Construction manager-general contractor process: DOT authorized to use for highway improvement projects under certain conditions [Sec. 2556-2560, 3078, 4609, 4610, 4643, 4644, 9345 (3); original bill only] -
SB21Contingent funding for major highway and rehabilitation projects: DOT bonding authority, JCF approval, and sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 656g, t, 877m, 2547g, t, 2569u, 9145 (1v)] -
SB21County and municipality sales and use tax for maintenance of streets and highways permitted, referendum required, and sunset provision -
AB210DOT authorized to provide funding for construction of the I 94 east-west project [Sec. 2552, 2553, 2555] -
AB21DOT authorized to provide funding for construction of the I 94 east-west project [Sec. 2552, 2553, 2555; original bill only] -
SB21DOT funding for state highway rehabilitation, major highway development, southeast freeway megaprojects, and local transportation facility improvement revised; LFB duties -
AB565DOT funding for state highway rehabilitation, major highway development, southeast freeway megaprojects, and local transportation facility improvement revised; LFB duties -
SB411DOT rule-making authority re bikeways and pedestrian ways in new highway construction and reconstruction projects repealed [Admin.Code Trans 75] [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4751c] -
SB21DOT rules: technical changes and revisions re Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act, evaluation of major highway projects, recreational vehicle dealers, motor vehicle rental companies, design of handicapped parking signs, and electronic signatures for ID card applications for certain parking privileges [for Administrative Code numbers, see entry under ``Transportation, Department of –- Administrative rules"] -
AB454DOT rules: technical changes and revisions re Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act, evaluation of major highway projects, recreational vehicle dealers, motor vehicle rental companies, design of handicapped parking signs, and electronic signatures for ID card applications for certain parking privileges [for Administrative Code numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Transportation, Department of -– Administrative rules"] -
SB360Driving while using a cellular or other wireless telephone in a construction zone prohibited; emergency, hands-free device, and penalty provisions -
AB198Driving while using a cellular or other wireless telephone in a construction zone prohibited; emergency, hands-free device, and penalty provisions -
SB135East arterial highway project along STH 54 from the Village of Port Edwards to City of Wisconsin Rapids: vehicle traffic study on STH 13 and environmental impact statement requirement -
AB826Environmental impact statement for major highway project in Wood County required [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2551u] -
SB21Highway improvement projects: prohibitions re county workforce working on projects in another county or municipality and local government workforce working on a construction project for which a private person is financially responsible eliminated -
AB902Highway improvement projects: prohibitions re county workforce working on projects in another county or municipality and local government workforce working on a construction project for which a private person is financially responsible eliminated -
SB658I 94 east-west corridor project in Milwaukee County: DOT authorized to provide funding -
AB875Motor vehicle fuel tax rate increased to pay debt service on major highway and rehabilitation projects; DOR to adjust annually based on consumer price index -
AB972Motor vehicle fuel tax rate increased to pay debt service on major highway and rehabilitation projects; DOR to adjust annually based on consumer price index -
SB763Prevailing wage law as applied to local projects of public works repealed; federally determined rates required on state projects; DWD administration and enforcement transferred to DOA and other revisions; exceptions, restrictions to remedies, and compliance provisions [S.Amdt.2 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 380n, 453xm, 1948y, 1991sd-sv, 2560p, 2569s, 3075p, 3077b-np, 3078cd, ch, 3080p, 3135c-i, 3579p, 3621p, v, 4726c-w, 4740b, 9151 (1q), 9351 (3q), 9451 (3q)] -
SB21Roundabouts in highway projects: approval from governing body of the municipality required -
AB326Roundabouts in highway projects: approval from governing body of the municipality required -
SB242State highway rehabilitation projects: authorized general obligation bonding limit increased [Sec. 877] -
AB21State highway rehabilitation projects: authorized general obligation bonding limit increased [Sec. 877; original bill only] -
SB21Town expenditures re highway maintenance and construction: limit eliminated -
AB161Town expenditures re highway maintenance and construction: limit eliminated -
SB118Highway improvement projects: prohibitions re county workforce working on projects in another county or municipality and local government workforce working on a construction project for which a private person is financially responsible eliminated -
AB902Highway improvement projects: prohibitions re county workforce working on projects in another county or municipality and local government workforce working on a construction project for which a private person is financially responsible eliminated -
SB658Bridge projects, highway and interstate: general obligation bonding limit increased [Sec. 874, 876] -
AB21Bridge projects, highway and interstate: general obligation bonding limit increased [Sec. 874, 876] -
SB21Building Commission revenue bond limit increased for major highway projects and transportation administrative facilities; revenue bond proceeds may be expended for certain freeway megaprojects approved by the legislature [Sec. 651, 655, 657, 2554, 2570, 2572] -
AB21Building Commission revenue bond limit increased for major highway projects and transportation administrative facilities; revenue bond proceeds may be expended for certain freeway megaprojects approved by the legislature [Sec. 651, 655, 657, 2554, 2570, 2572; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 651, 655, 657, 2554, 2570] -
SB21Conforming to federal weight limits along I 41 corridor [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4350b-u] -
SB21DOT authorized to provide funding for construction of the I 94 east-west project [Sec. 2552, 2553, 2555] -
AB21DOT authorized to provide funding for construction of the I 94 east-west project [Sec. 2552, 2553, 2555; original bill only] -
