Arts Board placed in Tour.Dept rather than attached to Tour.Dept; Percent for Art Program eliminated [Sec. 47, 168, 502-517, 739, 1177, 1179, 1182-1196, 1198-1236, 1742-1745, 2867, 2868, 9104 (1), (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 1205d, deletes 1205] - AB40
Arts Board placed in Tour.Dept rather than attached to Tour.Dept; Percent for Art Program eliminated [Sec. 47, 168, 502-517, 739, 1177, 1179, 1182-1196, 1198-1236, 1742-1745, 2867, 2868, 9104 (1), (2)]  - SB27
Film production tax credit administration transferred from Comm.Dept to Tour.Dept [Sec. 1874-1877, 2004-2007, 2115-2118, 3368] -  AB40
Tourism marketing GPR made a biennial appropriation; earmarked grants for promoting multicultural events and the Milwaukee Public Museum [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 603g, 1167g, h] - AB40
tourist rooming houseTourist rooming house, see Hotel and motel
towingTowing, see Garage
townTown, see also name of specific town
Annexation by city or village: towns authorized to challenge certain procedure in court [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, county board approval of cross-county annexation no longer needed, town may ask DOA to review proposed annexation and if a requirement is violated, the town my challenge in circuit court] -  AB181
Annexation by city or village: towns authorized to challenge certain procedure in court -  SB129
Combined protective services departments: certain class cities and towns authorized to provide and limitation of villages removed [Sec. 1140, 1141, 1686-1690, 1697-1713, 1717, 1728, 2405, 3194, 3495-3498, 3539, 3562-3567; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 2405]  - AB40
Combined protective services departments: certain class cities and towns authorized to provide and limitation of villages removed; JSCRS appendix report [Sec. 1140, 1141, 1686-1690, 1697-1713, 1717, 1728, 2405, 3194, 3495-3498, 3539, 3562-3567] -  SB27
Community welcoming sign within highway right-of-way allowed under certain conditions; DOT provision  - AB583
Dam safety projects: stewardship assistance eligibility expanded to include towns -  AB592
Dam safety projects: stewardship assistance eligibility expanded to include towns -  SB443
Highways in need of repair and accumulation of snow or ice: liability immunity of cities, villages, towns, and counties for damages revised -  AB180
Highways in need of repair and accumulation of snow or ice: liability immunity of cities, villages, towns, and counties for damages revised -  SB125
``Land surveying" replaced with ``practice of professional land surveying", definition provision and various references replaced; licensure, permit, and certification revisions including eliminating public employee and utilities exemptions; town survey, platting, subdivision plats, and certified survey map revisions; ordinary high water mark on lake or stream shore map; public access, easement, and penalty provisions  - AB586
``Land surveying" replaced with ``practice of professional land surveying", definition provision and various references replaced; licensure, permit, and certification revisions including eliminating public employee and utilities exemptions; town survey, platting, subdivision plats, and certified survey map revisions; ordinary high water mark on lake or stream shore map; public access, easement, and penalty provisions  - SB444
No-passing zones on state trunk highways within city, village, or town boundary: local government may designate without regard to DOT procedures and standards  - AB629
Prevailing wage applied to highway, road, street, bridge, sanitary sewer, or water main public works project for a town: statutory threshold for applicability raised; DWD duties  - AB91
Prevailing wage applied to highway, road, street, bridge, sanitary sewer, or water main public works project for a town: statutory threshold for applicability raised; DWD duties  - SB46
Public construction projects and highway improvement projects: eliminating prohibitions from 2011 WisAct 32  - AB454
Public construction projects and highway improvement projects: eliminating prohibitions from 2011 WisAct 32  - SB337
Public construction projects, which includes road projects: limitations on performance of by political subdivisions, method of bidding revisions, county highway department maintenance capacity and funding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1727d-L, 2221i, 2267x, 9332 (1u), 9432 (1u); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: performance by political subdivisions provisions removed, limitation on highway work performed by a county for another county or municipality, exceptions provided, appropriation provisions, 1675n, 1696m, 1713m, 2278em, o, deletes 1727i]  - AB40
TIDs in towns: provisions revised re city or village that annexes or attaches a district, DOR duty [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1740g, k, 1741e-es] -  AB40
Town incorporated as a city or village: organizing the first election of officers changed from circuit court clerk to county clerk requirement -  AB506
town _ boardTown — Board
