville [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1261k]  - SB55
Lake Koshkonong project [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1261g] -  SB55
Lake management grant program revisions; premier lake association provision [Sec. 612, 1318, 1319, 1320-1328, 3177-3207, 9337 (2)] -  AB144
Lake management grant program revisions; premier lake association provision [Sec. 612, 1318, 1319, 1320-1328, 3177-3207, 9337 (2); S.Sub.Amdt.1: premier lake provision removed, lake management project grants, 9337 (2y), (2z), deletes 612, 3177-3179, 3190, 3191, 3198, 3200, 3204, 3207, 9337 (2)] - SB55
Lake management grant to Dane county re Fish, Mud, and Crystal Lakes [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9137 (8q)]  - SB55
Little Rock Lake acidification experiment: sunset date extended [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1261gk]  - SB55
Motorboat gas tax formula revised; wetlands protection grant program created; DNR funding increased re wetlands mitigation, lake management, river protection, and for certain positions; federal Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program payments to counties; funding for county staff re land and water resource management plans -  SB443
Motorboat gas tax formula revised; wetlands protection grant program created; DNR funding increased re wetlands mitigation, lake management, river protection, and for certain positions; federal Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program payments to counties; funding for county staff re land and water resource management plans -  SB468
Nonpoint source program grant to a lake district for a priority lake: uses specified [Sec. 3171] - AB144
Nonpoint source program grant to a lake district for a priority lake: uses specified [Sec. 3171] - SB55
Personal watercraft operation: ordinance prohibiting use at specified times or days permitted - AB680
Priority watershed funding extensions limited [Sec. 3175, 3176]  - AB144
Priority watershed funding extensions limited [Sec. 3175, 3176; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, 3176b, deletes 3175, 3176] - SB55
Public access to body of water for fishing purposes: signage by DNR required [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1038dg]  - SB55