SB21DOT funding for state highway rehabilitation, major highway development, southeast freeway megaprojects, and local transportation facility improvement revised; LFB duties -
AB565DOT funding for state highway rehabilitation, major highway development, southeast freeway megaprojects, and local transportation facility improvement revised; LFB duties -
SB411Highway speed restrictions: local highway authorities allowed to reduce without DOT approval -
AB966Highway speed restrictions: local highway authorities allowed to reduce without DOT approval -
SB761I 94 east-west corridor project in Milwaukee County: DOT authorized to provide funding -
AB875Maximum speed limit on freeways and expressways increased [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, limited to certain expressways] -
AB27Maximum speed limit on freeways and expressways increased -
SB26Outdoor advertising signs along highways: regulations revised; DOT duties and fee provisions -
AB1023Vehicle size and weight limit permit revisions re I 39 corridor and I 41 corridor; DOT duties [A.Amdt.1: specific highway information signs provision added; A.Amdt.2: further revisions] -
AB558Vehicle size and weight limit permit revisions re I 39 corridor and I 41 corridor; DOT duties -
SB566Appeal of general transportation aid provision created; transportation aid payments to Town of Kendall and Village of Lake Hallie [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 648r, 2595k, 9145 (1f), (2f)] -
SB21Bridge projects, highway and interstate: general obligation bonding limit increased [Sec. 874, 876] -
AB21Bridge projects, highway and interstate: general obligation bonding limit increased [Sec. 874, 876] -
SB21Contingent funding for major highway and rehabilitation projects: DOT bonding authority, JCF approval, and sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 656g, t, 877m, 2547g, t, 2569u, 9145 (1v)] -
SB21DOT authorized to provide funding for construction of the I 94 east-west project [Sec. 2552, 2553, 2555] -
AB21DOT authorized to provide funding for construction of the I 94 east-west project [Sec. 2552, 2553, 2555; original bill only] -
SB21DOT funding for state highway rehabilitation, major highway development, southeast freeway megaprojects, and local transportation facility improvement revised; LFB duties -
AB565DOT funding for state highway rehabilitation, major highway development, southeast freeway megaprojects, and local transportation facility improvement revised; LFB duties -
SB411DOT sponsorship agreements re materials displayed at passenger rail station: fees deposited in transportation fund [Sec. 652, 2546, 2547] -
AB21DOT sponsorship agreements re materials displayed at passenger rail station: fees deposited in transportation fund [Sec. 652, 2546, 2547] -
SB21I 94 east-west corridor project in Milwaukee County: DOT authorized to provide funding -
AB875Local roads improvement program: reimbursement provisions modified re use of tribal government funds [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2595m, n] -
SB21Municipalities permitted to impose a sales and use tax and must use the revenue for transportation purposes; sales and use tax rate reduced and sales tax from gasoline and diesel fuel sales required to be deposited in the transportation fund -
AB301Petroleum inspection fund transfer to transportation fund [Sec. 9238 (1)] -
AB21Petroleum inspection fund transfer to transportation fund [Sec. 9238 (1)] -
SB21Railroad property acquisition and improvement and rail passenger route development: general obligation bonding limit revised [Sec. 875, 878; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, transportation fund lapse, 9245 (1q)] -
SB21State highway rehabilitation projects: authorized general obligation bonding limit increased [Sec. 877] -
AB21State highway rehabilitation projects: authorized general obligation bonding limit increased [Sec. 877; original bill only] -
SB21Transportation facilities economic assistance and development (TEA) program: state share and local share of total project costs revised [Sec. 2565-2568] -
AB21Transportation facilities economic assistance and development (TEA) program: state share and local share of total project costs revised [Sec. 2565-2568; original bill only] -
SB21Transportation fund solvency study: DOT to conduct and report to JCF [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9145 (5f)] -
SB21Young Road Bridge in Town of Seneca: highway and local bridge improvement assistance for replacement [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 650r, 9145 (3f)] -
SB21Snowplow drivers honored for their dedication and keeping Wisconsin roadways safe -
AJR118Basilica of St. Josaphat in Milwaukee County: DOT to erect and maintain directional signs; contributions from interested parties provision -
AB83Basilica of St. Josaphat in Milwaukee County: DOT to erect and maintain directional signs; contributions from interested parties provision -
SB11``Carson Holmquist Memorial Highway”: route of STH 87 designated as; DOT to mark, contributions from interested parties provision -
AB601``Carson Holmquist Memorial Highway”: route of STH 87 designated as; DOT to mark, contributions from interested parties provision -
SB447DOT prohibited from installing certain equipment on highways -
AB330Flashing yellow arrow traffic control signal: when vehicular traffic may enter intersection clarified -
AB205Flashing yellow arrow traffic control signal: when vehicular traffic may enter intersection clarified -
SB154``Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail" established; DOT and Tour.Dept duties [A.Amdt.1: appropriation removed, contributions from interested parties and other conditions added] -
AB512``Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail" established; DOT and Tour.Dept duties -
SB384``Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail" established; DOT and Tour.Dept duties [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 641m, n, 1422m, 2564m, 2595g] -
SB21Golf cart crossing points on highways: municipality authority to establish modified -
AB306Golf cart crossing points on highways: municipality authority to establish modified [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, county added, highway crossing signs required, speed limit and DOT provisions] -
SB225Iola Old Car Show: DOT required to erect directional signs; contributions from interested parties provision -
AB509Iola Old Car Show: DOT required to erect directional signs; contributions from interested parties provision [S.Amdt.1: delete ``Old"] -
SB382Motorists required to stop and remain stopped until pedestrian, bicyclist, or rider of personal assistive mobility device has crossed highway marked by crosswalk or with certain traffic signal -