Police or fire protection services: sheriff and municipality cannot condition the provision of services on a person's payment of fees, charge, or tax -  AB192
Police or fire protection services: sheriff and municipality cannot condition the provision of services on a person's payment of fees, charge, or tax -  SB128
town _ lawsTown — Laws
Bow and arrow hunting: local governmental units may not enact or enforce local law prohibiting, exception provided  - AB234
Development moratorium ordinance: city, town, or village may enact under specified conditions including burden on public facilities and public safety or health threat  - AB562
Development moratorium ordinance: city, town, or village may enact under specified conditions including burden on public facilities and public safety or health threat [S.Amdt.1: ``land development" provisions deleted] - SB504
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: employers may refuse to employ or terminate employment of a person convicted of a felony and has not been pardoned; state fair employment law is a matter of statewide concern and local governments are prohibited from adopting provisions prohibiting activities allowed under that law  - AB286
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: employers may refuse to employ or terminate employment of a person convicted of a felony and has not been pardoned; state fair employment law is a matter of statewide concern and local governments are prohibited from adopting provisions prohibiting activities allowed under that law  - SB207
Family and medical leave: state law construed as an enactment of statewide concern and preempts city, village, town, or county ordinances -  AB41
Family and medical leave: state law construed as an enactment of statewide concern and preempts city, village, town, or county ordinances -  SB23
Family and medical leave: state law construed as an enactment of statewide concern and preempts city, village, town, or county ordinances -  JR1 AB12
Lawful presence in state: if reasonable suspicion, law enforcement officer to have federal agency determine re person arrested or charged with a crime or civil action, secured custody and jail cost provisions; ordinance, resolution, or policy prohibiting a local governmental employee from inquiring if an individual receiving public services has a satisfactory immigration status or notifying the federal government of the presence of illegal aliens prohibited, writ of mandamus provision  - AB173
Minimum wage law revisions; DWD duties and consumer price index provision; prohibition on living wage local ordinance eliminated -  AB281
Minimum wage law revisions; DWD duties and consumer price index provision; prohibition on living wage local ordinance eliminated -  SB187
Mixed martial arts fighting (amateur and professional): town authorized to enact and enforce an ordinance prohibiting - AB308
Motor vehicle registration fee imposed by local governments by ordinance: referendum requirement - AB295
Public buildings and places of employment: ordinances establishing minimum standards for construction, repair, and maintenance must conform to Comm.Dept rules  - SB32
Residential landlord: prohibiting ordinances that impose specified limits -  AB155
Residential landlord: prohibiting ordinances that impose specified limits [S.Amdt.3: prohibits ordinances that place requirements on landlords re security deposits and inspections] - SB107
town _ officersTown — Officers
Election law revisions re municipal and county canvassing procedures, provisional ballot information, recount petition filing deadline, terms of town officers, annual town meeting date, and technical revisions -  AB476
Election law revisions re municipal and county canvassing procedures, provisional ballot information, recount petition filing deadline, terms of town officers, annual town meeting date, and technical revisions [S.Amdts.1 and 2: further revisions] - SB381
town _ policeTown — Police, see Police
town _ taxationTown — Taxation
County library tax exemption for city, town, village, or school district under set conditions -  AB543
County library tax exemption for city, town, village, or school district under set conditions -  SB531
Property tax: different rates for parts of cities, villages, towns, counties, and school districts added by attachments to school districts, consolidations, and boundary changes under cooperative agreements; exception from ``uniformity clause" requirement. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR41
trade practiceTrade practice, see also Product liability; Sales
Credit card marketing on campuses of institutions of higher education restrictions created and providing financial literacy information to students required; rules on extending credit to individuals under 21 years old established; forfeiture provision - AB340
Credit card marketing on campuses of institutions of higher education restrictions created and providing financial literacy information to students required; rules on extending credit to individuals under 21 years old established; forfeiture provision - SB258
DRL name changed to Department of Safety and Professional Services; Comm.Dept functions transferred re building and safety, certain economic development business certifications and grant programs, and PECFA; approval of education and training for veterans and other eligible persons transferred from DVA; unfair trade practice rules re residential and noncommercial properties transferred from DATCP; administration of laws re erosion control at commercial building construction sites transferred from DNR; DOA appendix report [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] - SB27
DRL name changed to Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) and some Comm.Dept functions transferred; certain unfair trade practice rules transferred from DATCP; administration of laws re erosion control at commercial building construction sites transferred from DNR; DOA provisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]  - AB40
Energy-efficient products for residential use purchased around April 21st (Earth Day): sales and use tax exemptions created, unfair trade practice for contractor to claim an exemption; JSCTE appendix report -  AB710
Energy-efficient products for residential use purchased around April 21st (Earth Day): sales and use tax exemptions created, unfair trade practice for contractor to claim an exemption; JSCTE appendix report -  SB554
Incandescent light bulbs manufactured and sold in this state are not subject to federal law or regulation re interstate commerce; definition, ``Made in Wisconsin" stamp, and AG provisions - AB596
Incandescent light bulbs manufactured and sold in this state are not subject to federal law or regulation re interstate commerce; definition, ``Made in Wisconsin" stamp, and AG provisions - SB470
Novelty lighters: retail sale to minors and display in area accessible to the general public prohibited; definition and penalty provisions -  AB83
Novelty lighters: retail sale to minors and display in area accessible to the general public prohibited; definition and penalty provisions -  SB509
Prescription drugs exempt from Unfair Sales Act -  SB360
Residential contractors prohibited from promising to pay or rebate property insurance deductible re specified repairs or replacements; consumer may cancel a contract for repairs or replacement if it is paid by insurance and all or part of the claim is not covered, written notice required; unfair trade practice and penalty provisions -  AB654
Theft of services: ``merchandise" definition re retail theft expanded to include a service provided by a service provider; penalties and JRCCP report -  AB124
Theft of services: ``merchandise" definition re retail theft expanded to include a service provided by a service provider; penalties and JRCCP report -  SB85
Trade and marketing forums re business relationships among Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III manufacturers: Comm.Dept to allocate funds and conduct -  AB10
Wisconsin Shares: eligible individuals may not benefit from provider marketing unless it directly benefits the child [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1378g, h] -  AB40
Notary public and trademark functions of the Office of the Secretary of State transferred to DFI [Sec. 754, 2310, 2605-2637, 9142 (1) -  AB40
Notary public and trademark functions of the Office of the Secretary of State transferred to DFI [Sec. 754, 2310, 2605-2637, 9142 (1) -  SB27
Special distinguishing registration plates displaying the words ``Support Planned Parenthood"; fees, trademark, and service mark provisions -  AB667
Special distinguishing registration plates supporting Shriners Hospitals for Children; fees, trademark, and service mark provisions -  AB590
Special distinguishing registration plates supporting Shriners Hospitals for Children; fees, trademark, and service mark provisions -  SB445
Special distinguishing registration plates supporting the Wisconsin Chapter of the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association; fees, trademark, and service mark provisions  - AB330
Special distinguishing registration plates supporting Wisconsin Trout Unlimited, Inc.; fees, trademark, and service mark provisions -  AB524
trades and occupationsTrades and occupations, see also specific occupation
Active duty service member professional or occupational licensure renewal requirements revised, provisions for spouse added; DSPS or licensing board reciprocal license provisions extended to spouse -  AB674
Active duty service member professional or occupational licensure renewal requirements revised, provisions for spouse added; DSPS or licensing board reciprocal license provisions extended to spouse -  SB550
Apprentice wages: income and franchise tax credits created, conditions specified -  AB587
Apprentice wages: income and franchise tax credits created, conditions specified -  SB448
Collective bargaining rights of U.W. System, UWHCA, and certain home care and child care provider employees eliminated - JR1 AB11
Collective bargaining rights of U.W. System, UWHCA, and certain home care and child care provider employees eliminated - JR1 SB11